We’ve already weighed in on S.C. governor Nikki Haley’s big response to U.S. president Barack Obama’s State of the Union address.
Our view? The governor’s address was highly offensive. Basically, she said anyone protesting the current bipartisan debacle in Washington, D.C. was one step removed from a white supremacist mass murderer. Of course the “Republican” establishment was enamored by Haley’s speech – giving it rave reviews and calling her “very, very presidential.”
Of course while ideologues like us were assessing the politics of the governor’s remarks, the rest of the country was looking at something else entirely … Haley’s teeth.
“Truthfully, she could have said anything tonight and it wouldn’t have made much of a difference,” Gawker’s Ashley Feinberg wrote in the aftermath of Haley’s remarks. “Because tonight, America only had eyes for Nikki Haley’s incredible, unmoving jaw.”
“If politics doesn’t work out, Haley has a long and illustrious career in ventriloquism ahead of her,” Feinberg added.
Feinberg’s article proceeded to post numerous tweets regarding Haley’s curious case of clenching.
Enjoy …
Nikki Haley can't open her mouth any wider otherwise the little alien controlling her body will escape. #GOPresponse
— Jill Biden (@JillBidenVeep) January 13, 2016
Nikki Haley looks like she's being held at gun point while giving the Republican response to #SOTU. Eyes wide and teeth clenched.
— kathleen (@kathleenyano) January 13, 2016
real question: are nikki haley’s teeth glued together?
— joe mande (@JoeMande) January 13, 2016
Does Nikki Haley always talk with her teeth clenched? Was she a ventriloquist? #StateOfTheUnion
— Gerard Mulligan (@GerardMulligan1) January 13, 2016
Why won't Nikki Haley's teeth part? Is her jaw wired shut? Are her teeth a personal "wall to keep immigrants out?" pic.twitter.com/35ePLkQzOJ
— Emily Teachout (@emilyteachout) January 13, 2016
I think they wired her up so she wouldn’t put her foot in her mouth…or any stray penises, if rumors are to be believed.
LMAO!!!! Obama and Haley must have the same dentist. Mr.Ed ain’t got nothing on either one.Big ole grins while they both call the the American people stupid.Obama says ISIS isn’t a threat.Haley says illegal immigration isn’t a threat.
And giant ears too
She’s got those buckteeth that would make a woodchuck jealous.
I was going to be a gentleman and not comment on her mouth. But I’ll jump in — She looked exactly like a rodent gnawing on a morsel stuck to the floor.
p.s. why was she swallowing so hard?
The most important opportunity to date for her and she suddenly realized that she is reading …. the wrong speech!
Oh my!!! You are on a roll!!My sister Sandi Morals was disappointed in Nikki.
Oh yeah, I’d heard she was a swallower!
She was trying to answer the age-old question of “spits or swallows”?
Ask Will or Larry :)
She did not know if your tiny cock was in there. The SMALLEST cock she has ever seen!!! Cut it off and be a girl, you’ll make more money.
She hasnt seen my cock then. Its no fun being 3 inches hard..
These fotos are going to haunt her in the years to come. The memes will be brutal. And I’m thinking about two losers from the past: the tank commander and the screamer ….. what will be called?
I heard her on CBS This Morning and she was so proud she hadn’t done anything to make her wind up being parodied on SNL.
not yet …..but stay tuned (she’ll consider it a thorn in her crown)
“The Clencher?”
Remember those many b&w drive-in theater horror movies from the 30’s – 50’s that had just one name? You’ve named a new one! Of course, must be 16 years of age to enter theater.
I find it so annoying that Haley speaks with clinched teeth. Why doesn’t her staff tell her about it? The fact that I’m not voting for her makes it even harder to listen to her talk..
Leave it to Will to figure out a way to blow up Nikki’s mouth and call it job related.
Way to go, Jill Biden!
All this time I thought I was the only one who noticed her teeth. Her teeth are the reason I have never believed all the rumors and allegations regarding her promiscuity. (Sorry, Sic, just don’t) After all, what man would trust his pride and joy with that mouth?
Those clinched teeth limit her skills to a “hiss job”!
You haven’t been around much have ya’, Mike?
It seems the GOP often has problem with these SOTU responses. Perhaps that means something?
My suspicions lean towards getting her out of any discussions for higher office because no one really wants her or her baggage. It is a way to let her humiliate herself publicly. The other candidates were incapable of getting a coordinated response so they handed it to Haley. Nothing ever comes from these “responses”.
She probably needed some water, maybe a cup or six.
Angry immigrant overbite (common sense, STFU!)
Ah, the angry right now down to attacking her teeth. Priceless!!!!
We don’t have a criminal and communist running like the American hating left does.In fairness I still give Obama the advantage in a watermelon eating contest.Those damn chompers he has would cut thru a 2 by 4.
It’s easy to do that with anyone. I’ve got a freeze button on my HDTV remote. It’s fun sometimes. Google “Trump” and click the image tab. A lot of laughs.
Will Folks shouldn’t be so bitter. He chose Barrett and Bauer over Haley. Now he is stuck at this blog. No future. By the way, anyone heard from Gresham or Andr? recently?
You are the one that sounds bitter.You are a guest on this blog.Don’t forget it, Haley BITCH!
No. Your a guest. I have a disqus account.
Have to say, he’s got you there.
Guest? Nah, it’s flip (et. al.).
Let those sleeping dogs lie.
She’s trying to keep these guys back so they don’t swim out and embarrass her. After all, she just made a payment on getting to deliver that address right before she made it.
You start out dead and get that out of the way right off the bat. Then, you wake up in a nursing home
feeling better every day. When you are kicked out of the home for being too healthy, you spend several years enjoying your retirement and collecting benefit checks.
When you start work, you get a gold watch on your first
day. You work 40 years or so, getting younger every day until pretty soon you’re too young to work. So then, you go to high school: play sports, date, drink, and party. As you get even younger, you become a kid again. You go to elementary school, play, and have no responsibilities.
In a few years, you become a baby and everyone runs themselves ragged keeping you happy. You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, spa-like conditions: central heating, room service on tap.
Until finally—- You finish off as an orgasm.
I rest my case!
There’s a Jimmy Buffet song somewhere in all that!
I love Haley. She is a moderate Republican, a rare species.
Truth about Nicky Haley
1. A Koch Brothers Puppet creation during Sara Palin Presidential Run.
2. Completely controlled by Koch Brothers.
3. Koch Brothers: Major supporters of the John Birch Society.
4. Koch Brother’s Money comes from their Father who got it by building Oil Refineries during the 1930s for Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Draw the line from Haley to the Nazi Party.
GOP KoolAid drinkers for Haley need to wake up to the poison they have been fed.
In my opinion you can draw a line from Obama to Hitler (partial birth abortion and his support of PP selling baby parts) and ISIS (he is a radical Islamist ‘closet’ Muslim,allowing thousands of Christians to be slaughtered etc…) but the analogy of Haley and ? is way off base.
I may disagree with her politics but have YOU no shame?
You complete fool.
You attack Obama based upon absolute lies.
I show you the exact truth about your hero the Koch Brothers and where their money comes from and their puppet: Haley. You can look it up it’s all facts.
Something you seem to think doesn’t mater.
Which is typical of the KoolAid drinkers who are complete suckers.
Dolts who don’t let the facts get in the way of their perceptions of the truth.
Settle down dabo.
Pot meet kettle.
Kids meet dad.
Or in my case, kids meet predator. LMAO!!!
Your penis is so small, LOL!
Hitler “aborted” living people. Very very lame stretch
She looks like Mitch McConnell is behind her with his arm up her fundament making her head move like the puppet she is…
Global Warming froze Miss Nikki’s jaw, that’s my theory & I’m sticking to it.
It is a subconscious reaction. When a person has a proclivity for false statements and misrepresenting the truth, the jaw will clinch and the jaw will refuse to move, trying to prevent the lie from escaping. Haley just consciously forces the words through her clinched teeth.
AND she was blinking a Morse code message with her eyes!
Missed that, what was the message?
I am an asshole, I am an asshole…wind up, repeat
Spot Bro !
chrome off a trailer hitch!!!!!
Suck a golf ball through a straw.
What do you call a woman that can suck a golf ball through a garden hose ? DARLIN. LOL
Will must have a very small penis to get in that mouth.
1)like she was recently kicked side the head by UFCS Holy Holm and has jaw wired shut…2) Husband said hes been trying to pry open mouth since Honeymoon..
3) just get her an American flag mouth guard and it will be ok
She has a busted grill. Should’ve gotten that taken care of before running for governor.
She was doing Dr. Frank N. Furter.
Looked like a disney robot of her with rubber skin and metal bones.
First you tried to derail her campaign with a lie and failed. Then you talked shit about her and encouraged all manner of animosity against her on your blog for four years and she won reelection. Then her leadership in the wake of the Walter Scott shooting, the Charleston terrorist attack, and the floods won her a lot of praise. She called for the Confederate Flag to come down and it did. And nobody really cared about your opinion after any of those events. Then she got picked to deliver the State of the Union response and you made fun of her appearance.
If I had to buy stock in either your or her future, I think I know what the blue chip would be.
She should run with Martin O’Malley on a third party ticket for lying adulterers.
May I copy this and share it on FB, giving credit to Shifty Henry, of course?
Feel free to share anything I post. Sometimes I will credit the author/creator of an item, or like quotes & sayings that are credited to someone, I use that name. Humor and jokes are for sharing. That item you mention is from the joke page of one of my old biker magazines. Although there is some sort of philosophy to that item!