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Rose Petal Murder: Bestiality Allegations Expose Dark Side Of Investigation

Peeling back a disturbing layer in the Palmetto State’s newest true crime saga …

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Last week, this news outlet published its first article on the ‘Rose Petal Murder,’ a sh
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Joy Gmmon Top fan March 23, 2023 at 8:51 am

Will, this is a horrible story. Please follow it to the end. You and others are doing what TV news and Newspapers would not touch. I love the way you present the news in the weekly news. Move to the State House and the “Freedom Caucus Dummies,” who reside there. At age 65, they should have to retire. They would walk the plank for the old and decrepit Governor. Also, the judges in the state need to be lawyers, not just a friend or appointed by the State House.

Tom Markovicb March 23, 2023 at 10:24 am

I have to say ever since the Murdaugh trial I’ve been hooked on Fitnews! You guys do a bang up job and I can’t wait to follow more court cases. Thank you for your honest and straight forward reporting!

Anna Saint March 23, 2023 at 11:26 am

The sister of yhe victom LUTINA PARCELL os behind this murder and profited from the child porn. The victim was spilling the beans to her therapist, Christina told Lutina who’s boyfriend , Abe Hartnup already tried to kill 1 woman his wife, , Lutina told Brad Brad and Abe Hartnup and Post Killed Christina.
Lutina owned the house testified she had a broken back door lock as did Post. Coroner said victim also had the back of her head smashed FBI says that ot was a 2nd killer one entered front Hartnup fits yhe doorbell cam man, Post entered the rearcwhich he knew was always unlocked. Victim let the front door bell guy in because she knew him Info shows she never met the piano guy.Hartnup was who she let in.
Hartnup is a Marine trained in killing with a knife and a government trained computrt encryption e pert Lutina Post and Christina used him to transfer child porn around the world.
Lutina planned it. Family court documents show she made under 4 grand a month salary yet has 2 dozen bank accounts with $ 300,000 bucks. The day after the killing her and 2 corrupt lawyers Maggi Fields Bailey and Vanessa Kormylo were given envelopes of cash from Lutina on the orders of Post.
Same day Lutina Parcell BIley and Kormylo, the day after the murder, set Lutina up to take over Christans estate illegally Kormylo with ties to Ukranian organized crime, become the estate lawyer even though she’s the guardian of the child custody case.illegal.
There is also a corrupt cop he is the former lover of Brad Post and Christina, and protected them and now Lutina .

Greg Kelly March 23, 2023 at 4:57 pm

Saint Annie. Your theory makes more sense than the piano player who never knew the victim and graduated Julliard.
My money is on the sister Lutina Parcell. Probably having an affair with Brad Post too.
FBI will nail her. Her house, her crimes. Damn freaky b**ch.

Teresa Whetzel Top fan March 24, 2023 at 11:20 am

This is some whacked ??. IDC, sister, mother, brother the LE/FBI needs to investigate that whole bunch. Sick people

McGruff the crime dog chef March 24, 2023 at 6:55 pm

I have read about Lutina the sister and a corrupt cop involved , the victims baby daddy Mello reported to sheriff Dan Beville in 2028 he has full custody of the kid he reported Brad Post and Lutina and Christina being sexually inappropriate.
Beville did zero. Now it turns out Mello was right they find kiddie porn and who does the Sheriff’s office hand the investigation to ? Dan Bevville ! Can you say Cover up ??
It’s also why Lutina the sister has not been charged with cocaine posession child porn and conspiracy of murder even though it was all in her house !?
Turns out he, Beville, was having a sexual relationship with Christina Parcell.
Fox News has all these false police reports and lies from Dan Beville and proof he knew Post and Parcell.
He runs the child sex crimes unit. Can’ t think of a better place to procure vulnerable kids for Brad Post and the Parcells than there.

Greer mom of 3 March 25, 2023 at 12:50 pm

I am looking at the arrest photo of Hughes. He turned himself in on a warrant not an admission of guilt and he did it just days after the murder. Speaking as a woman, if someone were to attack me so violently, I would be fighting for my life, That photo of Hughes would look like he went through a car windshield face first.
I, in fact anyone, would be gouging eyes, scratching, tearing ears off bighting his nose off.
Please, explain to me why there is not a SINGLE mark on this mans face, ears, neck absolutely nothing.
They claim DNA , yet according to the bond hearing have yet to produce an analysis.
If it was under her fingernails, it certainly did not come from Hughes face. His innocence is right there in the photo.

And as someone else said. How come Lutina Parcell , who owns the home, has not been charged with possession and manufacturing of child pornography, accomplice to murder, or child abuse and neglect, possession of cocaine or any DSS charges due to the child in this house of horrors?
And if the Parcells and Brad Post were reported to this Sheriff child sex crimes investigator several years ago, how can he explain not doing anything ?
This reeks of a coverup and corruption.
People need to start demanding answers because evidence is showing there is a murderer maybe more than one, still at large in our community and the victims sister is just too shady to not be charged with all these offenses.

Greer Mom of 3 March 25, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Here is what makes no sense. The accused pianist Hughes, turns himself in not confessing  but on the warrant to clear things up. The prosecutor Wilkins, best friends with a lawyer named Traxler who happens to be Brad Posts best friend according to documents,  not to mention Wilkins’ history of corruption , claims there was DNA under the fingernails of the victim.Now speaking as a woman, heck, as a human , if  I was being stabbed dozens of times i would be fighting like a Tiger on steroids. Now LOOK at the arrest photo of Hughes. Taken just days after the killing. There is not a scratch, a bite mark, a gouge not even a swollen lip or blackeye. How HOW is that possible? I think I speak for most of you, if it were ME being murdered?? They would find his nose in my stomach, a chunk of his cheek in my teeth and an eyeball and ear across the room.And who believes this Lutina Parcell, who owned the house had nothing to do with it?? 

How is it possible in SC she is not charged with possession of child pornography and cocaine not to mention murder conspiracy, child endangerment and a host of other charges? She is involved no doubt and being protected no doubt by the cop involved as mentioned by others.
More scary is the pianist is innocent which means a psychopath is out there or more than one .And it is likely Abe Hartnup the boyfriend of Lutina who John Mello discussed on the radio and in another interview. Hartnup was convicted of attempted murder of his ex wife and other crimes. Also trained to kill with a knife in the Marines. not to mention Lutina Parcells half million dollars in 20 banks  on a $35,000 a year salary. she is involved,  no way she is not.  

oy March 26, 2023 at 4:59 am

they really screwed the pooch on this one

teddy kgb March 26, 2023 at 5:08 am

ukrainians like to diddle kids thats where the pederass n chief and crackhead hunter clean there dirty money

Someone April 12, 2023 at 9:34 pm

There is alot alot alot to this that is not put in the media.
Post did not have thousands of child pornography photos. He had millions of photos. All proccessed and put on jump drives for distribution. They delivered their filth to people in their network by hand delivery.
Big take away is that there is a metwork and it is huge. Nothing on that in public yet. Post is doling out information a little at a time as currency to stay in protected medical confinemt instead of general population.

tolzhaus September 5, 2023 at 9:36 am

Nope. I do not think the sister nor Post was involved in her murder. Post found her. WHY would he leave evidence incriminating him there, which basically ensured he would be in prison for life? Nope. He found Parcell, was shocked, called cops. Did not even think about the planted stuff that surrounded her body.

tolzhaus December 6, 2023 at 7:55 pm

UPDATE: there were no flash drives or child images found at the scene of the crime. This is misinformation.

Bird September 16, 2023 at 1:09 pm


Anonymous October 21, 2023 at 10:03 am

Still no mention of the officer who was accused of having an affair with the Parcell and was on scene for many hours on the day of the murder? Or the cigar shop allegedly being used as the drop-off location for the child pornography. What about Mello’s continued insistence with DSS workers that his daughter was being molested and yet they were somehow were still able to extradite the minor victim from Italy? Come on now, this case goes much, much deeper than one’s man’s fight for his daughter.

tolzhaus December 6, 2023 at 7:57 pm

Agreed! 100%


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