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Murdaugh Murders Saga: Satterfield Attorneys Fire Back

“The press and the public are being played …”

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South Carolina attorneys/ podcasters Eric Bland and Ronnie Richter pushed back this week against
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stephen henry Top fan May 8, 2023 at 2:27 pm

Bland-Richter has obstructed justice in the Gloria Satterfield case for MONTHS, including multiple appearances in national and local media. It’s one thing to obstruct justice in an insurance case. It is quite another thing to obstruct justice in what at the very least should be a complete murder investigation.

Anonymous May 8, 2023 at 4:53 pm

What case? No one has ever opened a legal case into Gloria Satterfield’s death.

SubZeroIQ May 9, 2023 at 12:08 am

In fairness to Collins and Lacy, they repeatedly emphasize that they need ALL the medicals of Gloria Satterfield.
In fairness to FITSNews, he is the only outlet on which I could find the actual full Collins and Lacy report.
And in fairness to me, I do not have all the information; but several things jump at me.
First and foremost, the fractures of Gloria Satterfield’s bones could be a combination of the condition of her bones and the impact of her fall. From something as commonplace as post-menopausal women (and she was 57) losing bone density and bone length (just look at a photo of the late Queen Elizabeth II standing beside Melania Trump and barely reaching her waist) to something far less common such as multiple myeloma which makes affected bones almost literally as brittle as egg shells.
Second, it is incredibly naive of Collins and Lacy (even though they did not THEN know of Alex Murdaugh’s (“AM’s”) financial crimes) to have accepted AM’s word that Gloria Satterfield’s having crashed into a parked car the day preceding her fall as insignificant because Gloria did not seek AM’s legal advice about it.
That collision was more likely reported to AM or Gloria was on her way to report it to AM. And it could have started he subdural hematoma and could have been the cause of her rib fractures.
Third, I did not see anything in the Collins and Lacy report about a skull fracture; but they were getting their infor from Tony Satterfield’s social media postings, not from actual medical records.
Fourth, is Tony Satterfield a real nurse? If he is an RN, he would have been making at least in the high five figures; and all those sob stories about being evicted from a trailer and becoming homeless must be fabrications to which someone should answer.
Fifth, it seems, but just seems, Collins and Lacy were reporting to an insurance company other than Nautilus, with a maximum of $500K which was paid separately from Nautilus. If so, I still want to see the Nautilus investigation, if any was conducted.
Sixth, I am sleepy and shall, God willing, give you my pearls of wisdom if and when I see more medical information.

Anonymous May 9, 2023 at 6:21 am

Satterfield is a phlebotomist ER tech, not a RN. He would be at the high end of the range if he was making $40k, mid $30s is probably what he makes. His brother Brian has a learning disability.

SubZeroIQ May 9, 2023 at 10:38 am

Thanks for the info. Source please?
Would Brian not have been on Social Security Disability?
Gloria’s $10/hr. would not have been sufficient for herself and Brian in any event; ant there would have been no reason for Brian to not be on disability. These are generally easy to get for young ones. Ironically, when Bill Clinton was Arkansas Governor, a percentage of the state’s per capita income was from what they called “the crazy checks” from the federal government.
On second reading of the Collins and Lacy report, there is a lot of sloppiness in it, specially in setting Gloria Satterfield’s life expectancy at 77 (her age of 57 at death plus the 20 years used to calculate the loss of consortium).
For actuarial purposes, which are a specialty of insurance companies, it is not the average national life expectancy that is considered but the individual life expectancy based on individual traits.
Also, that Elmore v. Ramos case has an exception for the visitor provoking the dog; but I am NOT a lawyer, only someone who resents sloppiness and hypocrisy.

stephen henry Top fan May 9, 2023 at 2:19 pm

Does anyone know for certain that there is an on-going criminal investigation by SLED (or any other agency) of Gloria Satterfield’s fall and subsequent death? Thanks very much.

SubZeroIQ May 10, 2023 at 6:20 pm

Almost every word out of Sandi Smith’s mouth is a lie, and a heartless one at that.
Stephen Smith was NOT “on his way to be a doctor.” He was on his way to be thrown out of some nursing program in a middling technical college because he had not completed his requirements and had filled out paper work but had NOT started any clinical rotations according to his own twin sister, Stephanie Nichole Smith.
The REAL doctor in this story is Dr. Erin Presnell. Does anyone of those loud mouths know what it takes to become an MD in general and a forensic pathologist in particular?
The four years after a four-year college (or seven years altogether after high school in the British system and in countries that follow the British system) after having been the best of the best of the best in high school are JUST THE BEGINNING. Then come the internships, the residencies, and the fellowships, each with a MINIMUM of eighty hour weeks and very low pay. Then the board exams and the recertification exams.
And yet, the reputation of one who had done all that gets ruined because Sandi Smith and Eric Bland want to blackmail the Murdaughs.
We heard nothing after Stephe Smith’s so-called second autopsy, after all the noise Sandi Smith, Mandy Matney, and Eric Bland, made, and after all the reputations they ruined, it turns out that it was just as Dr. Erin Presnell had diagnosed THAT SAME MORNING: motor vehicle versus pedestrian.
And, in my free-from-false-humility and free-from-hypocrisy opinion, it was suicide by Stephen Smith INTENTIONALLY walking into on-coming traffic after being disappointed with that “mother” who now sheds crocodile tears for him and after failing his nursing studies.
Stephen Smith’s motor vehicle event received ALMOST as much investigation as Princess Diana’s; and the question of homicide versus suicide remains as open as Marilyn Monroe’s.
If any one REALLY cared about the forgotten victims, they should worry about the immigrants who get victimized but dare not complain lest they be rightly or wrongly deported.
The Gloria Satterfield heirs share with Sandi Smith four aspects: (1) Eric Bland as a lawyer; (2) Mandy Matney as a propagan; (3) willingness to spin baseless sob stories; and (4) total disregard for REAL medical professionals.
Enough hypocrisy already!

Southern Charm May 10, 2023 at 11:16 pm

Subzero iq is not your only issue. Perhaps you should include in your handle, mother issues, anger issues and reading comprehension skills just to mention a few glaring examples.

SubZeroIQ May 16, 2023 at 9:41 pm

How “Southern-Charming” of you to not know that Gloria Satterfield had diabetic neuropathy, was on medication which causes dizziness, and suffered a stroke and myocardial infarction IN THE HOSPITAL (probably more related to her diabetis than to any fall), yet suggest that I am the one lacking “reading comprehension skills”!!!
Perhaps Cordon bleu (and yes, that is how the word for the color is spelled in French; and yes, in French, only the first word of the title is capitalized) will create a southern-charming dish with crow. Bon appetit!

stephen henry Top fan May 14, 2023 at 7:48 pm

Amen to all said about SubZero by Southern Charm.

SubZeroIQ May 16, 2023 at 9:45 pm

Gloria Satterfield had diabetic neuropathy, was on medication which causes dizziness, and suffered a stroke and myocardial infarction IN THE HOSPITAL (probably more related to her diabetis than to any fall). Yet, I am the one lacking “reading comprehension skills”!?!?!
Perhaps Cordon bleu (and yes, that is how the word for the color is spelled in French; and yes, in French, only the first word of the title is capitalized) will create a “southern-charming” dish with crow. Bon appetit!


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