by Travis Bedson || The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. I am here to tell you we have a problem. I am sounding the alarm. Two-thirds of South Carolina students are not reading, writing, and doing math at grade level. CRT and SEL have begun creeping their way into SC school systems.
Educrats are fighting to take away your rights as parents. I want you declare with me enough is enough. You have never had the opportunity to elect a leader with more executive experience, more skin in the game, and more passion for results than me.

The status quo ends with me. We all saw how great our country was under the leadership of a businessman. I want to show you how great the education system will be under a businessman. If I have the pleasure to serve you, you have my solemn promise: No CRT or woke curriculum, practical school choice, full parental rights.
If you want to know what someone cares about, how me what they spend their money on. I put a quarter million dollars of my own money into this race. I don’t need this job, but South Carolina’s education system needs a leader like me. I am here to answer the call, just like our firemen, our policemen, and military personnel. I am here to serve you.
When I looked at the educational prospects of my one- and three-year-old daughters, I was dismayed. Furthermore, as a job creator, I have seen the great job that our state has done in recruiting great businesses and employers.
But unfortunately, our education system has done a horrible job of preparing employees for the workforce, which I know firsthand from running my business. The past few generations have been told a great lie that the only path to success is through a four-year degree.
This is not true. SC takes pride in its blue-collar roots, and I believe a robust trade school program is the path to success for many students. We also need to prepare our students for the military or secondary education but continuing to allow South Carolina’s education system to be ranked as one of the worst in the country is not how we will accomplish that goal.

Make no mistake, this job is not a teaching job. This is the CEO of the SC Department of Education. I like to remind people that you don’t have to be a subject matter expert to be a great leader. Elon Musk is not a rocket scientist, but he has built a great team, set bold standards, and has high levels of accountability.
Today we have SpaceX (by the way, which is doing a much better job at going to space than the bloated bureaucratic agency of NASA, another example of how the private sector always outperforms the public sector).
You, the voters, have a very simple choice: Who do you think will provide the best leadership for the SC Department of Education. If you’re happy with the product that your tax dollars have gotten you, then continue to vote the way you have been.
But, if you want real, dramatic, and substantive change then I am your candidate. I am the only candidate with a proven track record of executive leadership and who is unafraid to and fight for, the students of SC, and to produce the best educational product possible. My name is Travis Bedson, and I humbly ask for your vote on June 14th.

Travis Bedson is a business owner from North Charleston, South Carolina.
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