National Politics - 2016

SC Dems Demand GOP Withdraw Its Support Of Donald Trump

ESTABLISHMENT WAR AGAINST PRESUMPTIVE “REPUBLICAN” NOMINEE CONTINUES … The South Carolina Democratic party is demanding that GOP officials in the Palmetto State withdraw their support for presumed “Republican” presidential nominee Donald Trump. According to party chairman Jamie Harrison, Trump is “unabashedly racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic, and egotistical.” Really … what…


The South Carolina Democratic party is demanding that GOP officials in the Palmetto State withdraw their support for presumed “Republican” presidential nominee Donald Trump.

According to party chairman Jamie Harrison, Trump is “unabashedly racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic, and egotistical.”

Really … what about the people protesting him?

Harrison’s broadside comes less than a week after S.C. governor Nikki Haley compared Trump to Dylann Storm Roof, a 21-year-old white supremacist who confessed to murdering nine black parishioners in last year’s “Holy City Massacre.”

We blistered Haley for her comments, referring to them as the latest example of a bipartisan, establishment campaign to unfairly demonize Trump – and silence those who support him.

“Haley isn’t just looking to expand an unflattering narrative against Trump … she’s looking to expand the ‘safe space’ inhabited by liberal politicians of both parties as they hasten the demise of our once-proud Republic,” we wrote. “Additionally, she’s seeking to manipulate perception so as to turn common sense reforms into hateful vendettas … something we know all about in battling her on the refugee resettlement issue here in the Palmetto State.”

We view Harrison’s publicity stunt in the same vein …

Establishment media love to vilify Trump, but they completely ignore the (reverse?) racism of those attacking him.  For example, mainstream media have failed to point out that Gonzalo Curiel – a federal judge whose objectivity Trump has called into question – is a member of “La Raza,” (a.k.a. “The Race”), a group that is prima facie racist and which advocates for the “reconquista” of U.S. territory ostensibly stolen from Mexico.

Apparently that form of racism is acceptable …


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