Lindsey Graham Is Confused …
SOUTH CAROLINA SENATOR CONFLICTED OVER HIS LATEST PRESIDENTIAL ENDORSEMENT We knew S.C. Senator LiYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
We knew S.C. Senator Li
Next week he will probably come out for Hillary or Bernie.
At least he’d be backing a winner this time.
A national poll this early in the campaign—let alone one that surveyed only 920 people—
means little. Jimmy Carter led Ronald Reagan in the polls throughout most of 1980, yet
lost by a wide margin in November. (This is not to equate Trump with Reagan, or even
suggest Trump cannot lose the nomination. It is merely to point out that eight months is a
long time on a political calendar—especially when 150 FBI agents are investigating one
of the candidates.)
Very true!
He would be best to start by just coming out, period. You would have to think that a powerful politician with his “life story” is easily controlled by people who threaten his privacy.
What’s wrong with being a lesbian?
Glen Beck inferred last week that Graham is also a big time drunk.
You’d be drunk too, if Trump was about to destroy your party for good.
Graham was funny on The Daily Show. Maybe he could get a TV gig next?
Obama destroyed the Democrat Party and Graham was a apparently a drunk? Your point?
The R’s did it to themselves. Obama just expedited it.
President Obama is also guilty of treason for adhering to, aiding and abetting the enemies of this country by using taxpayer money to finance the Muslim Brotherhood’s global jihad and working to replace our Constitution with a Shariah-compliant, New World Order, Socialist/Communist agenda.
Why Trump will win in 2016.
Obama isn’t running, although he would beat Trump too. He beat McCain, Palin, Romney and Ryan easily. Trump woukd get best even worse.
Obama wasn’t kidding, he really could have won a third term.
You should at least switch news sources.
Complete BULL SHIT. I just love you narrow minded and biggoted rednecks. You are the problem in this country, you are lazy, uneducated slobs who love to blame the blacks and hispanics and now the poor muslims for what you assholes do,NOTHING. You drive your fuckin banged up pick ups, live in shit houses, or trailers drink beer, smoke cigarettes and beat your wives or girl friends. Did I paint a good enough picture?
thats your home state of ohio . nice try junior
hey fred fuckface . check out this website. you piece o shit
Het looser you can’t stand the truth. South Carolina is the most backward and uneducated state in this country, and certainly qualifies to be a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY. It is people like you that I described in my post. What the hell good are you and what do you contribute?
Maybe he could take Richard Simmons’ old job.
Wasn’t Beck a big time coke head?
He’s still a big time Koch head.
Beck should know being an Alcoholic himself.
Not to mention being a drug and gambling addict. He’s open about it though.
Oh crap, that’s a tough one. I don’t like Graham, but Beck is so unreliable on so many levels, I find it hard to believe him. At least a couple of times, he promised to reveal info that once out, “would bring the 0bama Administration down”. He promised to reveal it in a day or few each time. Years later, nothing.
A lot of his assiciates say Glenn is either losing it mentally or hitting the sauce or other substances, hard. Given his membership in the “kill Trump” crowd, I can’t put much stock in Glenn Beck.
Yes, that is a thought, but will Graham ever attain the stature where people will look at him as being that powerful or influential.
I think most people are aware of his personal life, and given his present status, don’t have a vision of him becoming that powerful, so they are not that concerned.
Good point as usual, Taz! One of the “arguments” used by people opposed to letting gays serve in the military was that they could be blackmailed easily. The thing is, a system that forced those who were gay into the closet created a situation ripe for blackmail. Those who were “out” with their sexual orientation or who wanted to be had nothing with which to be blackmailed.
People like Lindsey, who are heavily closeted, would make ideal targets for blackmail by anyone who had the goods on them.
Finally, then we may have something at least approaching truth-in-labeling with Lindsey!
Wow. The enthusiasm from the GOP for Trump and Cruz is…….well……..uhmmm……..errr……..
Data from the United States Election Project, which compiles and analyzes election results and statistics, shows Republican voting in primaries and caucuses is up across the board.
States like Idaho, Virginia and Missouri have seen increases of more than 200 percent in Republican turnout compared to 2012. Traditionally blue states have also seen spikes relative to 2012. Massachusetts and Maine, for example, had increases of 72 percent and 220 percent, respectively.
The angry uneducated racists that clamor around Trump and the GOP are two different things.
Are you saying they aren’t?
And yet oddly, all the polls show Hillary defeating both Trump and Cruz by double digits. Amazing – ain’t it?
It won’t even be close. All thanks to Bill and Hillary’s good buddy, Trump!
The polls are a fraud.Sanders wouldn’t win one state in a general election and they have polling like JFK.Media is trying to shape the election.Won’t work this time.
I will say it will be hilarious when Hillary wins popular vote 51%-49% and Trump wins Electoral College. 344,000 votes decided 4 states in 2012 that decided the election.
It’s not really that amazing when you think about it. Hillary may stink but American voters know that Trump and Cruz are just frauds.
Graham said his endorsement of Cruz says all you need to know about Trump. This shit just keeps getting better and better!
This is far and away the most important issue of election 2016. All others pale compared to it. How our government — FBI and DOJ — resolves this investigation will affect the very backbone of our country: the rule of law. No democratic society can exist without it. No person, no matter how high, can be above it. Without the rule of law, the United States of America as we know it does not exist.
Hillary is toast.
No biggie. Sanders destroys Trump in a general election too.
He wouldn’t win one state once exposed.
Exposed as what? The more people that he him speak, the more support he gets. The exact opposite of Trump.
You’ll have to forgive Trumpism, sounds like he isn’t a fan of Jews which is why he backs Trump.
your confused . thats your dumbocrat muslim loving nazis that hate jews.
Yeah I’m sure Bernie is a self hating Jew right? LMAO!!!
If Trump is the nominee and wins at least the states won by Mitt Romney in 2012, he
starts off with 206 of the 270 electoral votes needed for victory. New York’s 29 electoral
votes would give him 235. If Trump wins New York, he can win Florida, which also has
29 electoral votes. Trump’s total would be 264. Almost any other state (such as Nevada,
Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan) would put Trump over the top. Although
many Republicans may say in March that they would never vote for Trump, they may
change their minds by November. In addition, Trump will gain a substantial number of
Democrat crossover votes—such as those of blue-collar union workers who won’t follow
the lead of their socialist union bosses. (As noted previously in this Timeline, almost
20,000 Democrats in Massachusetts have switched their registration in time for the
March 1 primary. The assumption is that many did so to vote for Trump.)
Your spin is not very good, keep trying though.
So when I write that FBI Director James Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch have the whole country in their hands, I mean it. Whatever conclusions they come to, assuming they come to the same ones, somehow the vast majority of our citizens must be convinced they have reached those conclusions honorably, fairly and correctly. This won’t be easy, no matter what hints or leaks occur, but somehow that information must get out to every extent possible, because the public must be reassured. (Of course, if Clinton is indicted, a trial will go forward — unless she is pardoned.)
If Comey and Lynch do not come to the same conclusion, if the FBI director recommends prosecution and the attorney general demurs, it’s almost impossible to say what the result will be, except that it won’t be good. It’s already a foregone conclusion the disagreement would be leaked.
Hillary is toast.
That’s fine. Bernie will beat Trump just as handly. A ham sandwich would beat Trump.
— she’s as stale as (fill in the blank ______________)
..her forced cackle and laughter..
….Thumpers romance with Haley…
Your stalking of Ervin…
Which has nothing to do with this expose — “Peter Rabbit’s First Affair”
I agree, Hillary has no scenarios in which she will be allowed to exit gracefully from this situation.
Yeah, at this point in the election process, I had rather be Trump than Hillary.
Yes sir.
With their honesty and trustworthy ratings in the tank, it’s kind of scary isn’t it.
Just stick to sacking Dickson you fucking FAGGOT!
Did Lindsey ignore your advances?
What you all don’t see here, is the Eeiiiistablishment wants to get Cruz in. That way Cruz destroys Trump, and Hillary destroys Cruz, and come December 2016, the get the whole thing back.
Are you saying, he thinks he’s a man now?
Oh, Lindsay! How very “Harold Stassen” of you?
Called the senator office this AM to complaint about his ravings on TV; You know what got their attention?? when I said “Lindsey did not look well, not fit, kind of sloppy and disheveled, unkempt”, even Bernie looks in better shape!!!!!!!!!. The response was fierce, “You know his parents were poor, many think this is part of his charm,!” I said “well Tim Scott was very poor and he always looks clean and together” I think Lindsey may not be well, he looks blotted, and does not make much sense. Considering that his own state went almost 90% for Trump his attacks are disrespectful to his constituents. Kind of dumb if he runs for reelection, that I am quite sure he will not do. Then again he may not be well.
you may be right …..
Try 32.5%. That’s a long way from 90%.
Nat you are correct, I should have said 90% of SC counties. Thank you.
Just read a column on today’s “The Week” daily business briefing (bottom bar) about the reason to draft Queen Namrata (aka; Nikki Haley) as a 3rd party prez candidate…..
Shudder the thought !! (but it is out there among some political wonks)…
Hillary could get indicted and still get more supporters than Kasich.
Graham and Hillary are both pig shits.
“Really … that question really needs to be explained? ”
Only if you’re stupid, or intentionally obtuse. He recognizes that Kasich can’t get close enough to Trump in delegates, as Cruz is closest to where most of the non-Trump GOP voters are. So while he’d prefer Kasich, he knows Cruz has a better shot at winning at the convention than Kasich does, presuming Trump doesn’t run away with it and wrap up 1237 before the Convention.
I cannot wait to vote against Graham.
He makes my head hurt
Lindsey doesn’t act ‘confused’. He acts and looks drunk…starting with ‘Morning Joe’.