SC Politics

South Carolina Lawmaker Pushes Bill On Behalf Of Group That Employs His Son As Lobbyist

Yet another loophole at the S.C. State House needs to be closed …

What little I know about South Carolina state representative Bill Chumley is positive. He seems to
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1 comment

Cliff February 22, 2023 at 11:17 am

Running a campground in Spartanburg has become a literal nightmare in the last 10-12 years. The police claim ignorance when it comes to the fact that campgrounds fall under the same laws in SC as motel/hotels. They claim ignorance to the fact that it states in the Landlord Tenant act itself, that hotels, motels and campgrounds, aka any property subject to the accommodation tax, a tax that the business is responsible for and not the guests, are exempt from it. They refuse to do their job and eject anyone, and then start rambling off arbitrary numbers that change according to their convenance about the accommodation tax to justify their corruption. We have lost thousands of dollars because of this. An example, 5 years ago we had a ex-convict threatening other campers with a gun, so drunk that he could barely stand, because he was confronted for body slamming her daughter to the ground and hitting her. ALL of this is on cameras, we have 30 on our property that record everything. They refused to eject him. One white cop in his 20’s, and a black cop maybe in his 40’s. The white cop was cleary getting off on how the guy was treating his teen-aged daughter, like a slave. The black cop looked embarrassed and ashamed of this fact, he clearly knew what the white was doing was wrong, that refusing to eject this guy was wrong, and so did the 30 or so customers watching all of this. We lost 12 customers the very next day because of this, all of them refusing to stop in Spartanburg ever again. They force us to magistrate to eject these people, the judge is clearly annoyed that he has to waist his time with this and tells us when we call the police out for now on, too asked for an “experienced” officer that knows the laws, then provides in writing that these people do not fall under the eviction laws need to be ejected. We tried asking for an experienced officer, is just makes them worse when they do arrive. Then they complain about having to come out all the time. In the past 10 years, we had to eject 9 people. Each person that has to be ejected, the police literally have to come out 3 or 4 times for that person before they do their job because we have to go through all the steps above, call them back out and provided them with a letter from the judge stating what the law is telling them to eject them. Most of the time they come out, tell the person they have to leave, and just leave. We then have to call them back out to actually eject them. My grandfather built this campground back in 1973, and it is sad and frustrating to see the police enforcement turn on businesses like this. Today is 2/22/2023, the bill was passed by the house over a year ago by an overwhelming majority, now it has been sitting for 10 months waiting on the senate. I don’t think it will change anything.


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