Exclusive: Savannah Nabors Files Lawsuit Against Greenville Sheriff

Bombshell suit (with multiple audio recordings) filed in Upstate law enforcement drama …

Seismic allegations made earlier this year against Greenville County, South Carolina sheriff Will Lewis by his former employee, Savannah Nabors, took the form of a civil lawsuit filed in the Palmetto State’s thirteenth judicial circuit late Monday.

Not only that, the suit included numerous embedded audio links that painted an incriminating picture of Lewis’ conduct as sheriff.

According to the lawsuit, a copy of which was obtained exclusively by this website, Lewis began to sexually harass Nabors “almost immediately after (she) began her employment” with the Greenville County sheriff’s office last December.

This alleged harassment culminated with what Nabors claims was a sexual assault that took place at the Hyatt Place House Hotel in downtown Charlotte, N.C. in early March of this year.

According to Nabors’ version of events, Lewis came to her hotel room shortly before midnight on March 7 to retrieve some alcohol he had entrusted to her care earlier in the day.  Upon entering her room, Lewis is alleged to have poured each of them a glass “of what appeared to be a brown liquor.”

“(Nabors) had a few sips of her drink, and she began to feel uncomfortable,” the complaint alleges.  “(She) does not recall the Sheriff drinking any of the drink that he poured for himself.”

Nabors then claimed to have resisted several romantic advances made by Lewis, who allegedly told her “that she needed to relax.”  At that point, Nabors claimed she “began to slip in and out of consciousness.”

Here is the key excerpt from her pleading …

(Nabors) remembers regaining consciousness when the Sheriff was on top of her, having sex with her. It took (her) a second to realize what was happening and she had no idea how long it had gone on. The Sheriff asked (her) if she was ready for him to “finish,” and (she) said yes. The Sheriff then giggled, making a joke about how long he could “last,” and added that he was sure (Nabors) was not used to that. (Nabors) then lost consciousness again.

Wow …

The complaint further alleges that Lewis began to stalk Nabors in the aftermath of this assault, becoming “territorial” over her.  Specifically, the suit alleges that Lewis began demanding information regarding her whereabouts, following Nabors in his taxpayer-issued car and telling her that she could not become romantically involved with anyone other than him.

At this point, Nabors began to record conversations between her and the sheriff.  Eleven of these recordings were included with the lawsuit she filed.

One such recording captured him plotting a romantic getaway for the two of them (using taxpayer funds) to a conference in Reno, Nevada.  In another recording, Lewis (below) is heard attempting to coax Nabors into traveling with him to Reno.

(Click to view)

(Via: FB)

“You wanna go to Reno?” Lewis asked Nabors on the recording.

“If I got a chance yeah I wanna go anywhere I can go,” she responded.

Lewis then said he would have to see “what the county will pay for” as it related to hotel rooms for the trip.

“I’m fine with it if the county’s only gonna pay for one room,” he told Nabors.

“I don’t see how that’s gonna work,” Nabors replied.  “That’s too risky if somebody were to find out.”

“Ain’t nobody gonna find out – because nobody is going to be out there from South Carolina,” Lewis responded.  “Nobody is going to find out. That’s the whole point.”

Nabors continued to demur, prompting Lewis to call the trip off.

“Well I’m probably not going to go then,” he said.

Here is a copy of the lawsuit itself…

[tnc-pdf-viewer-iframe file=”” width=”533″ height=”800″ download=”true” print=”true” fullscreen=”true” share=”true” zoom=”true” open=”true” pagenav=”true” logo=”false” find=”true” language=”en-US” page=”” default_zoom=”auto” pagemode=””]

(Via: Greenville County)

Nabors, 23, first made her allegations against Lewis, 42, in a since-deleted online blog post – news of which broke exclusively on FITSNews last month.  Her allegations are the subject of an ongoing S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) investigation – news of which also broke exclusively on this news site.

Sources close to Lewis acknowledge a sexual relationship between him and Nabors, but they say the dalliance – which occurred while both of them were married – was consensual.  They also say Nabors has had sexual relations with several other members of the Greenville Sheriff’s office, and has sought to keep those affairs secret during the course of the investigation into Lewis.

Who is telling the truth?

We may never know … but as far as we’re concerned Lewis’ career in law enforcement should be over by virtue of the fact he has been caught on tape attempting to use taxpayer resources in the furtherance of an extramarital affair.



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