
Letter: Tom Davis Should Rethink #SC2018 Bid

Dear Editor, I have been reading with interest your stories saying that Sen. Tom Davis is considering a run for governor.  As someone with many years of involvement in Republican Party politics, I assure you that while Sen. Davis’ liberal social policies may be popular with some who live on…

Dear Editor,

I have been reading with interest your stories saying that Sen. Tom Davis is considering a run for governor.  As someone with many years of involvement in Republican Party politics, I assure you that while Sen. Davis’ liberal social policies may be popular with some who live on the coast, they simply will not sell in Greenville and Spartanburg counties – the heart of the GOP base.

Here are some of his Facebook posts over the past few years where, in his own words, he cooks his political goose:

1. On June 13, 2013, he called an anti-gambling statute “stupid”:

“Earlier today I spoke to over 200 of my constituents in Sun City who have been ordered by the SC State Law Enforcement Division to cease and desist in their participation in bridge, canasta and mahjong social clubs, citing violation of an 1802 anti-gambling statute.  All of which underscores something I have long believed: getting rid of stupid laws is just as important as passing good new ones, perhaps more.”

2. On September 22, 2014, he supported same-sex marriages:

“LA state judge rules #SameSexMarriage ban violates due process, equal protection, full faith & credit.  Here’s an updated tally for those keeping score at home: U.S. district courts in 13 states and state courts in five states have ruled same-sex marriage bans violate the U.S. Constitution, while one U.S. district court and one state court have found that same-sex marriage bans do not violate the constitution.  Unlike some of my Republican brothers and sisters, however, I’m neither keening nor gnashing my teeth.  Marriage as a crucial and indispensable social institution (and for me, as a Catholic, a sacrament) can and will survive and thrive without the coercive power of the state.  In my opinion, government ought to get out of the marriage business entirely — save, however, for the adjudication of the parties’ respective rights and obligations upon its dissolution, just as the judicial system adjudicates other breaches of contract.”

3. On April 15, 2015, he supported teenagers who commit crimes being able to avoid the legal consequences of their actions:

“SC Senate just passed my bill providing for the mandatory expungement of non-violent juvenile offenses when offenders turn 17. The bill now moves to the SC House for consideration.”

4. On September 21, 2016, he called for the legalization of marijuana:

“Below is the #MedicalMarijuana story of Alyssa (of Murrells Inlet, SC), as told by her father, which I just shared with SC state senators.  I have been sharing (at the senate podium, speaking on a Point of Personal Interest) stories of South Carolinians whose lives are adversely affected by politicians’ refusal to let them take a cannabis-based medicine authorized by their physicians.  I will continue sharing stories with my fellow state senators each and every legislative day until a bill is passed that puts doctors, not politicians, in charge of what medicine patients can take.”

5. On July 20, 2017, he criticized Attorney General Jeff Session’s for cracking down on criminal activity and for doing other things that keep us safe:

“I’d also like an Attorney General other than #JeffSessions, though my reasons differ from @realDonaldTrump’s; for me, Mr. Sessions’ positions on medical cannabis, civil-asset forfeiture, mandatory minimums, the War on Drugs and the surveillance state are wrong, and he ought not be our nation’s chief law enforcement officer.”

6. On August 16, 2017, he opposed drilling for oil off South Carolina’s coast in order to ensure our energy independence:

“I talked energy policy earlier this morning with @TaraServatius and argued that offshore exploring/drilling for oil and gas is not in our state’s best interests.  It is certainly true that we must bring market forces into our energy sector and break down the existing power-generation monopolies that shut out potential new providers; however, the costs associated with exploring and/or drilling off our coast exceed the benefits.”

Supporting same-sex marriage and gambling.  Letting teenagers off the hook for their crimes.  Pushing for the legalization of marijuana.  Attacking law enforcement officers who want to keep us safe.  And opposing efforts to make South Carolina energy independent.

Any one of these things could and probably would be the subject of political ads that air on televisions throughout the Upstate, if Sen. Davis were to run for governor.  He would do well to think twice about this.


“A. Citizen”

A. Citizen is an anonymous column that allows FITS readers to sound off on the issues of the day without having to attach a name to their column.  Anyone can submit an “A. Citizen” column on any topic they choose. 



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