NC Authorities Threaten To Charge Donald Trump With Inciting Riots
NO REALLY … THEY’RE THINKING ABOUT IT … Law enforcement officials in North CarolinYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Law enforcement officials in North Carolin
It will never happen, no jury would buy this horseshit charge.
I spent 2 years at “Ft. Fragg” and did battle with the Fayette-Nam on a regular basis.
One thing every GI who spent any time in Fayette-Nam knows is not to fuck with the Fayetteville Police. They had tactical squads roaming the bars on Haye Street just waiting to bust some GI’s head and that was back in 1972!!!!
Hell yes I’ll be happy to be on the jury to put that lying draft avoiding SOB con man in jail ===========Fuck Yeah!!!!!!!
“I’d like to punch that protester in the mouth” = Donald Trump
“If somebody gets out of line, kick the shit out of them, don’t worry, I’ll pay for your legal fees” = Donald Trump
If that ain’t inciting to riot and avoiding responsibility tell me what is
****After that old dude who sucker punched that guy was arrested Trump is quoted as saying he would “look into paying his legal fees” NOT that he WOULD pay his legal fees…..******* There’s a BIG difference there bubba!!!
That lying sack of dog shit that some of you support is gonna leave y’all hanging out on a limb…I’m telling you……
Like I posted last night an old conman saying is that you can’t con someone who doesn’t want to be conned and some of you have spread your legs and even supplied your own KY Jelly!!!!!!
You brag so much about your accomplishments, your contacts, your superior knowledge of the world, you have such wonderful way with words “dog shit” ect, you are so persuasive and show so much class “KY Jelly” in the words you chose, I have come to the conclusion that you are an old man or old woman that hits the bottle and cant refrain himself or herself. You are certainly low class, and it would be my guess that you are an unsuccessful, sad, and resentful person, man or woman how can say? Women today can be as vulgar as men.
You’re describing the 78 year old man that sucker-punched the protester.
sparklecity makes some interesting contributions to lots of discussions. If he gets on your nerves that sucks but at least he isn’t one of those nasty trolls that impersonates people and threatens them.
Whoever SparkleCity is, is unimportant, because they show their total ignorance in each posting. They are apparently unemployed, uneducated and have mental issues. The statement about the Fayetteville Police in 1972 is absolutely untrue!! They were probably discharged as undesirable.
The charges against Trump in NC were dropped.
Once again, proving just because your are a Democrat and don’t like a certain Republican politicians, you can’t file criminal charges simply because you intensely dislike them. There has a reasonable certainty that the person broke the law.
I think we had a politically driven Sheriff with a Nifong complex.
You blood pressure medicine is calling your name.
Please clam down.
“One thing every GI who spent any time in Fayette-Nam knows is not to fuck with the Fayetteville Police. They had tactical squads roaming the bars on Haye Street just waiting to bust some GI’s head and that was back in 1972!!!! ”
— and as far back as 1956.
Donald Trump incites riots. The father of the fat thieving slob in Ferguson telling a crowd to burn it down before days of looting and arson = 1st Amendment. Understood.
Damn…well played, suh. Well played.
And they wonder why Trump continues to surge.
People are dumb enough to vote for Trump no matter what he does.
Just like they were dumb enough to vote for Obama.
That’s what democracy is, rule by majority vote of 100 IQ average.
The average person doesn’t vote though. The percentage of people who vote is a minority to those who do not.
So you don’t think the average voted IQ mirrors that of the population?
I actually think the average voter IQ is lower than that of the population. There are a lot of smart people who do not vote. There are a lot of smart people who vote for third party candidates or independents because they know that the two party system is bad. Dumb people have no such hesitation, dumb people get tripped up on single issues and show up to the polls to make sure their “team” wins the election bowl game so they can have bragging rights for the next four years.
The primaries are even worse since they have an even smaller portion of the voting age population taking part.
“I actually think the average voter IQ is lower than that of the population.”
Well there ya go, that’s similar to what I’m saying.
Democracy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Not that we’re living in a democracy, it’s kind of a bastardized indirect democracy with remnants of a republic, but the elite must pay attention to the hoi polloi lest the have a riot on their hands and possibly get strung up by their necks.
(that’s why they really aren’t itching for a GOP brokered convention either, but would rather the presidency be handed off to Hilliary or whoever else is more friend to Neocon warmongering)
I think you are dead right. Brokered convention would be stepping over the line further than they ever have before. It would be easier for them to concede the election to Hillary. Hillary will give them 90% of what they want and it will give them another 4 to 8 years to rant against the Democrats. In the end they may only concede to a few minor things as a result.
Exactly why I’d never vote for Hillary.
Agree that politics has become a sport where many blindly root for their team. But no, I don’t admire their loyalty.
Took the words right out of my mind. I agree that the vast majority of voters who actually show up and pull the lever are pushed by either a single issue they feel strongly about OR suffer from pack mentality where they are there to support a R or D and now we have seen the race factor to add to the mix. It shouldn’t, but I’m still amazed me to hear Blacks say “Obama was nothing like me and how I feel about issues, but I wanted to see the first Black President.”. Hell, even though I didn’t vote for him, I sure was looking forward to all that racial harmony and better international relations that was promised. :-(
Cause, in the words of PT Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute”.
Trump better be glad he has a lot of minutes between now and November then.
Tazmaniac – That guy was charged for inciting a riot. But nice try.
Counter with a defamation suit against each of the law enforcement officials. But apparently they have no names listed here.
One thing that lying draft dodging sack of shit Trump is good for is sueing at the drop of a hat..I’ll agree with you on that
Pffttt!!! … Will end up causing North Carolina officials to go to prison; not to mention their homes could be targeted. Who the fuck to these psychos think they are??? LMAO! LMAO!!
Terry you old goof, slapping the s#!t out of anyone lately?
Ole Terry has an actual advertisement on 93.1(The Lake) I heard yesterday- good for him for being enterprising instead of threatening. It was his voice too, pitching “west metro news”.
Good for him, I am really glad he doesn’t act in real life how he acted here. Maybe he is a decent upstanding guy in person, someone you could shake hands with or drink a beer with. I just wish he chose to be that way towards people on this blog.
“Maybe he is a decent upstanding guy in person, someone you could shake hands with or drink a beer with.”
The anonymity of the internets(for the average joe that is) is an intoxicating elixir. I can’t say I haven’t taunted those that annoyed or bothered me before anonymously. Stuff I would never do in person or face to face. (I’ll take an shouts of “hypocrite” coming my way like a man)
“I just wish he chose to be that way towards people on this blog.”
Well, all that’s over now for the most part. Lesson learned for all parties involved. There is a line…it’s not always clear where, but it’s there.
The fact he’s trying so hard to make something work redeems him a bit in my eyes even if he was an unbearable prick at times.
Everyone deserves a 2nd chance, even Grand Tango. Hell, this blog is run by the King of 2nd Chances and he’s redeemed himself by exposing government.
If TW comes out the same way in the end it’s a win/win for the common man.
Karma wins in the end.
I’ve been holding off on mentioning WMN. But when Flip Pogo Sandi used to post a lot, the times always seemd to jive with stories posted to WMN. Like if Pogo Flip Sandi would be up late calling my wife a third world whore, or making fun of my kids and it was say 11:30 p.m. – you’d also see the latest Pulitzer Prize article on West Columbia’s new fire truck posting on WMN about the same time give or take 30 minutes.
When Tango got outed, that’s why he went so nuts. That’s why he got all nuts when Kenny filed the lawsuit. He was deathly afraid that being outed on FITS would impact his roll out of WMN. That’s why Flip Pogo Sandi would scream about ability to make a living, or threatening ability to provide for family.
And see boys and girls, that’s why – Flip was Tango was Sandi. Despite what Boz believes. And that’s why now we have Flip gone, because has his ads running.
That said, WMN is pretty good. I have to give old Tango Whitesnake a nod there. Nicely done in new media – let’s see if it takes.
Is Nifong bringing charges?
Democrat sheriff?
…that or a damn RINO.
****”Does that sound like riot inducing language to you?”***
OK “Fitster”; allow me to retort:
“If you see someone getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them,
I’ll pay your legal fees” = Donald Trump (1 February 2016)
“I’d like to punch him in the face, I’ll tell ya” = Donald Trump 23 February 2016
Cherry pick much do ya FITS??????
Nothing but love for ya,
Hey you can’t use someone’s actual words against them, otherwise people have to be held accountable for what they say!
Speaking of Banrey Fife, Gomer Pyle will have to do a cutizen’s arrest because charging trump will itself incite a riot.
*Adopts soothing Andy Taylor/ Ben Matlock voice*
TBG suspects the powers that be have waited juuuuuust a little too long to nip the Trump phenomena in the bud.
he was just playin the knock-out game
can’t stop trump
I hear Trump is contacting Hugo Boss to get uniforms for all his little followers. Nice little brown suits with Republican red arm bands. Oh my!
He really does scare these crooks to their core! I can see Kershaw County “Sheriff” Jim Matthews wanting to pile on with this bunch.
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,” Trump said.
It is amazing that Trump can even insult his own supporters and they will still vote for him. Trump supporters remind me of abused women who return to their abuser because they “love” each other.
Should’ve heard the twisted logic on the Tara show WORD, by both the host and callers after Trump made that statement.
All excuses that totally change the meaning and purpose of his remark.
For God’s sake, why do you continue to defend your abuser? Are you afraid no other man will have you?
“Trump supportes will not stop making excuses for him. All excuses that totally change the meaning and purpose of his remark.For God’s sake, why do you continue to defend your abuser? Do you believe you deserve that mistreatment?”
The above would also apply to your never wavering support of Haley. No matter what she does you always make excuses for her and claim she is some sort of government savant.
There is a big difference. Haley isn’t a bully or an abuser.
So as long as the bully isn’t upfront about his/her intentions, everything is good.
That’s funny, she has others do her bullying, “we were told to make the money appear “,
“You mean cook the books”
She had others bully?
And how would you know that she told them to bully and they weren’t just trying to cover their own butts?
If I had a bully work under me, that doesn’t mean I’m a bully. I may work under a bully. That doesn’t make his superior is a bully.
Things aren’t always what they seem. A bully will blame higher ups.
My God, that’s the most mainstream liberal logic thing I’ve read someone post in quite sometime.
Logic is or isn’t. The source is irrelevant. The same logic applies to all.
Yes, your source and logic stands to reason, congratulations professor Thumped
Did a Google search “Nikki Haley” bully.
Plenty of hits on her Anti bullying initiative, about being bullied ot incouraging her to bully. Below is the only accusations that she is a bully, which should immediately be dismissed since it only appeared in Fits.
Maybe you’ve picked up on the fact that the media and politicians are in an establishment, free fall.
From their inability to tell the truth or to be trusted in any way.
Haleys response to Obama was an establishment propoganda bully slap from a tea party running trader.
I would venture to expect that your were an abused child !
Nope. Opie Taylor, that’s me.
Trump’s supporters are all ignorant white trash, as the comments on this board conclusively prove.
You should see the meltdown going on over at Breitbart, people resigning because they are just now seeing it for what it is. Breitbart is eating its own! LMAO!!!
I know, that’s hillary-ous.
“Trump supporters remind me of abused women who return to their abuser because they “love” each other.”
Maybe, but the reality is that those supporting politicians in general have all been abused, & love their abuser.
That each abuser goes about abusing in a different way with a different personality doesn’t change the reality.
Trump’s so funny. First he lets these protesters in. It’s part of his act – “get ’em out of here.” So he was actively courting them, and letting them in. And so long as he could control the number let in, he did it. And he then encouraged violence against them with his tough rhetoric – never thinking anyone would actually do it. Then they did it and he ignored it. Then the protestors showed up in force in Chicago, and Trump ran away like a little pue say. And now he cries the “victim” card.
And his moronic followers – they guzzle it like white lightening. Many of those who attend a Trump rally are given tickets, in advance. Most of those attending Chicago were from way outside the Chicago area, coming in from Iowa, Wisconcin, Indiana, Michigan. Apparently the citizens of Chicago decided Trump wasn’t welcome.
At least now Trump doesn’t have to give fifty bucks to people to get them to show up. Probably saves his campaign a lot of money.
Well, the cleaning bill is probably pretty stiff.
You beat me to it. It’s all staged.
It’s no coincidence that Chump was a promoter of the WWE. That’s just what his rallies are: WWE matches, and just as fake.
Yeah, if only Trump could screen people from his events that would be potential protesters. Maybe if he used his mind reading device to only give out free tickets to people that really genuinely supported him, he wouldn’t have these problems.
You send tickets to people who bought stupid little hats.
So Rocky Verdad’s political campaign advice company would advise a candidate to only mail tickets to people who bought MAGA hats from all over the globe or just those in chicago or what?
Earl “Moose” Butler, sheriff of Cumberland County, is a registered democrat whose office appropriately enough is on”Dick Street”. Sadly for or Ol’Moose, after a real lawyer looked at his charges, he was forced to admit “…it doesn’t appear that we have sufficient evidence to warrant charging him at this time…” (or ever you fat dumb slob)
I love the way repugnuts like to call people they don’t know dumb and half witted. Only they are smart and know what is going on in the world. Everyone else is dumb and/or half witted. Just so typical of what has made the Republican party what it is today; a party of racist rednecks, religious nuts, and old white men afraid of losing power.
Oh, see, that’s where you’re wrong – I do know Moose. Trust me, he’s a half-wit – I served at fabulous Fort Bragg for a while and dealt with him and his office regularly. Talk about “good ol’boy, racists rednecks…
As for the attorney, Ronnie Mitchell, I couldn’t pick him out of a line up but apparently he’s never heard of the First Amendment. You know the one that protects political speech? He’s already had to come out and admit that he had no case. We call that political grandstanding and we call people who do it in obvious “no win” situations half-wits
Someone needs to check the Trumpster’s Depends, it looks like he just dropped a load in them.
He looks like he’s about to have a heart attack – all the time.
did the Sheriff attend the Liberal Think Tank of America also know as UNC-Chapel Hill?
Are this sheriff’s attorney and Jimmy Metts PD’s attorney related — with one law degree shared between them from the University of Belligerent Ignorance?
Don’t worry, he’s too valuable to Hillary’s campaign for her to allow him to go to jail.
The Donald would LOVE it if this happened. In fact, he is probably the one who put the idea in law enforcement’s head to begin with. His whole campaign is one big made for TV show.
“What “conduct” by Trump are they referring to? It’s not immediately clear.”
Or maybe you just didn’t watch any of it. The guy’s language is flat dangerous and blunt. Words do in fact have consequences. It’s not a left wing conspiracy. Shocking.
The left needs to leave The Donald alone. The Republican nomination process this year is clearly a spectator sport. No reason to participate, at least outside of the voting booth ;-)
All this shit is a set up by democrats and Republicans that don’t like Trump…why??? Because he isn’t a politician…Leave Trump alone and go after the real shit starters here.
Lib tossing torch into CVS: “TRUMP MADE ME DO THIS”