Real World Consequences Of Police Corruption, Incompetence

GUN RAID OPENS UP PANDORA’S BOX … Let it be said up front that this website has the utmost respect for law enforcement.  As we’ve repeatedly stated, they perform a core function of government – one absolutely essential for the preservation of liberty and property. That’s why we’ve always believed cops…


Let it be said up front that this website has the utmost respect for law enforcement.  As we’ve repeatedly stated, they perform a core function of government – one absolutely essential for the preservation of liberty and property.

That’s why we’ve always believed cops should be well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped and … of course … wired for images and sound.

Unfortunately, South Carolina’s law enforcement apparatus isn’t always funded commensurate with its needs.  And like the rest of state and local government, it is prone to all sorts of corruption (usually at its bureaucratic levels).

Especially at the county level …

Oh, and most police officers aren’t wired … and justice is selective when they are caught misbehaving on tape (here and here).

The result of all this?  Bad outcomes …

Earlier this week we broke open another major scandal involving state and local law enforcement – specifically the illegal use of inmates (including convicted felons) to handle firearm evidence at what appears to be the largest gun seizure in South Carolina history.

Missed that scandal?  Here’s our latest update …

Anyway, in the aftermath of our reporting we received a message from a woman in Pageland, S.C. – the Chesterfield County, S.C. town where the gun bust went down.

Unlike most of our sources (whose anonymity we religiously protect) this woman, Angi Gaytko, wanted us to put her name “out there.”

According to Gaytko, she was involved in an August 2010 incident in which she and one of her daughters were shot at by her ex-husband – who used Gaytko’s .357 revolver during the commission of this crime.  He later pistol-whipped her with the weapon.

“Myself and my two teenage children went the next morning to give a deposition which was videotaped,” Gaytko told us.  “I was asked how many shots were fired and I told them to check the gun, it was a revolver and would have empty cases.  They said they had it.  On video they admitted to having it.”

Yeah … not so much.

A few years later, Chesterfield’s former sheriff Sam Parker was indicted.  And since then, we’ve learned that there were serious issues regarding the handling of evidence in his office.  In fact those issues were reportedly responsible for allowing a savage killer to escape the justice he deserved in neighboring Kershaw County.

Gaytko believes these issues may have also impacted her case.

At the trial of her ex-husband, Chesterfield sheriff’s deputies testified that they turned over her gun to Gaytko’s brother-in-law, which she claims “was a lie.”  Solicitors originally wanted to push for two counts of attempted murder – but they had to drop those charges because there was “no gun.”

Criminal domestic violence (CDV) of a high and aggravated nature charges were also dropped against Gaytko’s ex due to the mysterious disappearing gun, and he was ultimately released from prison.

Aside from justice being denied in her case – Gaytko has a bigger problem: She still has no idea where her gun is.

“My gun is floating around somewhere, registered in my name, and no one will give me info,” she told us.

Yeah … that’s a problem.

This website has broken multiple scandals in Chesterfield County over the years.  And we suspect the truth about this mysterious gun raid – assuming it ever gets out – is the biggest one yet.  But as the headlines roll on related to this drama, its important to remember that real lives – and real consequences – are involved.


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Oink November 12, 2015 at 10:50 am

Wait? I thought all cops are good and mean people are attacking them. Like teenage girls and victims od CDV.

Jackboot Licker November 12, 2015 at 11:00 am

“Let it be said up front that this website has the utmost respect for law enforcement.”

No one here ever doubted that Captain Obvious.

Selling dope & guns November 12, 2015 at 11:09 am

Cops always steal shit from criminal scenes. Happens all the time.

Derp November 12, 2015 at 11:17 am

Where are the ‘police can never do wrong’ crowd?

Herp November 12, 2015 at 7:57 pm

Over arguing about abortion on another story. You’re new here, this isn’t hot enough to argue over.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 11:20 am

Smith and Wesson 686 4 inch in .357. The finest combat handgun in the world. Controllable, accurate, hits like a sledgehammer. If it takes more than 6 shots to put a target down, you’re doing it wrong.

... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 11:25 am

I love it when you go into that self proclaimed ‘trained killer’ role. Do they use those on Bonanza?

Any campus unrest where you teach? I doubt it. :)

Hide here for now November 12, 2015 at 11:34 am

I bet what happened at Mizzou scared you to the bone.
If African-American student could link the comments you make here, to your real identity…you’d be joining those from Mizzou as ex-educators.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 11:37 am

Yeah, no, not so much. I’ve never made a comment here that demeans, belittles or makes fun of any race. I have made many comments about the need to return to a sense of personal responsibility regardless of your”color”.

Hide here for now November 12, 2015 at 11:41 am

Yes, you have. Many times. You really think you haven’t? Especially, concerning the poor, African-American girl abused by the ex-SRO? You might want to go back and delete a few of those race-baiting comments. If you can keep up with them all…

... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 11:44 am

Why do you liberal racists run around looting and now shitting your pants for social justice when all you have to do is run down to the welfare office?

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 11:44 am

Please cite your accusation.

I stand by my assertion that the YLIQ caused the events that occurred by failing to comply with the request of her teacher, the order of the Assistant Principal and the lawful order of the SRO – at any point in the chain of events she could have gotten up and walked out of the classroom – immediately defusing the situation. Was the “dwarf toss” at the end necessary? No, as I stated several times.

Hide here for now November 12, 2015 at 11:54 am

Having these two come to your defense only proves my point more.
I guess real racists have trouble recognizing their own racist comments, especially in an echo chamber like this.

Hide here for now November 12, 2015 at 11:56 am

Also, backtracking now doesn’t exactly show you are not scared by what happened at Mizzou.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 12:00 pm

Sorry – backtracking? Again, please cite where I wrote anything different.

... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Scared? I am happy as hell.Once again the Democrat Party has been exposed as an enemy of law abiding citizens in this country.

Couldn’t happen at a better time with 2016 elections right around the corner.I don’t give a shit if you loot and burn down your home,communities,campuses etc….makes for good tv and votes for Republicans.

erneba November 12, 2015 at 11:50 am

You need to suck it up and move on. Talk about being offensive, just you mere presence fulfills that requirement.

... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 11:41 am

Not nice to make threats.The Colonel is typically fair and balanced.Grow up.

erneba November 12, 2015 at 11:48 am

Yeah, That was a low blow from HHFN.
Seems to come from the school of the constantly offended.

HHFN needs to realize there is no right to be “not offended.”

fred farkel November 12, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Hey boy, speaking of being offensive. Being white trash and racist from Chesterfield County, you are Numero Uno.

flip November 12, 2015 at 1:35 pm

Don’t be fooled, this is me! I’m the one who constantly bashes The Colonel as Col. Flagg! LMAO!!! I’m such a deceitful fuck!

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 11:59 am

Oh, as for the Bonanza question – no, the 686 was first brought to market in 1980. I got my first one in 1983 as a present to myself for graduating from Infantry OSUT. Little Joe carried a modern Colt Single Action Army in .38 caliber – apparently the continuity people weren’t to swift on the Show because Bonanza is set in the 1860’s and the Colt SAA didn’t become available until 1873.

Victorious Secret November 12, 2015 at 8:58 pm

While I will not argue against the position that this is a fine handgun, I will refute the concept of “6 shots . . . you’re doing it wrong.”

Colonel, you earlier alluded to friends in the aviation world (at MMT–months ago) . . . as one of those at MMT, I’m sure you won’t have to look hard to find one of us that will happily say that if we were to “PL” outside the wire (or worse), we are much happier with C-Mags and drums on the M-4.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 9:35 pm

Maybe I should have been a little more specific: “…the Smith and Wesson 686 is the finest combat side arm…”

I personally prefer the M-21 or the M-16A4 as a “battle rifle” though having my druthers, a Ruger “Scout Rifle” in.308 would be pretty handy to have around – compact, very accurate and utterly reliable if a bit slow on the follow up shot. As a young passion leader in the late 80s we still had 1911s as side arms. As a company/battalion commander I carried a Beretta and a Mossberg 590 with a mix of slug and buck, the last few years as a “staff weenie”, it’s been the Beretta and/or an iron sight M-4. The Beretta is the last gun I’d carry by choice and my 686 has occasionally found its way down range with me.

Victorious Secret November 12, 2015 at 9:59 pm

Indeed. There’s a reason that, lately, there has been quite the fuss to replace the M9 Beretta. I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t carry anything else (as a sidearm) during combat missions.

Also, on my last deployment, I enjoyed carrying a “homegrown” FN .40 on many missions. It brought a little bit of comfort to see the steel that was formed at home.

As to the 1911…I still treasure my grandfather’s WWII 1911 sidearm. Back then GI meant that you were a gov’t issue, but that they would also issue you products from the gov’t. I’m still very regretful that my commanders were very strict about denying our attempts to bring home war trophies from SW Asia.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 10:07 pm

I managed to bring a bayonet home early on (’03) but was responsible for making sure the rules about “war trophies” were followed in ’09-’10 and ’13-’14. By ’13 the rules were so strict that even a bayonet wad a pain to send home.

Victorious Secret November 12, 2015 at 10:11 pm

Ha! You were a culprit (or part thereof)….Haha.

On one particular mission, we were very proud of uncovering a weapons cache full of joys. After taking over a small outpost, we landed and I took a fun “self-portrait” with a vintage Dragunov Sniper. To this day, I still wish I could have found a way to put that atop my mantle–back home. Instead it was turned in….and I’m sure, destroyed.

Oh well, I fully understand the rationale.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 10:21 pm

I might have chanced it for a real Dragonov, the rest of the stuff over there is mostly worn out AKs and assorted other junk.

tomstickler November 12, 2015 at 10:01 pm

Well, since us old vets are telling war stories this week, that’s my M-60 in my avatar this week, with an M1911A1 in the holster.

The M-60 normally resided in an adapter consisting of a tripod pintle welded to an M151A1 windshield bracket for the front passenger’s use. Between us was an M2 Browning .50 cal MG on an AA mount for the backseat rider (the windshield had to be lowered anyway to clear the barrel.) Depending on the trip, my weapon was either my personal Thompson loaded with 100% .45 tracer, or a 9mm Swedish K SMG. Just for shock value, the second CIDG Nung troop in the back seat had a 3.5″ bazooka. This was my ride to the bunker on the beach at Nha Trang for the daily security briefing.

Victorious Secret November 12, 2015 at 10:03 pm

Outstanding! Wonderful firearms….and thank you for your service, as well

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 10:19 pm

Ma Duece – when you absolutely, positively care enough to send the very best…
I’d like to shoot a Swedish K, I finally got to shoot a Johnnie gun this year (WWII era .45 SMG, designed to compete with the Thompson). The M20 3.5 inch bazooka was junk when it was fielded, the M67 recoiless rifle was no better – I’ve shot the M-67 (and of course the equally useless M-72 LAW) The Ranger’s Karl Gustav and the AT-4 are both pretty good as is the Marine’s SMAW. The Javelin makes them all look like just do much obsolete crap.

tomstickler November 12, 2015 at 10:25 pm

We went to war with what we had, not with what we wished we had (hat tip to Rumsfeld) 30 years before the Javelin.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 10:44 pm

What’s really funny is that the”duece”, the 1903 Springfield, the BAR and the 1911 were all designed by the same guy (John Moses Browning) and most would be the longest serving weapons in the inventory. The 1911 was designed in 1911 and not passed out until the 90s (though there’s still some around). The ’03 Springfield lasted until the Korean war as a sniper rifle. The M2 was designed in 33 and is still very much going strong. The BAR was designed and fielded during the first world war but the generals wouldn’t issue them for fear that the Germans might capture one and copy it. The BAR would last until the early ’70s (the M-60 finally killed it) and it’s still an awesome weapon as Clyde Barrow would demonstrate.
The Browning Hi-Power was also one of his guns, fielded in 1935 and still issued today in many armies.

tomstickler November 12, 2015 at 10:54 pm

My CIDG unit had a couple BARs, but sent them to an outlying hamlet that needed them more than we did at Camp McDermott.

It amused me to see one of those gun shop shows on cable where none of them knew how to set headspace on an M2.

Martha Fleischman November 13, 2015 at 6:45 am

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Burningspeare November 12, 2015 at 11:23 am

All cops should have a bachelors degree from an accredited college. The right to issue a death penalty on the spot is taken too lightly. It’s a legitimate excuse to preserve the social hierarchy, thus the status quo. Currently prior military experience as a criteria for employment should work adversely. Our military personnel kill willy nilly with no regard for human life. Just talk with someone who has been in actual combat and observe the fun they experience in re-living the event. This is the last individual that should have the legal right to take a life.

Steel Pulse November 12, 2015 at 11:31 am

That will never happen. Actually, the opposite has been the policy for nearly 15 years now.
Intellegent cops are not wanted and actively screened out of the hiring process.

DeHeck November 12, 2015 at 7:21 pm

Intellegent cops are not wanted and actively screened out of the hiring process.


Ahhh, like state agency middle management!

shifty henry November 12, 2015 at 11:56 am

Can’t she report it as lost/stolen to NCIC?

TankMcNamara November 12, 2015 at 9:11 pm

Hey Shifty, no, she can’t report enter it into NCIC. If she filed a report about the stolenmissing weapon, then usually the agency taking the report enters the weapon into NCIC stolen weapons file. Only NCIC certified operators with law enforcement agencies can enter them.

shifty henry November 13, 2015 at 12:45 am

Thanks, I forgot that was the procedure…

Priority Check November 12, 2015 at 11:56 am

Funny how the feds can send cops all kinds of weapons and even militaristic looking vehicles but can’t send them body cameras. If the el cheapo smart phones have cameras why can’t the cops?

Oink November 12, 2015 at 11:58 am

Because cameras make it extra hard to lie and cover up police abuse. That’s pretty much it.

The Colonel November 12, 2015 at 12:07 pm

The “Feds” don’t send “cops” anything, they sell them to them excess military gear and federal property under the “Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition Program”. There aren’t a bunch of excess body cams lying around to sell.

TARevolution November 12, 2015 at 12:02 pm

FITS: “Let it be said up front that this website has the utmost respect for law enforcement.”…

BULLSHIT. You side with – and abet- the animals shooting down the police in the streets..

I don’t care that you are a Liberal Ass-kisser (although we don’t need any more of those)…. But DON’T keep lying about WHO, and WHAT, you are…

Truth BOMB November 12, 2015 at 12:03 pm

That’s what you get when you allow the cops to police themselves

TARevolution November 12, 2015 at 12:06 pm

Kinda like the Obama Administration, and his Justice Dept. w/ the IRS, NSA, Benghazi and all of the other crimes they have committed, right?

In Your Face November 12, 2015 at 1:34 pm

And all the hearings that have turned up nothing held by Republicans. How many of GWB’s adminstration were charged and convicted of crimes?

erneba November 12, 2015 at 12:12 pm

One person that was arrested in Chesterfield County and had their pistol confiscated( from the closed glove box) of his car was told to go to the local pawn shop and purchase it, if he wanted it back. The offense he was arrested for was not a gun violation, but a failure to appear on a speeding ticket.
Several of those stories floated around Chesterfield County during the reign of High Sheriff Sam Parker. Who knows, it just might be a tradition, and continuing.

Lone Ranger November 12, 2015 at 5:33 pm

Yo…Kemosabe…so Will Folks defends SC legislator-scum for ripping down patriots’ flag with NO vote by you and now pretends to have a shivering fit

Well you’re right, Tonto—and like DUI-Hit-And-Run-Toal’s-Justice DepartMENT don’tcha know—all the above fool no one and ARE shot full of… !!!

Tonto November 12, 2015 at 5:45 pm

Did ya get to vote to put it up? Nope.
Now go back to the kids table and cry some more.

Lone Ranger November 12, 2015 at 5:54 pm

Tonto–NO relationship to Tonto–thinks Grahamnesty and Obama are just great
And he says it would suit him just fine if YOU keep paying for his SNAP and Section 8 !!!

SYNTwist November 12, 2015 at 6:08 pm

Not everyone thinks or agrees, Grahamnesty and Obama are great. As a matter of fact, I am convinced the “great minds” will never find office.

SNAP and section 8, lame debate for the times. I’m sure you have good intentions…

Lone Ranger November 12, 2015 at 6:16 pm

syntwist wrote “I am convinced the ‘great minds’ will never find office” and it hit the wall with a…squish
Which of course is why syntwist dropped out of school in eighth grade and flunked Remedial English !!!

SYNTwist November 12, 2015 at 7:32 pm

I see you are the only one who likes your comment. I won’t debate dropping out of school in 8th grade, even if that were the case, better education that most your college guru’s have today. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and consideration. Always a pleasure to debate with an open mind.

... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 10:43 pm

She loved the riots in Baltimore.

SYNTwist November 12, 2015 at 7:44 pm

This is not an isolated case, it happens everywhere, though it is my belief it seems to happen in SC more often than most other states. Let me see if I can find the WV case I read about this morning as a pop up on news feed. If so, I’ll post it. I am a strong advocate for smaller and better paid police force. Who needs a bunch of criminals enforcing the laws?

SYNTwist November 12, 2015 at 7:52 pm Reply
... to be approved by FITSNews November 12, 2015 at 10:39 pm



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