
Tell Us How You Really Feel, Steve Bannon

TRUTH TO POWER … We try not to get into the personalities behind politicians … especially the personalities of the various political operatives in their employ.  But senior White House strategist Steve Bannon is not your typical political operative. The former Breitbart News chairman – who guided U.S. president Donald…


We try not to get into the personalities behind politicians … especially the personalities of the various political operatives in their employ.  But senior White House strategist Steve Bannon is not your typical political operative.

The former Breitbart News chairman – who guided U.S. president Donald Trump to his 2016 victory – has always been a powerful polarizer.

We like Bannon … and to the extent we’ve followed the back-and-forth battle between conservatives and moderates vying for control of the Trump White House, we’ve always rooted for his side to prevail.

One reason? Bannon hasn’t been afraid to call out Washington, D.C. “Republicans” who have consistently sold out U.S. citizens and taxpayers …

According to an excerpt from a new book about Bannon, he once called so-called “Republican” House Speaker Paul Ryan “a limp-dick motherfucker who was born in a petri dish at the Heritage Foundation.”  That’s a reference to the warmongering Washington, D.C. think tank that Bannon believe is a mouthpiece for the “globalist donor class.”

We might have said it differently, but we agree with both statements … regarding Ryan and the “neoconservative” think tank.

The book also portrays Bannon and Trump as sparing zero “f*cks” in their interpersonal communications – unleashing torrents of profanity in their interactions with subordinates.

There’s also a controversial reference to Bannon allegedly stating that he draws his inspiration from the “monster power” of “rootless white males.”

We’re sure CNN will have a field day with that comment …

Do we care about any of that?  Not really …

Our whole country has become rootless, and the last time we checked those pandering hope to black America fundamentally failed to deliver on the promise – meaning we are all in this (full) boat together.

The question is whether Bannon’s ideas for expanding opportunity, liberty and prosperity in our nation are better than those of the liberal, bipartisan elite in our nation’s capital.

We think they are …



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