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Alex Murdaugh Responds To Federal Lawsuit Tied To Housekeeper’s Death

The Gloria Satterfield civil case is heating up …

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The circumstances surrounding the death of Gloria Satterfield – the longtime domestic worker f
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Lori Seigel Top fan May 3, 2023 at 10:06 am

Murdaugh has no problem further victimizing already victimized people. The only real justice for the people of South Carolina is to release Murdaugh into the prison population and let them administer “prison justice.”

Nancy Bryson Top fan May 3, 2023 at 4:18 pm

That several unruly dogs attempting to push their way into a house at the top of some concrete stairs can cause a potentially serious fall to the person opening the door from the top step… a real thing. Happened to me.

stephen henry Top fan May 4, 2023 at 1:22 pm

Hi Jenn:
Re: Gloria Satterfield’s Death. There are (theoretically) at least two simultaneous investigations on-going: (1) Investigation of Insurance Fraud; and (2) Investigation of Gloria’s death. The “insurance fraud” case is being widely covered by media. The “death” investigation by SLED seems to have dropped through the cracks. Has SLED dropped the investigation? If so, why … when it seems to me that almost everything that happened on the day of Gloria’s “fall” corresponds perfectly with what happened on day of Paul and Maggie’s murders. (1) Lured to Moselle; (2) Murder takes place; (3) Alex has bs excuse that he wasn’t there, he was “at office”, he rushed back to Moselle where Gloria told him “the dogs tripped her” (now revealed as total lie, as I suspect his going to the office and leaving Moselle at all that morning is a lie.), etc., etc., etc. Eric Bland and others have devoted a large part of their media lives to claiming that there were “no crimes committed” with respect to Gloria’s “fall”. Have they succeeded in helping Alex get away with murder? PLEASE do not let the investigation of her “murder” (my word) fall by the wayside. I understand that people do not want the Satterfield boys to lose any of their settlement funds. But at the same time, just because Alex is theoretically locked up for life doesn’t mean he should get away with murder. At the very least, SLED should have obtained Alex’s GPS and phone records from day of Gloria’s “fall”. That information would immediately reveal if he was telling the truth about “going to the office and the timeline of everything he did that morning and later in the day to obstruct the investigation. If SLED has not requested and by now received that information, they have basically given up on the investigation. PLEASE help, as it seems to me that Alex is on the verge of getting away with at least one murder … and as we know from the recent release of Jeroid Price, justice can easily be distorted with the current situation in South Carolina. In other words, the more murder convictions the better, if the goal is to keep Alex locked up for life, which is certainly a worthy one.

Jeffrey Borthick Top fan May 8, 2023 at 9:26 am

Bland is an attorney…. and apparently has no idea what ‘modicum’ means.


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