
Lindsey Graham Eviscerates Democrats During Brett Kavanaugh Hearing

Liberal GOP lawmaker finds his voice …

Liberal U.S. senator Lindsey Graham – long regarded as Democrats’ “best ally” in Washington, D.C. – is not siding with his left-leaning colleagues in the increasingly caustic battle over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as the next justice of the U.S. supreme court.

In fact, Graham channeled Republican rage – and then unleashed it against Democrats at the apex of their eleventh hour assault on Kavanaugh’s imperiled confirmation, delivering a stinging rebuke of the advice and consent process to which U.S. president Donald Trump’s second high court nominee has been subjected.

“You’re looking for a fair process?”  Graham asked Kavanaugh during the latter’s emotional testimony before a senate panel on Thursday.  “You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend.”

As much as we have argued with things Graham has said and done in the past, we cannot argue with that …

Visibly agitated, Graham assailed the assault on Kavanaugh as a “sham” and a “charade.”

“You’ve got nothing to apologize for,” Graham told the 53-year-old appeals court judge.

Turning toward his Democratic “friends,” Graham excoriated them – ripping their ongoing insistence that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launch a probe into the various allegations against Kavanaugh.

“If you wanted an FBI investigation you could have come to us,” Graham said, his voice shaking with emotion.  “What you wanna do is destroy this guy’s life, hold this seat open and hope you win in 2020.”

During his questioning of Kavanaugh, Graham noted that Democratic senator Diane Feinstein of California – who dropped the bombshell on his nomination a week-and-a-half ago – sat on an allegation received from California professor Christine Blasey Ford “for over twenty days.”

He also claimed that staffers to Feinstein provided Ford with recommendations for legal counsel before the senator even met with Kavanaugh.

“This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics,” Graham said, addressing Democratic senators.  “If you really wanted to know the truth you sure as hell wouldn’t have done what you’ve done to this guy.  Boy y’all want power – God, I hope you never get it.  I hope the American people can see through this sham.”

Graham also blasted Democrats as having “no intention of protecting Dr. Ford – none.”

“She is as much of a victim as you are,” he said, gesturing to Kavanaugh.

Take a look …

(Click to view)

(Via: Fox Phoenix)

Graham then proceeded to address his Republican colleagues, many of whom he has abandoned on key votes over the years (including votes to confirm former U.S. president Barack Obama’s two liberal appointees to the supreme court, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan).

“To my Republican colleagues,” Graham said. “If you vote ‘no,’ you’re legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics.”

Good for Graham … irrespective of your views on this particular nominee, the process to which he has been subjected is patently unfair and inherently anti-American.  When these allegations were first raised, we implored people to follow facts – not tribalism.

That has not happened …

This news outlet has been harshly critical of Graham over the years – including his disappointing effort to frame the issue of abortion prior to Trump submitting Kavanaugh’s name as his nominee.  And as we have made clear on numerous occasions, we are not fans of Kavanaugh and would not shed a tear were his nomination to fail.

Kavanaugh’s selection was panned by this news outlet when it was first announced back in July, and we continue to harbor grave reservations regarding his ideological moorings.  But he stood and delivered on Thursday in the face of his accusers, and for that we respect him.

Graham also stood and delivered … even if it was likely an audition for the job of attorney general in the Trump administration.

Whatever his motivation, he said some things we believe needed to be said … and said them in a tone we believe people needed to hear.

Reaction to Graham’s comments was mixed from Palmetto politicos.

One operative who has consistently opposed Graham argued his performance was a watershed moment that would likely propel him to reelection in 2020 – an outcome that as recently as a year ago seemed inconceivable.

“Senator Lindsey Graham will handily win reelection in 2020 with no notable opposition,” the operative predicted.

Another lamented Graham’s belated discovery of “testicular fortitude.”

“If only Lindsey had realized he had a pair of balls decades ago,” the politico told us.

Oy …

Finally, a female corporate strategist unaffiliated with either political party felt Graham was trying to channel the voice of a character from the hit Netflix drama House of Cards.

“He sounds like a phony,” she told us.  “A Frank Underwood wannabe.”



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