
Letter: George H.W. Bush Was Decent, Lee Atwater Was Not

Legacies collide …

RE: Will Folks: “Love, Actually” At The Bush 41 Funeral

Dear Editor,

Among the many accolades tossed about about George H.W. Bush was that he was a good and noble man.  However, let no one forget that while Bush 41 was the noble and decent darling of the party, Lee Atwater was his pit bull and was given carte blanche to ruin people’s reputations and destroy their lives with his vile hateful nastiness.


Robert W. Hemphill, Jr.
Columbia, SC



Robert: I make it a point not to argue with people when they are correct.  In fact, this news outlet wrote just last month on Atwater and his legacy.  Also, for an excellent “counterpunch” on the hero worship for the late president check out this article.



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