Second-Tier Ratings Blues For Nikki Haley And Mike Pence

America is tuning out the pablum …

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In case you missed CNN’s town halls featuring Mike Pence and Nikki Haley, you weren’t alone. According to Nielsen, only 632,000 total viewers – including 138,000 in the key 25-54-year-old demographic – tuned into Pence’s conversation with Dana Bash on Wednesday night.

Haley fared even worse, drawing only 562,000 viewers – including only 136,000 in the key demographic – for her conversation with Jake Tapper earlier this week.

By contrast, former U.S. president Donald Trump drew more than 3.3 million eyeballs when he appeared on the network last month – including 781,000 viewers in the key demographic.

“No one was interested in what (Haley) had to say,” Tori Otten reported for The New Republic. “It’s an embarrassingly low number for Haley, who is trying to position herself as a new direction for the Republican Party, away from Trump. But it would seem that people are still more interested in him than they are in her.”



Actually, the town hall ratings seem to coincide pretty neatly with composite polling from RealClearPolitics. According to that data, Trump is currently backed by 53.2 percent of the GOP electorate. Haley? She’s getting the support of 4.4 percent, while Pence is backed by only 3.8 percent.

Of course, all of the cable news ratings pale in comparison to the absolute tour de force that is Tucker Carlson – the fired Fox News’ host whose new Tucker on Twitter format has amassed a whopping 151.3 million views through its first two episodes (as of this writing).

Of interest? Carlson’s first episode called Haley out for her neoconservative bombast regarding the ongoing U.S. proxy war in Ukraine – into which the administration of president Joe Biden has already poured tens of billions of tax dollars.

Haley has advocated for an escalation of the conflict, claiming it is “in the best interests of America for Ukraine to win.”

“We have to see this through,” Haley told her town hall audience. “We have to finish it.”

Carlson ripped Haley for engaging in “tautology,” a logical fallacy in which something is spoken into existence by repetition – creating a “self-reinforcing reality.”

“It used to be only dumb people talked like that,” he said. “Now everybody in power talks like that.”

In the aftermath of its terrible town hall ratings, CNN fired its chairman and chief executive officer Chris Licht. The network them proceeded to “report” on Licht’s termination by saying his tenure had been “stained by a series of severe missteps,” “chaos” and “several other gut punches to the organization.”

Meanwhile, rival Fox News reported Licht was “cancel cultured because he wanted to level the ideological playing field” at CNN and was attempting to “dial back the left-leaning opinion programming that engulfed the network” under its previous leadership.



Will Folks (Brett Flashnick)

Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children.



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ManyAreGettingArrested June 9, 2023 at 2:24 pm

And Joe Biden did better numbers than the fat orange traitor (who’s headed to prison).

Can’t wait for FitsNews’ wall to wall coverage of trumps’s many trials. jk….FitsNews will pretend it isn’t happening.

IRL Bear Stearns June 9, 2023 at 3:13 pm

Please, if anything FITS is going to talk about how Donnie’s “political stock” is trending upwards.

dwb619 June 10, 2023 at 7:36 am

de plane was so nice and “I” was asked on it !

RC June 9, 2023 at 4:34 pm

“Of course, all of the cable news ratings pale in comparison to the absolute tour de force that is Tucker Carlson – the fired Fox News’ host whose new Tucker on Twitter format has amassed a whopping 151.3 million views through its first two episodes (as of this writing).”

Do you know what constitutes a “view” on twitter?

Ralph Hightower June 10, 2023 at 3:40 pm

Bless her heart.

VERITAS June 10, 2023 at 4:56 pm

Let me throw THIS one out there … DOUG BURGUM, currently governor of North Dakota, recently announced his run for President. Check him out. You want to end all the GOP nonsense? He’s a candidate to consider. Just sayin’ . . .


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