
Justice Department Confirms FBI Investigation Of Hunter Biden

The story no one wants you to hear about …

Officials with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have confirmed that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are indeed conducting a money laundering probe into Hunter Biden.

Also, according to one of the star witnesses in that investigation, former U.S. vice president Joe Biden is a part of the inquiry …

Yeah … wow.

Wait … you haven’t read anything about this story?

Don’t be surprised. It has literally been kept from you as part of the New Orwellian methods by which news is produced and consumed in our nation.

In fact, as far as we are concerned the real narrative here has less to do with alleged political corruption involving the Bidens (which is sadly par for the course in our teetering Republic) and much more to do with the escalating double standard the mainstream media keeps applying to one set of politicians versus another.

Oh, and the outright censorship of social media in response …

These developments are far more dangerous to the functioning of a free society than another corrupt politician, in our humble estimation. Because they represent an attack on our marketplace of ideas.

Just compare the conduct of our information gatekeepers in response to this story with their handling of a demonstrable smear against the GOP incumbent four years ago.

(And their ongoing treatment of the architects of that smear).

Seriously, whatever you think of the Bidens – or of U.S. president Donald Trump – aren’t these double standards at least a little bit disturbing?

Shouldn’t we be worried that those we rely on for information are abandoning any and all semblance of fairness simply because they don’t like one of the candidates? And disagree with their vision for the country?

After all, if they can do it to a candidate you hate … they can also do it to one you like.

Anyway, in the latest escalation of this ongoing inquiry, former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski said six FBI agents questioned him for five hours and examined evidence on three different cell phones he produced.

“They do list me as a material witness within the entire FBI on their computer systems,” Bobulinski told reporter James Rosen, adding that he expected to be interviewed by the FBI again soon.

The cell phone evidence provided by Bobulinski obviously comes in addition to emails and other material obtained on an infamous laptop that was left at a Delaware repair shop. The data on that computer has provided investigators with a “massive trove” of information on a host of Hunter Biden’s business dealings – including one particular venture with a Chinese energy firm in which a ten percent take was allegedly set aside for the “big guy.”

Bobulinski has confirmed that this was “in fact a reference to Joe Biden.”

The laptop also contained other incriminating information on Hunter Biden (sex, drugs, etc.) that our news outlet has declined to sensationalize in the days leading up to the election because we do not believe those things have any bearing on the weightier issues at hand.

According to Bobulinski, a U.S. Navy veteran, he was questioned by the FBI “in connection with (a) discussion of the Biden family, CEFC (the Chinese energy firm) and other operations around the world involving other countries.”

Bobulinski added that the agents interrogating him were “very aware of the sensitivity of the parties involved here and potential multiple impacts to this country.”

Joe Biden has refused to address any of the allegations specifically, except to issue a blanket denial regarding his financial involvement with any foreign corporations.

“I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life,” he said during the second presidential debate.

“I have not taken a single penny from any country whatsoever – ever,” Biden added.

Biden has also issued a blanket denial regarding allegations that he interfered in American foreign policy on behalf of his son’s business interests, although that runs counter to his own braggadocio. And to emails uncovered on the laptop – which was seized by the FBI last year.

To recap: After a U.S.-led coup deposed the democratically elected ruler of Ukraine, Hunter Biden received a board appointment and huge payday from Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company that was facing global scrutiny for alleged money laundering, corruption, illegal funds transfers and profiteering through shell corporations.

In fact, Ukraine launched an investigation into Burisma, its finances and its connections to the Bidens.

That investigation did not sit well with the sitting vice president – who was entrusted by president Barack Obama with overseeing American policy in the region.

(Click to view)

(Via: Getty Images)

So what did Joe Biden do? He threatened to withhold a billion dollars worth of U.S. loan guarantees if the Ukrainian government did not remove its prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, from the Burisma investigation of his son … which it did.

How do we know Biden did this? Because he bragged about it on camera.

In January 2018, Biden recalled the incident at a luncheon sponsored by the neoconservative interventionist organization, Council on Foreign Relations.

“I said I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars,” Biden told the group. “I said you’re not getting the billion – I’m gonna be leaving here … in six hours, if the prosecutor is not fired you’re not getting the money.”

“Well son of a bitch – got fired,” Biden added, pausing for dramatic effect.

Ironically, Democrats impeached Trump for his alleged attempt to get Ukraine to reopen this line of inquiry – a process Biden hypocritically endorsed.

This news outlet makes no claim as to the veracity of the latest allegations against the Bidens. We certainly believe the evidence presented so far is credible and deserves the investigatory attention it is receiving … but beyond that we are letting the process play out.

Our point is simply this: If the mainstream media and its social amplifiers were willing to recklessly advance the false narrative that the current president has a “golden shower” fetish (one that led to him being exploited by Russian interests), shouldn’t they at least allow Americans to make up their own minds about allegations of self-interest involving the Bidens?

That is the real scandal here … that Big Media and Big Tech refuse to allow Americans to think for themselves. And that far too many Americans are willing to surrender to their thought policing …




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