Letter: Trouble In Piedmont SC

Dear Editor, Police have been called to Roy Court in Piedmont, S.C. time and time again. Kids there are living in a condemned house.  (S.C. Department of Social Services) and police have been called but nothing has been done.  Residents are shooting guns at all hours of the night, dogs…

Dear Editor,

Police have been called to Roy Court in Piedmont, S.C. time and time again. Kids there are living in a condemned house.  (S.C. Department of Social Services) and police have been called but nothing has been done.  Residents are shooting guns at all hours of the night, dogs are running loose (that try to bite everyone at this trailer park).  They are cooking meth, burning fires at night, cars are coming in and out all night – it is amazing no one has a record of this, as I have sent pictures to every one.

Police come but before they get here – they are gone.  Police never come to me or the elderly that live here to ask us what is going on – or even to find out if we are alright.

One day something bad is going to happen.

Piedmont, S.C.


will folks david asiamah

Anon: Hopefully the publication of this letter will alert SCDSS and local and state law enforcement to the situation in which these children currently find themselves.  Piedmont has obviously come a long way since serving as the backdrop for “The Birth of a Nation,” hasn’t it?  Wait … don’t answer that.   

Wanna sound off? Send your letter to the editor HERE …


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John December 11, 2015 at 11:10 am

Piedmont is meth central. Dude needs to move.

Soft Sigh from Hell December 11, 2015 at 4:26 pm

Who is it who said, now long ago, that a drug trade can’t thrive except where there is official corruption?

jimlewisowb December 11, 2015 at 11:35 am

Call Putin, if he is contemplating vaporizing a few thousand Muslims, odds are he would have no problem in doing the same to a couple of dozen meth heads

Normal natives December 11, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Wait. Those out of control people aren’t Syrian refugees?
Just normal, white South Carolinians?
Maybe we can trade?

Bible Thumper December 11, 2015 at 2:48 pm

— “Just normal, white South Carolinians?” —-
Don’t be discouraged Anon, just a harmless troll.

Philip Branton December 11, 2015 at 5:26 pm

Wonder if Roy Court has had a history of being a former LANDFILL…?

Slartibartfast December 13, 2015 at 12:11 am

Wait! I think I know the answer to this.. It’s a TRAILER PARK!

aghae0laemee December 14, 2015 at 8:56 am

“There were lots of racist things about Star Wars, and not just
with the prequels. For example, all of the (mostly-white) human
characters are normative, while all of the clearly identifiable alien
races are rigidly stereotyped.”

Nonsense. Utter f’n nonsense.


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