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Donald Trump Hit With Federal Indictment

President Joe Biden’s prosecutors move against his top 2024 rival …

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Having been impeached twice during his presidency, Donald Trump has now been indicted twice in its a
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Observer June 9, 2023 at 8:52 pm

I was listening to 560 AM WVOC a little while ago as I ran some errands. I do this, not because the content was anything great, but because I enjoy the nostalgia of AM radio, with its static, fading, etc. Mark Levine, the ultimate whining joo of the universe was on. He was whining about poor, poor, pitiful, Trump. “The Democrats are so mean to him. Everything he does, he does for us. Boo f-cking Hoo! He could spend the rest of his life in jail. Oh, Boo Hoo.”

I am no fan of Biden or the Democrats whatsoever, but nothing in real life will happen to Trump. He plays for the same team as the Democrats. He works for the same people they do. This is all a giant dog and pony show, to keep the peasants focused on the show, now ehat Trump’s real bosses are preparing to do to us.

Observer June 9, 2023 at 9:53 pm

…not what…

dwb619 June 10, 2023 at 12:34 am

If he crosses Putin he will either fall off a balcony or be poisoned.

America is Great Again June 10, 2023 at 1:09 am

God bless America!

George Johnson June 10, 2023 at 6:44 am

FOX and FITS, two of a kind.

Flossip June 10, 2023 at 10:15 am

Yep, both in the business of supplying disinformation to the MAGAs in service to the GOP. Fits should stick to investigatory journalism–that he actually is good at.

Dan June 10, 2023 at 8:42 am

Notice how the politicians Will Folks hitches his wagon to end up totally disgraced by their actions and crimes?

Deflecting to Biden or making up things to attack Federal prosecutors ain’t gonna help. Trump admitted on tape that what he was doing was illegal and he still kept break the laws.

Twice impeached (with Republicans refusing to hear any evidence of his crimes then) and now twice indicted with 72 felony counts against him.

Might as well go ahead a swear Biden in for another term.

Flossip June 10, 2023 at 10:13 am

I feel the need to issue a correction to some of your assertions above. Biden didn’t indict Trump. The Democratic Party did not indict Donald Trump. In fact, No politician indicted Donald Trump. A grand jury of regular, everyday citizens of Florida (aka GOP Cesspool Central) who reviewed the evidence indicted Donald Trump. Trump will receive a jury trial where a second panel of jurors, where he and his attorneys will have input on those chosen to sit on his jury. The judge is also more than likely going to be a Trump appointee. You and your GOP brethren can sit here all day and continue to try and justify Trump’s criminality all you want, but the ONLY person who got Trump indicted was Donald Trump himself. My God man, he stole top secret documents regarding this nation’s security and y’all are treating it like it was his right to steal and possibly sell this intel to the highest bidder. He then had his lawyers lie to the FBI and National Security folks that he didn’t have some of these documents. He did. That alone is consciousness of guilt and enough to convict him. Why did he have to lie? Oh right, that’s his default setting. Over 30,000 verifiable lies were told by Trump while president. Maybe next time the GOP shouldn’t pick the biggest criminal and liar in the bunch but nah, it’s a freaking cult and Fits nonsense above demonstrates.

Ralph Hightower June 10, 2023 at 11:00 am

Freedom from Consequences is not a protected Constitutional Right.

Nanker Phelge June 10, 2023 at 3:58 pm

“President Joe Biden’s prosecutors”

Will being a disingenuous numpty again and counting on his audience not knowing any better.

Whatever, Will June 11, 2023 at 12:55 pm


Republicans can’t open their mouths or type a single sentence without misrepresenting the truth or out right lying.

It was Grand juries, made up of regular Americans from all over the social spectrum, who indicted Trump.

Not Biden, not Democrats. Trump is so obviously guilty and admitted it on tape.

I can see how Republicans would want to ignore the actual indictment and instead weakly cry about (lol) Hillary (she must be having the biggest laugh of her life right now) or Biden or whatever crap they can make up.

Frank June 12, 2023 at 11:02 am

I don’t know what I find more disturbing:

the fact that one of our two primary political parties has become such a cult that they will not stand up to a man, who by his own admission took and held sensitive highly classified government documents which contained information on our nuclear capabilities, the nuclear and military capabilities of our allies and enemies, and our plans for a possible attack on a foreign adversary, refused to return those documents when asked do so, lied about having them, asked his lawyers to lie about his having them; and has yet to say what he planned to do with them or who he has shared them with;
the fact that one of our two primary political parties has become such a cult that they will not stand up to a man who they say without notifying anyone declassified government documents that contained highly sensitive information on our nuclear capabilities, the nuclear and military capabilities of our allies and enemies, and our plans for a possible attack on a foreign adversary; and which our enemies would literally kill to have access to; so that he could use those documents and the information they contained for his own private purposes.

Either way, this country is in deep trouble.

Flossip June 12, 2023 at 12:59 pm

Here’s why it matters–and why it’s espionage-

Ralph Hightower Top fan June 20, 2023 at 12:49 pm

???? ??? ??!

Ralph Hightower Top fan June 20, 2023 at 12:49 pm

Lock him up!


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