
Trey Gowdy: Let Robert Mueller Do His Job

Congressman admits he’s one of Robert Mueller’s few GOP defenders …

U.S. congressman Trey Gowdy – chairman of the influential U.S. House committee on oversight and government reform – is part of a shrinking group of “Republicans” in Washington, D.C. who support the ongoing work of special prosecutor Robert Mueller.

“I readily concede I’m in an increasingly small group of Republicans,” Gowdy told Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday. “I think Bob Mueller has a really distinguished career of service to our country.”

Gowdy added that Mueller was “a pretty apolitical guy,” and should be given the opportunity to fulfill his assignment.

“I would encourage my Republican friends, give the guy a chance to do his job,” Gowdy told Wallace. “The result will be known by the facts, by what he uncovers.”

Mueller, who led the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 2001 to 2013, was assigned to investigate allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election back in May – a move U.S. president Donald Trump referred to at the time as “unnecessary.”

Since then, the “Russia rigged the election” script has been pretty much flipped … with evidence emerging that former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was involved in far more harmful intrigues with Russian interests that may have been covered up by officials in the administration of former president Barack Obama.

Gowdy’s panel is one of two House committees currently investigating that scandal.

It’s also been revealed that establishment “Republicans” looking to advance the presidential prospects of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio were responsible for ginning up much of the #FakeNews that sought to link Trump to the Russians in the first place.

Our view?

This news site has never bought into the “Russian meddling” narrative.  As we’ve stated repeatedly, the real “rigged election” was the 2016 Democratic primary with its secret coordinationpurchased superdelegates and faith-based smears against Clinton’s top opponent, independent socialist U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders.

Oh, and let’s not forget the unsolved murder mystery at the heart of that scandal …

For now, though, we’re with Gowdy.  Let Mueller investigate … and let’s see what he uncovers.

He’ll be held accountable based on what he produces …

In the meantime, it’s abundantly clear that the failure of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to hold Clinton accountable for her lawlessness is a stain on the agency’s legacy.  It’s also clear that Trump’s post-election decision to lay off Clinton was a serious mistake.



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