National Politics - 2016

#NeverTrump Is Back

FORMER TED CRUZ SUPPORTERS RUN SWING STATE ADS AGAINST DONALD TRUMP Whatever you believe about the 2016 presidential polls, it’s becoming increasingly clear GOP nominee Donald Trump has zero margin for error moving forward. Which is why the reemergence of the #NeverTrump movement is not a good thing … This…


Whatever you believe about the 2016 presidential polls, it’s becoming increasingly clear GOP nominee Donald Trump has zero margin for error moving forward.

Which is why the reemergence of the #NeverTrump movement is not a good thing …

This assemblage of insiders – led by supporters of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas – are running ads in Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Michigan urging Trump to resign as the “Republican” nominee.

Their spokesman?  Trump himself … who said in an October interview with NBC that he would exit the presidential race if he thought he wasn’t going to win.

“I’m not a masochist, and if I was dropping in the polls where I saw I wasn’t going to win, why would I continue?” Trump said in the interview.

Here’s the spot …

(Click to play)

(Vid: Via)

The ad is described by Politico as “a five-figure buy” which is making a “limited run on broadcast networks.”

Specifically, it is aimed at suburban areas in these four swing states that “typically lean Republican but appear to be tilting in Hillary Clinton’s favor this year.”

The ad is a reminder of the headwinds Trump is facing in the general election – now less than seventy days away.

With the media in the tank for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton – and his own party offering tepid support at best – Trump faces a daunting challenge over the next two months.

Is his situation hopeless?  No.

But Trump can ill afford any additional unforced errors.  Nor can he afford to take any more wind out of the sails of his populist insurgency.


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