A Richland County, South Carolina mother is suing after her son sustained a traumatic brain injury when he was attacked by another student at Satchel Ford Elementary School in 2019, according to the lawsuit.
She filed the lawsuit against the Richland County School District One — a scandal scarred school district in Columbia, South Carolina — and the Richland County Sheriff’s Department in Columbia, South Carolina on August 24.
According to the lawsuit, a student — who will be called “John” — was assigned to in-school suspension at Satchel Ford Elementary School in October, 2019 “for ongoing and continual disciplinary problems/issues.”
At the end of in-school suspension, Doe left the classroom, approached a student — who will be called “Joe” — in the hallway of Satchel Ford and struck him in the head with a metal object, according to the lawsuit.

Joe suffered traumatic brain injury and a laceration above his eye in the attack, the lawsuit said. Joe’s traumatic brain injury “required significant medical treatment and care.”
Before this incident, John was “involved in six separate incidents where he physically attacked other students at Satchel Ford Elementary School,” the lawsuit said.
Richland One officials documented each incident, the lawsuit said. Richland County Sheriff Deputy Tyler Norris, who worked as a school resource officer at Satchel Ford, was also aware of each incident.
Both Richland One and Richland County Sheriff’s Department were aware John’s violent history, but chose to ignore it, according to the lawsuit.
The lawsuit claims that officials at Richland County Sheriff’s Department and Richland One “failed to protect the students of Satchel Ford Elementary” from John.
Columbia attorney Jacob D. Born is representing Joe’s mother in the lawsuit.
In the last two years, Richland One has been sued at least 13 times.
Earlier this summer, a Richland One teacher filed a lawsuit claiming that she was sexually harassed by her principal and then bullied by the district for reporting the incident.
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