Lawmaker's Confederate Submarine Flap Hits Charleston Papers

SOUNDS LIKE A CASE FOR “THE PEOPLE’S COURT” S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse‘s dispuYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

SOUNDS LIKE A CASE FOR “THE PEOPLE’S COURT” S.C. Rep. Chip Limehouse‘s dispu
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erneba February 3, 2016 at 10:59 am

“Yes … millions.”
This is not about history, our heritage, state pride, it is about………
“Yes … millions.”

idcydm February 3, 2016 at 11:08 am

Not to worry the SCDOT is flush….

The Colonel (R) February 3, 2016 at 11:08 am

If the Hunley is about “state pride” then that all goes to Alabama where it was built, South Carolina has the dubious honor of being the place where it sunk (three times).

However, I will unabashedly support the preservation of the H.L. Hunley for the historical aspect. The Hunley was the first operational submarine to sink an enemy combatant. The vessel was far more advanced than thought until it was recovered. The story of the finding of the Hunley and her eventual recovery is the stuff of legends and has already been turned into several documentaries.

Just for the heck of it, here’s the rest of the story:

The Union was working on their own submarine at the time the Hunley was developed. The USS Alligator was originally “oar powered” but basically all it could do was hover as the forward recovery of the oars negated the rearward propulsion stroke. After changing the vessel to a human powered propeller powered, she was able to make about 3-4 knots under water. She sank while being towed to Port Royal, South Carolina (the Hunley was not only faster by a knot or so but she was also more advanced)

The Colonel (R) February 3, 2016 at 11:13 am

Oh, and Limehouse is a fat idiot.

flip February 3, 2016 at 11:18 am

All he knows is someone told him they had a sub in that building and he was licking his lips up until they stopped him.

shifty henry February 3, 2016 at 12:43 pm

now cut that out ..!!

Rocky Verdad February 3, 2016 at 11:21 am

Yes he is.

Rocky Verdad February 3, 2016 at 11:21 am

Not much anyone can add to that. Thanks Colonel.

sparklecity February 3, 2016 at 11:24 am

On that we agree.
The Hunley is a irreplaceable piece of military and maritime history and as such should be restored for posterity.
Same for what’s left of the Monitor, the Wright flyer, The Memphis Belle, The Limburg (sp) flyer, Friendship 7 & Apollo 11 capsule and other artifacts that are irreplaceable and have enormous historical significance.
Oh, and let’s not forget “The Turtle” when you are mentioning early submerged watercraft. But as far as I know no trace of “The Turtle” exists

Joe Bauers February 4, 2016 at 6:30 pm

You forgot the General Lee.

Tazmaniac February 3, 2016 at 5:02 pm

With the newly discovered “right” to not be offended by history. I am surprised that some pandering politico hasn’t tried selling the H. L. Hunley to KFC as playground equipment. We look down our noses at ISIS for destroying historical objects but in the US it is a source of pride to some.

erneba February 3, 2016 at 6:49 pm

You are the same track that I was on when I made my comment about the money. Politicians will find some way to skim the proceeds for restoration when you get into the millions of dollars supplied with our tax money. My comment was meant to be that of a viewpoint from a greedy politician. I think it was lost on some. Greedy politicians trying to find a way of making money on this deal, caring less about other factors.
It is a nice historical relic and should be preserved by the state without legislators making money on the deal.
Send it to Sea World and offer free rides to the Kids…just kidding.

Rocky Verdad February 3, 2016 at 11:21 am

“where is Judge Joseph Wapner when we need him?” – or was he looking for Judge Whopper!

The People's Court February 3, 2016 at 11:24 am

‘Course, three minutes to Wapner.

Beachtiger0412 February 3, 2016 at 12:29 pm

How about a phone call to say you are coming to take pictures. What if someone showed up at your house wanting to take pictures at 8 am – how would that suite you??
What has happened to decorum?

nitrat February 3, 2016 at 12:35 pm

Listen, dumbass, like I would tell the Bundy/Payne bunch on that federal property in Oregon if they were at that submarine instead – that is MY state property and if the people in charge there want to know what some fat ass with a camera crew is doing on MY state property, that’s fine with me.

If your side didn’t have lawbreakers like James O’Keefe and David Daleiden going across the countryside perpetrating politically motivated dirty tricks on public and private property, you might not have to worry about being treated like potential criminals. But, you are and that’s how you need to be treated.

And, like with the Bundy/Payne bunch, if James O’Keefe had gotten some jail time instead of probation when he broke into Mary Landrieu’s office, we would have never heard the name David Daleiden. Give you people a pass and it only encourages more of the same by other fame seeking little turds.

Daniel Boome February 3, 2016 at 2:16 pm

Yeah, I’m not sure jail time for a misdemeanor of accessing federal property under false pretenses is worthy of jail time. You call it “politically motivated dirty tricks”, but if it were pro-life or tea party groups being exposed I’m pretty sure you would find a way to make the ends justify the means and wouldn’t be decrying the fact that groups you favor were exposed. This isn’t even to mention the fact that Delaiden was indicted on one count of “tampering with government documents” and one count of attempting to purchase fetal tissue by that Texas Grand Jury. In other words, PP is innocent of selling baby parts to Delaiden, but Delaiden is guilty of buying baby parts from PP. Hmmmmmmm. Sounds to me like nothing more than “To Catch a Predator”. You want Chris Hansen to go to jail, too?

Certainly O’Keefe is toeing the line a bit too much more often than not, but most of what he has done is expose illegal activity. Should he use illegal means to expose illegal activity? Definitely not. For the most part, I think he has done it the right way. He has done hundreds of videos exposing numerous things. The case you’re referring to in Landrieu’s office was six years ago. Other than that (and an erroneous $100k he was forced to fork over for “deceivng” in another instance) he has done pretty well to keep his nose clean considering his line of work. Our political system gives a “pass” to all sorts of shady works and dealings, both of the left and the right. Just choosing to highlight the ones you don’t like is disingenuous.

The Colonel (R) February 3, 2016 at 10:15 pm

Actually the lot and building are under the control of the Friends of the Hunley and are NOT “conventional public property” in the normal sense of the words – The Hunley Commission created the Friends of the Hunley, Inc. as a quasi-private 501(c)(3) corporation. The corporation has the ability control access to their facility. The Shipyard itself is a quasi private/public/state/federal property lash up of 99 year leases, decaying warehouses and restricted areas.

Technically, the boat (subs are called boats) belongs to the US Gubamint since it is a Confederate warship…

Thomas February 3, 2016 at 3:01 pm

The whole thing about not being able to take pictures on “public property”is a kind of a slippery slope. An elementary school is public property, should any random person from the public be able to walk in and start taking pictures. State prisons are public property, should anyone be able to wander around in them or on the grounds there taking photos? Come on now.

Why Not February 3, 2016 at 4:33 pm

Why not? In Dorchester County, people have recently been known to sell moonshine on school property.

Charleston Confederate February 4, 2016 at 7:29 am

Limehouse is a member of the Hunley Commission and was visiting the Warren Lash Lab. Clemson University entered into an agreement with the Hunley Commission and agreed not to interfere with Hunley Commissionioners visiting the lab. Also, Limehouse has publicly stated he wants the Confederate Flag exhibit to be relocated from the Confederate Relic Room which receives no visitors to the Hunley exhibit which still has visitors – thus consolidating Confederate exhibits and possibly saving state dollars.

Good Ole Charleston February 3, 2016 at 4:12 pm

When I moved to Charleston in 1986 I took all of my visitors by the replica telling them it was the real thing. We probably would have never known the difference until one day in 1988 I was at the Blue Parrot on the Isle of Palms. It was storming like hell outside so we were wasting the afternoon getting hammered. Two rough old guys started up a conversation with us. As it turns out they were working on a private and yet to be publicized expedition with Clive Cusler searching for the Hunley. Until that time I had never even heard the story of the Hunley. Due to the weather, they were waiting out the storm by drinking the days away. The seas were not cooperating. They were the real deal old school salvage divers. They were full of stories and as long as we kept the drinks flowing the tales followed suit. Certainly this is one of my favorite memories of living in Charleston. You just never knew who you would meet.

One that comes close was a stripper with one tit in an old bar on Aviation Blvd I think it was. She doubled as the waitress. A buddy and I went in, ordered a drink each and started nursing it. She plopped her sorry ass at the table and asked if we wanted another. My buddy asked her how much the drinks were and she said $8 bucks. I countered that we would just take the tab. “No tab, just give me $50 bucks and get the “F” out of my bar and don’t ever come back. The old biker behind her winked at us from the corner. We paid and made tracks.

shifty henry February 3, 2016 at 6:45 pm

story (1) — that is cool! and I wish I had been there!
story (2)— yeeoww , glad I wasn’t there!

Publix Stores Hate Limehouse February 3, 2016 at 4:31 pm

Limehouse needs his ass kicked. He has been know to drive while under the influence of alcohol. Set his lawless stink ass up. Put him under secret watch and you can take him down.

sidi limehouse February 3, 2016 at 4:40 pm

They found my stash

Golden Rule February 3, 2016 at 4:49 pm

sounds less like he was asked to leave the premises for filming, and more because he was being rude and making the employees feel unsafe. Even state employees have the right to feel secure at their place of employment and you absolutely can be removed from public property for behaving in a way that threatens people

Act like an ass, get treated like one

Sharoncharms February 4, 2016 at 4:52 am

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Krazy Kat February 3, 2016 at 8:22 pm

Perhaps scientists can one day reverse engineer the technology of this vessel and understand how it was able to travel underwater and bring victory go the confederacy.

Reply February 4, 2016 at 2:53 am

It’s HISTORY, we already spend money on plenty of crap, we can spend money on this. Don’t like it? Leave the South!

Bo February 4, 2016 at 6:56 am

The fact that a state university or agency would react in such a manner to a sitting legislator and a member of the Hunley Commission should concern all other legislators . Very nervy to say the least.


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