I have heard a lot of interesting things covering politics in the state of South Carolina. But I’m not sure I’ve ever heard anything quite like what transpired at the March 21, 2022 meeting of the Edisto GOP.
Held at the local civic center in Edisto Beach, S.C. – a barrier island community located about thirty miles southwest of the Holy City of Charleston – this meeting went clean off the rails people.
Like this …
You’d never know anything out of the ordinary went down from reading the group’s Facebook page, though, which featured an antiseptic two-sentence recapitulation of its Monday evening gathering.
“Thanks to the many candidates that showed up and spoke last night,” the group noted.
So … what happened?

Well, as the meeting was wrapping up South Carolina first district congressional candidate Katie Arrington – who is challenging incumbent congresswoman Nancy Mace – fielded some questions from those in attendance at the event.
During this exchange, a woman in attendance accused Arrington of wearing a Satanic bracelet around her wrist.
According to Arrington, the bracelet in question symbolizes “no beginning and no end – forever in a circle” and is “Hebrew and Jewish” in origin.
“It’s Satanic,” the woman told Arrington.
“For me it’s a ray of positivity to remember …” Arrington began to say before being cut off by the woman..
“Well I’ve done a lot of research on it and it’s Satanic,” the woman interjected.
“Well, I will definitely research it – I’ve been wearing these since the night of my accident in 2018 and I …” Arrington said, beginning to reference a horrific car crash that nearly killed her and a fellow passenger four years ago.
“I’ve been researching since 9/11 and I know it’s Satantic,” the woman broke in, again.
“But for me, it’s positivity and its circle of life and,” Arrington said, attempting to respond a third time.

“No, I think you’re lying,” the woman shot back pointedly, resulting in audible groans from the two dozen or so voters in attendance at the event.
At this point, another woman stood up and implored those in attendance not to silence the woman who was questioning Arrington about the bracelet.
“Wait a minute, wait a minute … don’t shut her out,” the second woman said.
And if you thought the bracelet exchange was bizarre, the discussion this woman launched into was even more interesting …
“I will never vote for Katie Arrington because I know the truth,” the woman said, extending her finger toward the candidate. “Listen: She tried to mow down her first husband with a vehicle. She has the worst language I have ever heard in my life. There are police reports and they are going to come out. The truth is going to come out about you.”
Whoa …
“You need help, honey,” Arrington said to the woman.
“No, you need help, honey,” the woman fired back. “You think everything is about you and it’s not.”
Here is a video clip featuring both exchanges …
(Click to view)
(Via: Text)
Yeah …
This news outlet has heard whispers about these alleged police reports involving Arrington’s first marriage, but as of this writing no one has been able to produce them. I have dispatched my researchers to see if they can uncover anything, but I am reliably informed that several opposition research efforts targeting Arrington were unable to unearth any such documents.
Ultimately, I don’t know how relevant such material would be … unless such a report actually described Arrington attempting to mow someone down with a vehicle.
And assuming that were the case, it would raise questions as to why Arrington wasn’t arrested …
I am awaiting some comment from Arrington’s campaign but as of this writing I have not received anything. Not that I would necessarily expect them to provide a comment on something like this, except that several Mace supporters have told me I should “expect to see this story come out” before the campaign is over.
Oye …
Arrington and Mace are engaged in a furious proxy war in the first district – with Arrington backed by former U.S. president Donald Trump (and his “America First” legions) and Mace supported by Nikki Haley and other establishment “Republicans.”
Of course, Mace has several former Trump officials in her corner, too … so the rift isn’t quite that precise.

Arrington vanquished incumbent first district U.S. congressman Mark Sanford in a GOP primary for the first district four years ago – the former South Carolina governor’s first-ever electoral defeat. Following her car crash, she was narrowly defeated by lobbyist/ “ocean engineer” Joe Cunningham in the November general election – swinging this district “blue” for the first time in nearly four decades.
Mace recaptured the seat in 2020, knocking off Cunningham in a GOP wave election.
Cunningham is currently seeking the Democratic nomination for governor of South Carolina, although his candidacy has failed to gain much in the way of traction with the electorate.
As I have previously noted, Mace and Arrington are not on good terms. In fact, the two were bitter rivals during their tenure together in the S.C. House of Representatives – almost coming to blows at one point during a heated exchange in 2018.
“They had to be separated,” a lawmaker who observed the feud told me.
Looks like we could be headed for similar fisticuffs (literally) in 2022 …
(Via: FITSNews)
Will Folks is the founding editor of the news outlet you are currently reading. Prior to founding FITSNews, he served as press secretary to the governor of South Carolina. He lives in the Midlands region of the state with his wife and seven children. Oh, he also has LOTS of hats … but has given them up for Lent this year.
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1 comment
Bless their hearts.
There must be something in the water. After all they elected geographically challenged Mark Sanford who got lost hiking the Appalachian Trail and ended up in Argentina in the bosom of his mistress.