“Achievement Gap” Forum Coming To Charleston
GOVERNMENT EDUCRATS GATHER IN THE HOLY CITY … A group of government educrats will gather in CYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
A group of government educrats will gather in C
South Carolina’s graduation rate is higher than Florida’s (80% versus 77%) (SC: http://www.greenvilleonline.com/story/news/education/2015/11/18/south-carolina-graduation-rates-climb/76011906/) (FL: http://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/7584/urlt/Historical-Graduation-Rate-Graph.pdf)
South Carolina’s SAT average is 5 points lower than Florida’s: http://blog.prepscholar.com/average-sat-scores-by-state-most-recent
South Carolina’s cost per pupil is $1,000 more: http://www.governing.com/gov-data/education-data/state-education-spending-per-pupil-data.html However, Florida has “pay for play” for all extra curricular activities.
While I’d like to have the $1,000 per pupil back (roughly 700,000 students in public schools in South Carolina ) I don’t know that Florida is doing all that much better.
The easiest way to eliminate the achievement gap is to lower the performance of white, middle and upper class students. Don’t think they haven’t tried. “Reforms” such as “Common Core”, which make it more difficult for educated parents to help their children, serve the levelers purpose.
The whole purpose of modern education “reform” is to turn teaching into a profession as opposed to a mission. To do this they must minimize the influence of parents. “Reforms” that confuse and alienate parents serves that purpose. The added benefit is that it minimizes some of the advantages children of educated well off parents have.
Water always seeks its level
If the Educrat Cockroaches don’t like the current level, they simply dig a few new holes
Given the fact that South Carolina has been digging Education holes nonstop since 1954 there is a good chance our grand-kids’ grand-kids will be speaking Chinese
I have “cream of sum yung guy” if intrested.
Uh…..isn’t Francis Marion responsible for giving that idiot Grand Tango his English degree? That is also where he met Pogo (as a foreign exchange student from Ohio). FMU is where that brain trust was formed.
When will the committee be investigating the achievement gap in the NBA?
so cool!