#BlackLivesMatter Protests Donald Trump … In KKK Attire
WHERE IS CLAYTON BIGSBY WHEN WE NEED HIM? We have zero use for the #BlackLivesMatter movement. WhyYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
We have zero use for the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Why
You know they aren’t white by the quality of their signs. Their EBT cards probably won’t allow the purchase of decent markers.
So, they’re just like regular Trump supporters.
#dumbhickscanstillvote #beafraid #beveryafraid
What would have happened if it had been poor white trash in those attires ??
Two more votes for Trump. Duh.
But it wasn’t, so what’s your point?
Ask jackieagain, not me.
They would ask for directions to the nearest Trump rally?
pogo on the left….GrandTango on the right.
Clayton Bigsby will be in the Comedy Hall of Fame.
“Black Lives Matter”
If they do, why aren’t you in the slums of Chicago, where open warfare between opposing gangs occur every night? Why aren’t you trying to keep black teenagers in school to get an education? Why aren’t you running the drug dealers and gangs out of your communities, etc..
Maybe, when you get serious about getting serious, other people will get serious about your cause.
It just takes up too much space on the signs for #OnlyCertainBlackLivesMatter-TheOnesThatCanFomentRacialDivisionForPoliticalPower.
They are feeling aggrieved by the system. Their problems are mostly self-inflicted. You gain your freedom through political/religious/societal imperatives. You gain your dignity through education, self-improvement, family, community, obeying the law, etc.
They are non-violently expressing their political views and need not take your advice. If the gangs in Chicago would stop the intra-gang rivalry & follow Minister Farrakhan or the intrepid Black Panthers who focus on our true enemies, I doubt you would be more agreeable. Just you wait until the Mexican gangs become more entrenched into American society then you will come to know the true meaning of chaos and the decline of a society.
Can’t wait…..
It’s the job of police to reign in the gang members and true criminals. It is the job of We the People to hold police accountable for when they injure or kill innocent people.
“It’s the job of police to reign in the gang members and true criminals.”
Yeah, but it is not their responsibility to keep your kids from joining gangs, keep your kids in school, instill values and proper morals to the young people.
The police are around to scoop up the “fuck ups” that the community allows to exist.
Trump would probably say, that “He loves Klansmen, he loves non-Klansmen,” just like he “loves skinny people, fat people,” loves “educated people, uneducated people,” etc.,etc., ad nauseam.
I love al sharpton
Last night they interrupted Hillary Clinton in Charleston,SC where they paid $500 to enter but were tossed out by the Secret Service when they questioned her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGSyj2bdH9o
My favorite “Klan” story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKwsA8KRHIE
At first it was tense and awkward on the bus between the Ku Klux Klan members and the group of Muslim women.
But then the talk turned to laundry tablets.
Isn’t there a federal law prohibiting the KLAN from covering their faces?
So, I suppose it doesn’t matter about these two imposters?
YOU BETCHA!!!!!!!!
If those two are from the Citadel, Al will be on the red eye to Charleston
Why isn’t it called “Nigger Lives Matter”?
BLACK PEOPLE DRESSED UP AS MEMBERS OF THE KKK. Check out the pictures for yourselves.
How did these guys get into the Klan although they’re black?
This is why some Blacks in American are not respected. I use to love Chappell comedy. However, this comical showcase is disgusting and downright ig-nor-ant. What it does shows just how much a house negro will do for money. And, it also shows just how prejudice we are against one another. Shame on you, Chappell. There’s nothing funny about any relationship between Blacks in America and the KKK’s.