
Introducing Palmetto Wire

A new aggregator for South Carolina political news and notes …

This news outlet has evolved considerably over the dozen or so years since it began reporting and opining on politics and government in the state of South Carolina.

Today, that evolution continues …

FITSNews is not your typical media source.  We break news but we also (admittedly) seek to shape it – injecting our perspectives and policy positions into stories with the hope of influencing those who read them.

While we always aim to be consistent in our libertarian-leaning, fiscally conservative ideology – we will never be enslaved by that ideology.  In other words, we know we are fallible – and we are always open to having our ideological beliefs challenged and disproven.  Also, we don’t play the ridiculous “red team/ blue team” game that pervades politics at all levels.

We are not “all in,” in other words … although we believe what we believe strongly and will never stop advancing ideas we are passionate about.

Our primary commitment, though, is to the marketplace of ideas – the free flow and exchange of competing viewpoints.  This is why not long ago we instituted an “open mic” policy inviting anyone to share their thoughts with our readers.  And yes, that invitation includes people who call us out when we get something wrong.

Which happens …


Anyway, the marketplace of ideas is a busy place.  Or as one of our fellow South Carolina-based journalists often puts it, “the news crush is real.”

Indeed it is … now more than ever.

There is a ton of information out there, and on most days we cannot get to even one-tenth of the stories we would like to cover.  Other reporters tell us they struggle with the same problem.

There just aren’t enough hours in the day …

While we continue to beef up our operations here at FITSNews, one idea we had for expanding the marketplace of ideas in South Carolina was to launch a new aggregator website – i.e. a page that gathered content from various sources on the internet (including original content) and displayed it all in one location.

With this goal in mind, over the weekend we launched our new South Carolina aggregator site – Palmetto Wire.

Nifty, huh?  We thought so.

Obviously this aggregator idea isn’t a new concept.  Longtime followers of Palmetto politics and governance will recall that the state once had a vibrant aggregator called SC Hotline.  And of course most people are familiar with The Drudge Report at the national level.

So while a site like this is not necessarily breaking new ground, it is something we believe South Carolina’s citizens and taxpayers can benefit from – especially as the state gears up for the 2020 presidential election.

Palmetto Wire is very much a work in progress.  Our goal is to update it and refine it often over the coming months as we experiment with this new format and the expanded information dissemination capabilities it offers us.

In fact, stay tuned for a future post with more information about this new venture.

In the meantime, we hope you will add Palmetto Wire to your list of favorite websites .. and we hope you enjoy our newest contribution to the marketplace of ideas.



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