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Nephron Implosion: VA Announces ‘Total Recall’ Over Contamination Concerns

Crony capitalist collapse picks up momentum …

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Late last month, my news outlet reported on a looming recall at Nephron Pharmaceuticals –
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Capitalism Rewards Failure January 9, 2023 at 8:14 am

I love how there is an immediate need to paint a bad actor corporation as “crony” capitalist (redundant, I know), because the underlying theme from conservatives and right-libertarians is that there really just shouldn’t be government regulation at all. Take away all the alphabet agencies that are slapping Nephron silly and the only thing that would set off alarm bells would be dead bodies piling up. I’m sure Ancapistan Nephron would do a thorough internal investigation of itself and find no wrongdoing too.

Teresa Whetzel Top fan January 9, 2023 at 1:39 pm

Well my concern is for myself and others who may used these products. I don’t care if the FDA, EPA or FBI has to inspect the facility and make sure there is nothing harmful. If harmful substances or practices are found, then either clean it up or pack it in. Doesn’t seem like it should be this difficult. SMH

WBR January 11, 2023 at 8:27 am

Hard to believe a company run by Lou Kennedy would be having these problems….(sarcasm dripping). Lou, we all knew, and still know, you are a joke. You think you’re better than everyone else and you treat EVERYONE like shit. There is just so much more dirt on this woman…hi, Lou, I know you’re reading. You know who this is. You fucked with the wrong person.

Factor Top fan January 21, 2023 at 7:11 pm

Great article. I have visited Nephron and their facilities seemed beyond state of the art and sterile- but, I certainly don’t have the training of a well funded apolitical government oversight agency. Like people, organizations learn from their mistakes and are typically stronger as a result. I am always hesitant to cannibalize SC companies, especially in Columbia, where we struggle to attract any major industry. That said, as Huey Lewis sang, “Sometimes Bad is Bad”. For future articles, it would be good to juxtapose similar industry oversights. I am guessing there are very few regulatory audits, if any, that don’t find areas that need to be addressed. Typically, but with exceptions, those findings are designed to strengthen, not eliminate, the organizations.


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