Nikki Haley’s Political Consultants Are Pissed

S.C. GOVERNOR THROWS LONGTIME ADVISORS A CURVEBALL … This was not “the plan” for S.C. governor Nikki Haley … Having tried and failed to take out Donald Trump in the 2016 GOP primary – and having tried and failed to take out powerful S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman four months later –…


This was not “the plan” for S.C. governor Nikki Haley

Having tried and failed to take out Donald Trump in the 2016 GOP primary – and having tried and failed to take out powerful S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman four months later – Haley was supposed to ride out her second term as a lame duck at home.  And be on the “outside looking in” nationally.

Her vaunted “national star” had shone its last, it seemed …

The one bright spot?  Despite her bad bets, Haley remained in line to take over the Republican Governors Association (RGA) – meaning her political advisors were poised to rake in tons of cash running GOP gubernatorial races across the country.

Not anymore …

Now that Haley has said she will accept Trump’s nomination to become United States’ ambassador to the United Nations – her advisors are officially S.O.L.

Wait … isn’t Haley’s new job (assuming she survives the vetting) vastly more influential than the chairmanship of a partisan governors’ group?

Absolutely … for Haley.

For those seeking to make money off of her, though, it is a dead end.

“Running the RGA is a license to print money,” one Republican consultant told us. “Ambassador to the UN?  There’s no money to be made there – and if you try you’re going to wind up getting yourself into a lot of trouble.”

In fact, public frustration with “pay-to-play” government is at an all-time high following the myriad scandals involving former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

That means there will be more of a microscope on self-serving behavior now than ever before.

“It’s a great day for Nikki Haley – but a terrible day for her political clingers,” one veteran Washington, D.C. operative told us.

Chief among those “clingers?”  Liberal GOP pollster/ consultant Jon Lerner and longtime Haley confidant Tim Pearson, her former chief of staff and two-time campaign manager (and the guy whose sealed divorce case could make some news in the weeks to come).

(Banner via Travis Bell Photography)


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