National Politics - 2016

Expert: Hillary Clinton Poisoned By Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

THE VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY IS BACK! A famous forensic pathologist is suggesting that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is being poisoned.  Not only that, he claims to have a good idea who is doing the poisoning. Bennet Omalu – who was portrayed by Will Smith in the movie Concussion –…


A famous forensic pathologist is suggesting that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is being poisoned.  Not only that, he claims to have a good idea who is doing the poisoning.

Bennet Omalu – who was portrayed by Will Smith in the movie Concussion – bills himself as “the world’s leading expert in forensic pathology and forensic neuropathology.”

His claim to fame – until this week, anyway – was forcing the National Football League (NFL) to address the impact of concussions on its current and former players.

Now he’ll enter the history books as the author of one of the most bizarre political conspiracy theories of all time …

“I must advice the Clinton campaign to perform toxicologic analysis of Ms. Clinton’s blood,” Omalu tweeted on Sunday.  “It is possible she is being poisoned.”

In a follow-up message, Omalu placed the blame for this alleged poisoning on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“I do not trust Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump,” he tweeted.  “With those two all things are possible.”

Wow … talk about a vast right wing conspiracy!

Omalu’s tweets were posted after Clinton collapsed during a 9/11 commemorative event in New York City on Sunday.  Video footage of the incident quickly went viral – reviving concerns about her health.

Interestingly, this is the second time the “Russian Card” has been played in response to a major Clinton scandal.

Earlier this year, Clinton’s campaign blamed Russia for the leak of thousands of emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).  These emails which showed the party (and the press) conspiring to help Clinton’s campaign at the expense of independent socialist Bernie Sanders.  Russia denied the allegations, although the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – is investigating them anyway.

(Banner image via iStock)


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