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‘Murdaugh Murders’ Trial: Prosecution Closes With A Bang

New data exposes additional inconsistencies in Alex Murdaugh’s statements …

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If Alex Murdaugh didn’t murder his wife and younger son on June 7, 2021 at his family’s
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Ambrose February 18, 2023 at 3:47 am

Will Folks is TOP NOTCH – Uber Outstanding writer, reporter! So clear, easy to read/follow with logical flow, explanations, descriptions!

D.J.Wheaton February 18, 2023 at 11:33 pm

I don’t understand why Alec was allowed to wander around and come and go, as he pleased. Why the shotgun was not checked and A’s hands were not checked for gun powder.Also was there any life insurance on Maggie and Paul? And when did they decide to search Alec’s Mother’s house? Did they search the out buildings? I feel someone was not treating him as as ordinary citizen. If an ordinary person had done what he did they would have put them in jail that night!

Sheila Holbrook-White Top fan February 19, 2023 at 4:45 pm

Thank you, Will, for the great coverage!

K. Mann February 20, 2023 at 11:08 am

I didn’t get to watch the actual trial and rely on your great coverage. Thanks!

There are a couple of things I’m not to clear on, though. Did the prosecution say if the GM OnStar tracking data for A.M.’s Suburban included 6/8/21, 6/9/21, 6/10/21 to see if Murdaugh went back to the same location on the Almeda property, behind his parent’s house — where he could have hypothetically hidden evidence — and, if so, where did he go afterwards?

Also, the OnStar location data show at ~10:00 p.m. Murdaugh’s Suburban driving north from his house and turning right just before the hanger. Wouldn’t he have seen Maggie’s body first, which was on that corner of the hanger? The dog kennel is another 20+ ft further on after one makes the turn (Its roof is not seen on the satellite photo used by OnStar because it is under the tree line, but it is south and east of the hanger). Itwould not have been in Alec’s headlights until after he made the turn. But Alec told the police that night that he checked in his son at the kennel first.

If Alec didn’t see Maggie’s corpse under the overhang as he turned his vehicle and drove past her, up to the door to the kennel feed room (to find Paul), why would he have known to look for her in the dark behind his SUV afterwards?

Maybe I’m missing something, but if a man sees his wife’s lifeless or prone body, wouldn’t he immediately stop his car? Yet if he did not see her and drove farther on to the kennel, would he not have called 9-1-1, to ask for help for Paul, before thinking, “Hmm… I’ll just look around and see if there are more bodies lying about before I call 9-1-1.” This IS, as you describe, a murder “mystery”.

SubZeroIQ February 22, 2023 at 6:00 am

I’ve tried to say it before but my comments were not allowed through even though I am always Catholic-school polite. All the Prosecution’s case is built on three OBJECTIVELY FALSE, or at least unproven, ideas: (1) a man whose father was dying and did die in three days needed to kill his wife and son to gain a delay of two weeks to a month; (2) people react ONLY with uncontrollable screaming OR paralysis at the sight of a shot loved one; and (3) the murders happened THE MINUTE Paul finished filming Cash’s tail. In opposition to the second idea, I cite (a) Frame 371 of the Zapruder film: Jackie neither screamed nor was paralyzed the second JFK’s head exploded IN Jackie’s ARMS but climbed to the back of the President’s limo to help Secret Service Agent Clint Hill climb to the moving limo; and (b) the Virginia school teacher who, though herself shot by six-year old student, ushered the rest of the class out of the room and into safety. Please rethink your comments and questions on a clean slate uncolored by the Prosecution’s false ideas sold as gospel. God bless.


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