“…explain a lot….”?!? Horsehockey! It creates more questions.
Where exactly is “Murdaugh’s gambling den” on the Moselle property. “? Surely we’re not to believe that Mags, Bus and PaPa were aware of gambling in the pool room basement of the main house? No, must of been the hanger then hunh? The feed room would be SRO for a gambling den so it couldn’t have been in there. Maybe the cabin Papa burned down?
I’d believe the PVC caches of money before I’d believe DA ” Elick” ran a gambling ring. Bahamas anyone?
Gambling is certainly a way that big money can disappear. Was the cell phone ever located? Do authorities have it now? All of this is much deeper than the shady dealings of one man or a few small time thugs. Whether it’s that phone or other sources, there are very likely other big fish.
I can’t believe these funds can’t be traced. The trail didn’t start as cash, it began as deposits to the law firm or to Alex’s personal or business account. All transfers, checks, etc from those accounts would leave a paper trail – even overseas transfers – and converting huge amounts into cash would leave numerous form 8300 cash transaction reports. Either the right agency is not involved or the trail ends somewhere that is seemingly legitimate.
One theory of who killed them is someone close to the girl Paul killed in the boating accident. It’s poetic justice that Alex gets wrongly convicted and imprisoned for their murders.
Where’s the money you ask? Same place as all the money from Carolina Investors scandal. Investigation controlled from within(would have been the same on Murdaugh had the murders not happened and gone international) as it always is and never sees the light of day. All over this State same situation. System of good ole boy fixers/lawyers/Judges ready for the next take. Read the heartbreaking note from Stephen Smith’s mother to the FBI in DC. Read it once then read it again slowly. Remember Nikki Haley, who wants to be your next President, is listed. The FBI in Washington its addressed to as she couldn’t trust the local FBI. Even then…Still no attention…follow the money past Palmetto and into the shell accounts of their friends. Enjoy seeing all these good Christians at Sunday service. Bless your heart.
I called up “Gangster Report,” it scared me to think those folks are walking about in public today.
“…explain a lot….”?!? Horsehockey! It creates more questions.
Where exactly is “Murdaugh’s gambling den” on the Moselle property. “? Surely we’re not to believe that Mags, Bus and PaPa were aware of gambling in the pool room basement of the main house? No, must of been the hanger then hunh? The feed room would be SRO for a gambling den so it couldn’t have been in there. Maybe the cabin Papa burned down?
I’d believe the PVC caches of money before I’d believe DA ” Elick” ran a gambling ring. Bahamas anyone?
Gambling is certainly a way that big money can disappear. Was the cell phone ever located? Do authorities have it now? All of this is much deeper than the shady dealings of one man or a few small time thugs. Whether it’s that phone or other sources, there are very likely other big fish.
I can’t believe these funds can’t be traced. The trail didn’t start as cash, it began as deposits to the law firm or to Alex’s personal or business account. All transfers, checks, etc from those accounts would leave a paper trail – even overseas transfers – and converting huge amounts into cash would leave numerous form 8300 cash transaction reports. Either the right agency is not involved or the trail ends somewhere that is seemingly legitimate.
One theory of who killed them is someone close to the girl Paul killed in the boating accident. It’s poetic justice that Alex gets wrongly convicted and imprisoned for their murders.
You’re an idiot. I like your sentiment, but you are clearly an idiot.
Ditto on you being an idiot, “Jackie”.
Where’s the money you ask? Same place as all the money from Carolina Investors scandal. Investigation controlled from within(would have been the same on Murdaugh had the murders not happened and gone international) as it always is and never sees the light of day. All over this State same situation. System of good ole boy fixers/lawyers/Judges ready for the next take. Read the heartbreaking note from Stephen Smith’s mother to the FBI in DC. Read it once then read it again slowly. Remember Nikki Haley, who wants to be your next President, is listed. The FBI in Washington its addressed to as she couldn’t trust the local FBI. Even then…Still no attention…follow the money past Palmetto and into the shell accounts of their friends. Enjoy seeing all these good Christians at Sunday service. Bless your heart.