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Letter: FITSNews Missed The Mark On ‘Murdaughpalooza’

“How and why you make a dollar should matter.”

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Dear Editor,

Allow me to set aside my pearls to reply to your defense of Walterboro’s gallows avarice in auditioning food trucks for its upcoming murder trial.

So what would be the next acceptable means of morbid moneymaking? Perhaps local rescue squads could sell hotdogs at the scenes of multi-vehicle wrecks … small county coroners could peddle openface sandwiches at autopsies … or maybe the folks at Broad River Correctional Institution could hawk hot barbecue plates at state executions.

But of course FITSNews could justify it all by dispatching a reporter to include stories about the selfless rescue squad volunteers, the meager wages rural coroners earn, or Broad River’s rich history.  Give me a break.

Though it obviously doesn’t, how and why you make a dollar should matter. Publicly advertising for murder case opportunists is disgraceful.

Walt Inabinet
Bamberg, S.C.




As we kick off this new year, I wanted to offer a sincere ‘thank you’ for your ongoing willingness to – publicly and privately – call me out and hold me accountable. I stand by the column from Saturday, but your letter provides an important counterpoint – one I am glad our audience gets to see. Look forward to hopefully publishing more letters from you in the future. Also, thank you for the work you do as a community journalist.

Take care,



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SubZeroIQ January 2, 2023 at 12:06 pm

Why does Mr. Walt Inabet ALONE get to call you, FITS, “publicly and privately”? I have not had a chance to look for your column and do not have time to do so now; so, I withhold comment on that of which I know little. But if Mr. Inabet is against sensationalizing and commercializing crime journalism, he has my support. And since I bothered to start a comment, I will again criticise YOU, FITS, for basically thinking “justice” means convicting in the press then imposing the longest possible sentence the loudest crime journalists clamor for. I have been preaching until I am blue in the face at least two things: (1) prison should not be the punishement for every crime. We should have more imagination than that. Every constitutionally-convicted criminal should receive a sentence that helps preventing the crime (s)he committed but nothing more. I have even been showing WITH STATISTICAL SUPPORT that the pillory/the stock are safer and more humane than local jaild. (2) And that, too, is supported by statistics, some “short” jail/prison sentences are IN EFFECT death sentences. Look up Gigi Jordan. Probably, the Manhattan District Attorney had crime journalists, like you FITS, blowing down his neck. So, he moved heaven and earth to get Gig Jordan’s bail while her case was pending before SCOTUS revoked. Hours after her bail was revoked, Gigi Jordan APPARENTLY committed suicide. Two MORE human lives were taken; and we still know basically NOTHING about why and how to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Always think prevention, not revenge.

Trent Kinard January 3, 2023 at 7:00 am

“Community journalist” lol

PGTBeauregard III Top fan January 4, 2023 at 2:43 pm

Walt Inabinet, the Village Idiot of Bamberg County, perhaps of all the Lowcountry, has never had a problem making a buck on any number of hucksterism and propagandist endeavors he has engaged in over his illustrious career. Too late to hawk cigarettes, as he would be an excellent mouthpiece. Indeed, if it has ever involved misrepresentation, shading the truth, dishonesty, good ol’ Walt has never shied away. He should have stuck to covering cool dips in the pool from his WIS-TV days – the last time he had honest work.

SubZeroIQ January 4, 2023 at 7:13 pm

I do not know you or Walt Inabet. I am only perplexed at the cruelty of your tone, which is like the tone of another of FITS’ guests who lamented his son’s suicide presumably as a result of being bullied but FITS’ guest went on bullying me. Can’t we all say whatever we have to say more gently? Believe it or not, a gentle tone is more convincing.


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