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Cranston Snord Top fan January 18, 2023 at 6:16 pm

Time of death is precisely 9:00 pm

That’s total B/S

Only time you get a solid and 100 % time if Death is when someone dies on the operating table or is hooked up to a heat monitor .

300 Blackout is an AR pistol. Only good for shooting rats and squirrels.I have one .

Why would one person bring a shit gun and a pistol to kill 2 victims.

Fact of the matter is Murdaugh is a total POS but I will never he blew both his wife and child away and watched their bodies be cut into pieces by the rounds .

Stood over his wife and pumped a few more rounds into her with the AR 300 ?

Husbands kill their wives much to often but I will never belive he could his wife and child together

Sounds like a Jonny Parker take down to me

Melvin January 26, 2023 at 6:23 pm

You’re right about the time of death, but the evidence tends to show this guy killed his wife and kid. All your arguments are emotional and don’t address the facts or their implications. Guy’s a legally trained murderer.

Liz January 27, 2023 at 8:43 am

How many times did Alex (prior to the murders) go visit his Alzheiners mother at 9pm?

Me thinks the answer is zero….

Mary Robinson January 28, 2023 at 3:49 pm

My thought as I have tried to keep up with all this:

If the kennel is only a jump, skip and hop from the house and there are two different entrances to the house, why did he not just drive down to the kennel and tell his child and wife he was going to visit his mom.

This something I would do if they did not answer their phones by calls or texted. I would want to see why they did not answer back when they have been reported to be on their phone all the time. This makes me think maybe he was in a bit of hurry to visit his mom!!

Just a thought..


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