
Nikki Haley, In The Arena

Former South Carolina governor, UN ambassador launches new policy group, previews forthcoming book …

Former South Carolina governor and United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley is gearing up for future national political activity – launching a new “policy” organization and previewing a new book.

Haley’s policy group – Stand for America – was previewed in a feature story in The Washington Post.

“With the hyperpolarization that we have right now and the division that we have right now, I want to make sure that we put out good policy,” Haley told reporter Anna Gearan.  “I think that I can put information out there and not have anybody feel like it’s a threat because I’m not running for anything.  I’m not doing anything.”

Hmmm … is that accurate?

Gearan noted quickly “that is not how many politics watchers are likely to see it.”

Not surprisingly , Haley’s organization will be taking a staunchly neoconservative view of America’s place in the world – although this positioning is smartly messaged as defensive posture.  You know, responding to “threats” and “dangers” and the like.

“America faces many threats from enemies and competitors overseas,” the group’s website declared.  “China, Russia, and Iran are chief among these international dangers.  Stand For America is committed to stopping dangers from abroad and protecting the American people’s security, interests, and values.”


The Post feature noted how Haley is “tougher rhetorically on Russia that her former boss,” Donald Trump, although it neglected to mention how this tough talk is often inaccurate.  Nonetheless, our guess is Haley will not lose any ground bashing Russia … or China, or Iran.

And even if she were to lose ground, it would appear she has plenty of ground to give.

Haley’s national star has waxed and waned, but there is no denying she is a top tier GOP presidential candidate … either in 2024 or (depending on the state of the American economy), perhaps as early as next spring.

As for Haley’s next book, it will reportedly cover the last five years of her life.  Obviously, that time frame would include the event that propelled her into the national limelight – the 2015 Holy City Massacre, a racially motivated shooting at the Mother Emanuel A.M.E. church in Charleston, S.C.

Yeah … we cannot wait to see how she spins that, either.



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