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Prioleau Alexander: Why ‘Constitutional Carry’ Is A Bad Idea

“A little training and proof that you can safely handle your chosen weapon within city limits isn’t a bad idea.”

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Apparently, the South Carolina General Assembly is considering a ‘Constitutional Carry’
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Joe Crowley Top fan March 7, 2023 at 11:11 am

I wholeheartedly agree. Regardless where our elected officials land on concealed carry, there simply MUST be training, and I believe you should have to re-train at least every other CWP renewal because just as laws and our understanding of them changes, so do your reflexes.

Decent people everywhere March 7, 2023 at 12:13 pm

First intelligent piece you’ve ever written.

Observer March 7, 2023 at 1:07 pm

I agree that there should be training, but the “mother, may I” permit IS an infringement, especially given the ridiculous amount of time that SLED may take to process the whole thing. States that have passed permitless carry have not noted any increases in unjustified shootings, accidental or otherwise. Some of the biggest detractors I have noted, seem to be CWP instructors. I wonder if that has anything to do with their perception of lost revenue if people are no longer required to obtain a “mother, may I” slip from SLED. I predict if it passes, these instructors might find a whole new client base by offering “Constitutional Carry” safety, firing, and maintenance (cleaning) courses”.

Back in 2000, the FCC began lifting requirements to pass a Morse Code proficiency test to obtain Amateur Radio licenses. Old timers decried the lifting of this hurdle as “the end of a great and efficient mode of transmitting”. They figured Morse (or CW) would die out in a few years, along with many of the old timers. It turned out that instead of killing interest in Morse/CW, with a hated and cumbersome requirement now lifted, people began actually wanting to learn and use Morse. Without government pressure and mandates, the CW parts of the Amateur radio bands are as busy today as they ever were.

A Name March 7, 2023 at 11:43 pm

So, you’re good with AR-15s in the hands of any law-abiding civilian who wants one? Good to know. ;-)

Observer March 8, 2023 at 3:22 am

I am fine with that, A Name. It is what the Founding Father’s intended.

A Name March 8, 2023 at 10:13 am

I figured you were. I was trying to reply to Dpe, who likely didn’t realize that was what she was saying with her comment.

E Prioleau Alexander Author March 8, 2023 at 4:21 pm

Maybe I failed to properly explain: As it should be, in SC it’s no longer “mother may I?” It’s “Mother, I will and you can’t stop me if I don’t have a criminal record.” SHALL issue vs WILL issue. A huge and important change.

A Name March 9, 2023 at 2:00 pm

No, it’s still “mother may I,” as “mother” can still say no, if you don’t take the state-mandated classes and pay the required fees. As others have pointed out, there’s no reason to believe that South Carolina would experience the problems you fear under Constitutional Carry, as half of the other states have it, and have seen no problems. Your “safety” concerns are little different than what those who argued against “shall issue” raised.

RC March 7, 2023 at 1:54 pm

Blind squirrels, nuts, and what not

Observer March 7, 2023 at 4:56 pm

Well said, Nick S!

Nick S March 7, 2023 at 4:32 pm

After commentating about why the 2nd Amendment is so important to stop a tyrannical government, you go on to explain why the government should be in charge of licensing carry. Contradict much?

You mention how complex modern firearms are. They’re really not very complex at all.

The vast majority of folks who carry firearms are proficient and practice excellent firearms safety, not because of some relatively useless government-mandated class (have you seen what is required in a class now… not much), but instead because we take it upon ourselves to be proficient to practice safety. And the 2A community tends to do an excellent job of making sure new gun owners learn these things also.

25 states have constitutional or permitless carry with 4 more, including South Carolina on the cusp of passing it this year. Some states, like Vermont, have had it since the founding of the state. Turns out it’s not some crazy shoot-fest in those states like some would like us to believe.

When it comes to one of the most important rights, the right of self defense, I should’nt have to utter a word to government to exercise that right. Constitutional or permitless carry is a big step in that direction.

relic462 Top fan March 8, 2023 at 4:04 pm

To go out on a limb, most criminals who carry guns usually carry illegal guns…stolen or straw bought or obtained through an underground market. Open carry should come with a couple of checks. One, universal background checks and a waiting period to allow background checks to be completed and up-to-date easily accessible files of each firearm transfer including person to person or gunshow transfers. This is to be able to track the firearm.

Bradley Kohr Top fan March 8, 2023 at 4:55 pm

Is the author financially dependent on the issuance of carry permits?

jbl1a March 9, 2023 at 3:49 pm

The Constitution disagrees with your view wholeheartedly. And if you would take a modern AR 15 that anyone can buy at a gun store into a military battle you are a fool…..

Galco holsters May 8, 2023 at 5:11 am

“My concern regarding Constitutional Carry is that a bunch of people too lazy or incompetent to go through training will view this as a good time to go ahead and buy that pistol”
Yep. Even right now lack of training is dire in my opinion. A lot of people who bought handgun as “safety” and never trained with it. Another whole bunch just doing some casual shooting once a year and calling it a day.


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