
Letter: #NukeGate CEOs Should Be Hauled Into Court

Dear Editor, Just my thoughts. They had directions on how to right this ship but decided to hide their heads in the sand, let it fail and collect millions – coins rolling into their pockets.  Now that it has failed they want to collect BILLIONS tearing apart what we built…

Dear Editor,

Just my thoughts.

They had directions on how to right this ship but decided to hide their heads in the sand, let it fail and collect millions – coins rolling into their pockets.  Now that it has failed they want to collect BILLIONS tearing apart what we built with sweat, blood and tears.

They should not be fired but brought up on charges.  They should be brought into court and be forced to explain why they should be allowed to keep millions in pensions and bonuses – explain that to children who don’t have school supplies, to parents who are trying to keep roofs over children’s heads, to families that are coming apart because mommy and daddy have to leave town for work AGAIN.

SCANA, SCE&G and Santee Cooper should not be allowed to charge for the reclamation of the project but should be CHARGED BACK the $4-plus billion, starting with the salaries and bonuses of every board member of the sinful triad for the last five years.

This would serve as an example to any other monopoly that they are not allowed to walk on the backs of their constituents for a profit, to stand for the office that you were to uphold.  To be fair in your practices.  If no one is held accountable for the destruction of the internal structure and power base of an entire state, do you really want to live here?

I’m not sure if I want to, or even can …

My name is Michael James, I WAS VC Summer, but I am still part of this community.

Michael James
Fairbanks, Alaska



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