
Missouri Senate Leader Hopes “Trump Is Assassinated”

MORE HATE FROM FAR LEFT This website didn’t think much of former U.S. president George W. Bush.  When he left office we referred to him as America’s worst president ever.  We thought even less of his successor, Barack Obama … and the numbers would seem to bear us out. Here’s…


This website didn’t think much of former U.S. president George W. Bush.  When he left office we referred to him as America’s worst president ever.  We thought even less of his successor, Barack Obama … and the numbers would seem to bear us out.

Here’s the thing, though … as much as we disagreed with these two status quo politicians (and repeatedly documented their failures in office), we never wished them dead.

The same cannot be said for critics of America’s current president, Donald Trump, who has committed the cardinal sin of insufficient political correctness.

For this crime, his critics want to see him go the way of Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy.

Take a look …

(Click to view)

(Via: Facebook)

That last comment – “I hope Trump is assassinated!” – comes courtesy of Maria Chappelle-Nadal, the minority whip for the Missouri State Senate.

Chappelle-Nadal deleted her offending message and apologized for her comment … but not fast enough.

According to reporter Kevin McDermott of The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Chappelle-Nadal’s fellow Democrats in Missouri are not only rebuking her – they are calling on her to step down from her post.

“I condemn it. It’s outrageous. And she should resign,” U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill told the paper.

“(She is) an embarrassment to our state,” added congressman William Lacy Clay. “She should resign immediately.”

We agree …

Clay took it one step further, arguing that “calling for the assassination of the President is a federal crime.”

Is that accurate?  Not necessarily.

Saying one “hopes” a president is assassinated is free speech.  Vile, but free.  It’s only when one actually threatens to do the deed that the U.S. Secret Service starts paying attention – and even in those cases, the threat must be made in such a manner and in such a context so as to convince reasonable people (to the extent they exist anymore) that it is a credible threat.

That clearly didn’t happen here …

Still, Chappelle-Nadal’s remark is the latest example of the fomenting hate in this nation.  And notice that in referencing this hate, we didn’t discriminate.



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