
Lindsey Graham, Tim Scott Urged To Oppose “Neighborhood Engineering”

LIBERAL D.C. POWER GRAB MUST BE DEFEATED U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott are being urged to block funding for one of U.S. president Barack Obama‘s most radical executive overreaches – the so-called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH) regulation. Never heard of this regulation?  It’s a radical neighborhood engineering…


U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott are being urged to block funding for one of U.S. president Barack Obama‘s most radical executive overreaches – the so-called “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” (AFFH) regulation.

Never heard of this regulation?  It’s a radical neighborhood engineering scheme – one this website has consistently rejected.   Basically, it would enable Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to mandate the construction of low income housing in middle class neighborhoods – holding $3 billion in grant money over the heads of 1,200 city and county governments.

It’s the definition of a liberal D.C. power grab – using your tax dollars as blackmail.

Scott has already signaled his opposition to the regulation.  Graham?  Who knows what the most liberal “Republican” in the U.S. Senate will do.

All we know is this is a big vote … one with very real consequences for our republic.  Not surprisingly, limited government advocates will be watching this tally very closely.

“For the first time, the U.S. Senate will have an opportunity to defund HUD’s utopian racial and income housing quotas, but it needs the support of Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham,” said Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government (ALG).

Manning added that legislation defunding this regulation has passed the U.S. House of Representatives previously, thanks to the efforts of U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar.

Now Manning says it’s up to the U.S. Senate to “draw a line in the sand and force President Obama to defend this program.”

“The federal government has absolutely zero role in local zoning policy, which only determines what can be built where, not who lives there,” Manning said.  “Yet that is exactly what AFFH presumes to tell local communities – that low-income, high density housing must be built in middle class suburban neighborhoods, because apparently having nice neighborhoods to live in is racist.”

Manning said the regulation “is not about expanding the poor’s access to housing, it’s about expanding the federal government’s reach into local municipalities.”

Indeed …

Not long ago, Stanley Kurtz of the Washington, D.C. Ethics and Public Policy Center wrote that Obama’s neighborhood engineering rule was “breathtaking in its radicalism” and rivaled Obamacare “in its transformative potential.”

Let’s hope Scott and Graham cast their votes to shut it down …


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