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US & World

Prioleau Alexander: The White Patriarchy And Christian Nationalism

America’s “declared devil …”

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Richard January 31, 2023 at 7:30 pm

I suspect you understand what you are saying. But I think trying to be clever about kills whatever message you are making…which is kind of clear but only if one looks real hard for it.

youareanidiot January 31, 2023 at 8:56 pm

Jesus Christ, what the fuck did I just read?

Drunkle Funk February 1, 2023 at 10:15 am

Jokes on us, it costs him nothing to write this stuff, but it costs us our brain cells to read it.

Nanker Phelge January 31, 2023 at 9:56 pm

This jamoke fancies himself as some kind of PJ O’Rourke, only if PJ was daft.

The parade of author pictures he provides would be funny but are just embarrassing.

RC February 1, 2023 at 2:09 pm

How is Folks not embarrassed by this guy’s articles being almost the entirety of their “US & World” coverage?

ravinggoat February 1, 2023 at 10:54 pm

It’s articles like this that make me wonder why waste time plus money and just use ChatGPT to write everything.

Jan February 3, 2023 at 10:14 am

You seem to have no problem contributing to the men are dumb theory. A Christian nationalist is not someone who loves his country and happens to be a Christian. A Christian nationalist is someone who believes America should be a Christian Theocracy or theocracyish, as most Christian nationalists don’t care for a lot of what Christ taught. But, basically, no Jews (or Jewish space lasers), no Muslims, no Hindus, etc., etc. Christianity is the official religion of the nation, and while other religions may be tolerated, not if their beliefs conflict with Christian beliefs. You can have a Christmas Parade, pray to Christ in school, and teach the Bible in school; but you can’t teach the Koran, and there sure as hell will be no prayers to Allah in schools.

A white nationalist is someone who believes America should be run by white people and that minorities should have fewer rights because they are inferior mentally or culturally (i.e. good ole fashion racists. The same type of people who defended slavery and Hitler). As it turns out many white nationalists are also Christian nationalists. The KKK considered itself a Christian organization even as it lynched and burned black people who wanted to vote, wanted an education for their children, and wanted the opportunity to compete with white people for jobs, bus seats, and space at the water fountain. So there is a lot of overlap.

As for your Patriarchy, that exists because for most of history, the physically strong used their brawn to dominate the physically weak, threaten them with violence if they got out of line, and treated them as property, much like the beloved slaves of the old south. It was not a choice. But they were Christians, right? They attended church regularly, even while supporting laws that allowed men to beat their wives, kick their wives to death, rape their wives, seize control of the property of their wives, beat their children into submission, sell the services of their minor children to mills and other businesses; deny women divorce regardless of how cruel their husband was; and deny women the right to an education. But no big deal, get over it. No need to think or talk about that anymore, because it can’t come back, right? We can still refer to those times as the good ole days. As for not wanting those jobs, tell that to the “Rosie the riveters” who were forced to give up their jobs when the men returned from war.

Goobersmacker February 3, 2023 at 1:01 pm

Why not admit what you really are? Stupid, ignorant white trash.

Ben Barnes Top fan February 4, 2023 at 8:44 am

Deer Mr. Purlough, we’re laughing at you, not with you. Will, surely you can find a satirist that actually writes satire.

E Prioleau Alexander Author February 4, 2023 at 10:39 pm

Ben, Congrats on using your real name. I rarely reply to anonymous posters. Half the reason I write for Fits is to read troll replies. By all means, write a rebuttal and send it to Will. He’s looking for smart content written people like you. Not too long ago there was an article entitled “Prioleau Alexander is a disgrace.” I’m good with that… the writer was–in my opinion– wrong, but at least she wrote. Let’s use Fits as a form for debate, and making each other think. I’d only ask you submit based on fact, not feelings.


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