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Elizabeth Caron Top fan February 15, 2023 at 10:11 am

First if all, props to Fitsnews in covering this story.
I haven’t read all the the comments posted here so please excuse my question if it has been posted.
They keep seeking a motive. It’s been stated there was not life insurance on Maggie or Paul, but what about Maggie’s will? It’s my understanding that Maggie’s will was changed. Mr. Murdaugh name, AM’s father, was written over Maggie’s sister. Maggie’s sisters name was scratched out. Is that not motive if AM made that change to her will knowing his father’s health was failing and thinking he would inherit everything? I wonder if that will submitted into evidence.

stephen henry Top fan February 15, 2023 at 11:42 am

Something is wrong with John Meadors. Either he is mentally challenged or one of the most unprepared, inarticulate, purely weird-acting prosecuting attorney to ever appear on a national stage. WTF was AG thinking when he was brought on to team?

Gx Top fan February 15, 2023 at 12:28 pm

Can we get a ticker on the number of times he has lied about being down at the kennels after dinner?!? It’s up to 8 or 9 times now. 3 or 4 in the 3rd interview alone. Just letting him hang himself. People focused on motive….just stop. You’ll never understand why he did it, and it doesn’t matter. The defense’s case will be a bunch of hired/paid experts that will swoop in and criticize the investigation as sloppy, etc. But, none of that will change the lies. #heguilty

Obamaroid Ointment February 15, 2023 at 2:28 pm

What was judge just smiling about? He looks to be in a good mood.

Charlotte Shull Top fan February 15, 2023 at 4:26 pm

I wonder if Alex covered himself with a trash bag as well as the weapons before using them? Then discarded them with the clothes when he drove old truck back to house?

Michael Pappas February 15, 2023 at 5:12 pm

FITS NEWS: regarding your surprise at the difference in the daily poll and live chat – they’re asking two different questions. The daily asks if people think Alex is GUILTY, which gets and 85% affirmative rate. The daily chat is asking whether people thinks he’ll be CONVICTED, which is likely why it’s lower. I’ve discussed this case with many folks who will tell you they think AM committed the murders, but have doubts he’ll be convicted.

bilg February 15, 2023 at 7:27 pm

Has either side established where the two guns were generally known to be kept? Were both in the immediate, i.e. Feed Shed, area or locked away in house? Did AM plan to kill both which begs the question why two guns. If he shot first victim – did he have time to run to, say, the house get the other gun then return to shoot the other victim… then have time to get back into house change clothes, clean up, grab blue rain jacket get back to crime scene, grab guns and depart given the time lines that are known. Only one person really knows and hopefully he will come clean as to how this all played out.

Debra Morse Top fan February 15, 2023 at 8:00 pm

Ask yourself this: why did the vigilantes wait until 3 days before Murdaugh was to appear in court to answer for Mallory’s death in Beach lawsuit? Why kill Paul before he’d stood trial for his crimes. Plenty of opportunities to achieve vigilante justice if he was acquitted or given a slap on the wrist sentence. Vengeance is a dish best served cold.

Sam February 15, 2023 at 8:08 pm

Why doesn’t the press report on how the legislature “hires the Judges and this is how Murdaugh felt protected. No one is focused on the story behind the story you need to hire a legislature lawyer and then the courts will find in your favor. That is what kept people like Murdaugh do what he is doing.

Sam February 15, 2023 at 8:08 pm

Why doesn’t the press report on how the legislature “hires the Judges and this is how Murdaugh felt protected. No one is focused on the story behind the story you need to hire a legislature lawyer and then the courts will find in your favor. That is what kept people like Murdaugh do what he is doing.

L February 15, 2023 at 8:44 pm

All the missing evidence khaki pants, polo etc are buried with his daddy?????

Anna_Nimmitty February 15, 2023 at 9:32 pm

Fits has previously addressed the flaws within the South Carolina legislature and the very rules within which they function. To expect the largest 3 papers/press within this fine state to do such is to expect them to actually function without playing the same game!! Does Fitts not participate in the slightest of the same game?? I do believe such could be argued either way to be honest!! But hey, at least he’s done what he’s done! I personally certainly hope THE RULES can and will be adjusted accordingly by the very rules Fitts has argued FWIW.

Debra Morse Top fan February 15, 2023 at 10:51 pm

Ask yourself why did the vigilantes wait until 3 days before Murdaugh was to appear in court to answer for Mallory’s death in Beach lawsuit.

charlie yup February 16, 2023 at 12:29 am

Fitsnews commented about surprise about the discrepancies between his daily poll and todays live poll. Well, they are two different questions. The daily poll asks if people think he’s guilty and the replies are naturally in the mid to upper 80’s. The live poll today asked if people think he will be convicted. Those are tow different answers entirely.

Anonymous February 16, 2023 at 10:18 am

Where was Buster at the time of the murders? Not heard how he was excluded. Just curious.


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