Thomas Ravenel: Kathryn Dennis Is An “Agent Of The Devil”
MEANWHILE: DRAMA WITH THE NEW GIRLFRIEND REACHES THIS WEBSITE Disgraced politician turned reality teYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Disgraced politician turned reality te
I don’t know if the topic of T-Rav’s son’s name has been discussed here. It’s somewhat strange. I hope the name is not prophetic. The legendary tale is that St. Julien returned unexpectedly from a trip and killed both his parents while in his own bed, mistaking them for his wife and her lover.
Perhaps, they named him after a commune in the South of France that has a vinyard and a “grower” named Rembert. Saint Julien le Montagnier…
Heywood U. Cuddleme
Please stop. Please fucking stop. Fucking please mother fucking stop.
Do you think Will should start a separate site, maybe called —“FizzleNews” ..??
Then you guys could also get those fabulous fotos of babes.
Best show on TV.
I love Kat no matter what.
“no matter what” ….. she screws? // she says? // she sleeps with?
You weren’t posted for guard duty at Area 51 by any chance were you? Just checking.
The aliens abducted me and turned into a horndog. I never get enough, should proberly gets checked.
Shamecocks not selected for NCAA tournament.
I wish to congratulate the Gamecocks on their invitation to the NIT. Seriously! snik snik. Sorry my soda just came out my nose.
because of bad wins over teams like Clempson?
T-Rav is renouncing his SC Citizenship???
…and then some.
So TRav is finally realizing that sticking your dick into crazy isn’t such a good idea. At least he can put their names on the child support checks.
T-Rav has been reaming out the Devil’s asshole for much of his life, and now he complains because KD is the Devil’s agent? What’s the matter? She bump him out of the gig?
He definitely did not do any serious advance planning…..
Please keep in mind that this is the same clown that
promisedswore that he would renounce his US citizenship because he can’t play with his phallic-issue / weak manhood machine guns anymore. Judging by the 24/7 coverage of his annoying ass here on FITS, I am pretty sure he is still here. He is going NOWHERE. Ever. Great…“I really love my kids but because I have zero rights to see them in South Carolina, I am moving to another state and having more,”
“Ravenel referred to Dennis as an “immature child.”
A few rational thoughts are in order here:
1. It’s great that you love your kids.
2. With all your money, you’d think you could hire a better lawyer, but then drug dealing, failed politicians who exhibit near pedophilc tendencies while living their lives out on TV, Facebook and Twitter could probably have hired Clarence freaking Darrow and still not gotten custodial rights.
3. If your really planning to move, I have boxes and packing tape you can have, will pay the movers and will also come help you pack, the only condition is that we never hear of or from you again.
4. “immature child.” ? Takes one to know one…
Note to Will: really dude, get some help, this unrequited bromance with T-Rav is creepy.
The carefree, halcyon days of puttering around Charleston Harbor in the Regal, listening to CATO CDs ain’t never coming back, Chief. Each spring/summer will remind y’all of them…but the memory will gray and fade over time…
“Life goes on…even after the thrill of living is gone.”
-Johny Cougar
CATO thrills
speed kills
5. Get a vasectomy.
Wow how did I miss that one, that should be number one!
I don’t know if Dennis deserves an F- for mothering, but I do know that T-Rav deserves an F- for the way he lives life.
“The latest off-camera drama comes as Southern Charm prepares for the premiere of its third season on Bravo TV.”
No kidding. What a coincidence. Don’t be a schmuck, Will.
is there any difference in being a clown like your Coach? or a schmuck as you call Fits?
I’m wondering if Will is on the advertisement dole for that show
more empty promises from a an empty shell of a human being. BTW Thomas the kids and Kat are just fine up here at “Da Farm” in Aiken. Find us if you can hahahhahahahahah.
I didn’t know Thomas Ravenel had an agent. Oh my! LMAO!!!
Hey Will…was that another “massive hack” that had your link for this story go in a circular “404 not found” result yesterday?
Ain’t all exs spouse and the like…agents. I believe him for once.