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Ann Rinaldi Top fan February 21, 2023 at 1:07 pm

Why couldn’t a 6’4” person shooting from down on one knee made that shot? Wouldn’t the trajectory be the same?

hanwag February 21, 2023 at 8:53 pm

6’4″ person could not because the prosecution dropped the ball on crossing Sutton. Prosecution allowed Sutton use wrong math and didn’t challenge it. Sutton said someone kneeling had to shoot from shoulder height around 24″, but alex 76″ heigh subtract 25″ knee length meant that he would have been shooting at 51″ height if kneeling, so it was impossible for him to be the shooter. Alex shoulder height is 46″ according to the tape measure subtract 25″ knee length equals a 21″ kneeling shooting at shoulder height, which is well within Sutton’s claim for the kneeling shooter. If Alex was kneeling, he could aslo shoot from hip or under arm level which could allow for the rifle to be lower. Prosecution also didn’t question Sutton’s assumption that the shooter had to be kneeling completely erect, rather than kneeling slouched or kneeling sitting back either. Prosecution did not present convincing cross that Sutton isn’t a ballistics expert and has not actually be trained in bullet trajectories going through things like bodies. They did not question if Sutton was knowledgeable or trained expert on ballistics testing and methdology. Instead, they allowed Sutton to be an expert simply because he did his own anecdotal testing based on who knows what methodology. Prosecution used the word ricochet rather than deflected. People have different notion of what a ricochet is versus what would have happened if the bullet went through maggie into the quail cage, that is deflection in trajectory.

hanwag February 21, 2023 at 9:47 pm

oops, my math was wrong. 64″ top of Alex shoulder, but you don’t hold a rifle at top of shoulder, 61″ in shoulder pocket. 61-25=36″ if Alex shot completely erect on knee, which no one does. You can still get to within 24″ for alex kneeling. Plus, Sutton’s assumption is there was no deflection of the bullet. A real expert would included maggie’s body entry and exit wound to align the quail cage bullet hole trajectory to find the actual originating height. The prosecution allowed the assumption that the bullet hole trajectory was unimpeded.

Paul Baker Top fan February 21, 2023 at 5:32 pm

Wonder how tall defendant is on his knees ?

hanwag February 21, 2023 at 8:54 pm

Sutton incorrectly claimed 51″ which the prosecution did not challenge, when in fact the numbers should have been 21″ kneeling at shoulder height.

Anonymous February 21, 2023 at 6:06 pm

Yes. I thought that and I think it’s very possible and likely. And if the shooter, probably Alex M, wanted it to look like someone much shorter did the murders, he is calculating enough to do that, or crouch, whatever. The best evidence is the
video of him minutes before the shooting. Where the bloody clothes and shoes and the guns are really baffles me.
The police sloppy work at the most vital time. They did not check his house or his mothers that night!!

Marilyn Hayes Top fan February 21, 2023 at 6:16 pm

Isn’t it possible that the person shot the victims from a golf cart or a form of an ATV?

Gx Top fan February 21, 2023 at 6:46 pm

Weakass cross-examinations from the State today. Buster’s should’ve been two questions, “Buster, you said that you could recognize your dad’s voice, and that he said ‘They’ instead of ‘I’, correct?”

“Could you please listen to the following video [plays kennel video] and identify the individuals on the video?”

“Thank you. No further questions.”

And, this afternoon’s cross was just a train wreck. So much fertile ground for cross, and the state’s attorney argued with the expert like he was in middle school. Unbelievable.

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The Colonel Top fan February 21, 2023 at 8:38 pm

“Harpootlian asks Sutton, “What if any difference would it have made in the acoustical issues if you were testing different ammo?” Sutton replies no difference would have been made.”

That statement alone impeached this expert idiot witness, subsonic ammo, even without a suppressor, is significantly quieter than standard ammo, particularly at distance. Ammo of varying loads and bullet types can have a 10-15% Db variations.

His idiot statement that it didn’t matter if the target or shooter was moving shows his fundamental lack of knowledge about firearms in the real world. “Hunching” is typical behavior when firing at things other than targets that pose no threat.


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