Chip Limehouse: Don't Call It A Comeback (No Really … Don't)

STATE LAWMAKER MIGHT WANT TO STICK WITH HIS PLAN TO STEP DOWN AT THE END OF HIS TERM  S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse briefly flirted with higher office … seeking the GOP nomination to the U.S. Congress back in 2013. How’d he do? LOL … “Limehouse shelled out more than $600,000…


S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse briefly flirted with higher office … seeking the GOP nomination to the U.S. Congress back in 2013.

How’d he do?


“Limehouse shelled out more than $600,000 of his own money on the race – all to finish with just 3,269 votes,” we wrote at the time. “Do the math. Like Limehouse’s cholesterol, the number isn’t going to be pretty.”


This abysmal finish made the fiscally liberal “Republican” exceedingly vulnerable in his S.C. State House seat – District 110.  In fact the wealthy 53-year-old lawmaker would have likely been defeated in 2014 were it not for a false attack mailing launched at the last minute against his GOP primary opponent, Russell Guerard.

Seeming to acknowledge his precarious electoral position – as well as a looming personal scandal – last September Limehouse announced his intention not to seek reelection to the S.C. House.

Political career over, right?

Not so fast …

Sources close to the rotund “Republican” tell us he is mulling multiple options for his political future – including seeking reelection to the S.C. House as well as possibly mounting a bid for governor.

(Yeah … stop laughing … he’s apparently quite serious).

Complicating matters for Limehouse?  The personal scandal that nearly broke into the open last fall has bubbled back to the surface … only this time the allegations are being confirmed by someone with intimate knowledge of the situation.

Not only that, the source – who was reportedly engaged in a multi-year, extramarital affair with the family values “conservative” – is ready to share specific details regarding her relationship with the lawmaker.

Seismic details …

Stay tuned … the “Limehouse Comeback” appears to be over before it even began.


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The Colonel (R) February 9, 2016 at 5:32 pm

Chip Limehouse: Don’t Call It A Comeback Him A Humpback When Just Plain Old Fat Ass Will Do

There, fixed it fit you…

Flip February 9, 2016 at 6:05 pm

Shrek’s older brother, Blech.

southmauldin February 9, 2016 at 7:00 pm

I just returned from a fishing trip to the Chattooga a few minutes ago. I only caught one fish, and it was a stocker, but I think I saw Limehouse in the woods with his tighty whiteys around his ankles and a toothless yahoo cornholing him while pinching him on the ear. Only this time Burt Reynolds was nowhere around to save him.

shifty henry February 9, 2016 at 7:14 pm

“Seismic details …” —- Well? C’mon now, Will, this is what we live for!

The Colonel (R) February 9, 2016 at 10:55 pm

In Limehouse’s case, every time he jogs to the kitchen we get seismic readings at the USGS….

shifty henry February 9, 2016 at 7:29 pm

I truly can’t understand how Limehouse allowed that lead photo to be taken ….

erneba February 9, 2016 at 8:13 pm

The “poontang” trap has snared many a good man, and even some dumb asses like Limehouse.

Herman W. "Buz" Martin February 10, 2016 at 12:03 am

I hear his mistress has been under a lot of pressure …

mamatiger92 February 10, 2016 at 8:40 am

Another alleged “personal scandal”. God, this gets old. Either give the details, or find something else to write about.

weezl February 10, 2016 at 8:45 am

Yeah, still waiting for the Rubio mistress and gay scandals to break exclusively on shitsnews!

Who is paying you for this one, Will or is it personal?

ts February 18, 2016 at 9:49 pm

I’ll tell you what I know about Chip. He is a first class piece of shit. I know the girl he has been seeing for the past two years. She is a very nice girl and this dude has put her through hell. I knew he was BSing her about being separated and finalizing his divorce. He filled her head with lies and told her he loved her. I knew it was lies but she believed him. What kind of dirt bag loser gets a girl pregnant and tells her to get rid of it so his wife doesn’t find out? Instead of being a man and taking care of what he was responsible for, he wanted to ship her off to a different state. All of the women voters need to keep that in mind the next time he is running for office or trying to chat it up with you and get in your pants. This is not the first time he has run around on the old lady and I’m sure it won’t be the last. She knows all about this and is a dumb b**ch for staying with his sorry ass but all of y’all know what that is about $$$$. After seeing what he has done to this poor girl I feel sorry for his next victim.

Marvin Straight February 10, 2016 at 8:56 am

Pretty much any (physical) move Limehouse makes has seismic implications.

Slim Shady February 11, 2016 at 4:04 pm

Went to Chip’s farm one time to sell him some broke down polo ponies. The groom said he was not there. “Where is he”, I asked. “He be somewhere with his dick up a horse’s ass and a vodka samich in his hand”. Ok

gngolfing February 14, 2016 at 8:33 pm

This sounds personal. I gather you do not like Chip.


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