Rick Manning: The DNA Of America
“EXCEPTIONALISM … UNDER DAILY ATTACK” (The excerpt below was adapted from a speechYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
(The excerpt below was adapted from a speech
This is not hyperbole”
To that I retort: BULLSHIT!!!!!!
Ever since the Y2K scare (and before…) {which was designed to scare the shit out of gullible rightwingers listening to talk radio and turning to rags like NetRightDaily for their daily fix} engaging in hyperbole is the one thing consistent with these types……
For me, it’s been downhill since OJ was acquitted, mid 90s ?
As far as I’m concerned the day the music died was October 1971 when Duane Allman was killed in a motorcycle accident……….
That and the fall of Saigon in May 1975 six months after I was discharged from the Army……..then there is the impending implosion of Iraq after three tours (2002,2003-2004 & 2005………). Saw it coming back in 2004 during the 2nd deployment
Kinda jaded but I ain’t buying that right wingnut jingoistic bullshit one damn bit……….
And if I can’t be in Australia I’m glad & thankful to be here!!!!!!!!
You’re a bit older, I was in the Corps in the early 80s. After the Beirut bombing, I left.
A tragic and royal fuck-up under Reagan for sure
Between seeing the “holy men” spitting on the remains of the guys who died during the Iranian Rescue attempt, The Beirut bombing and Kobar Towers (was billeted there during Gulf I), I get a knot in my gut every time I think about those situations—-those mother-fuckers spitting on the charred remains of those guys on the Iranian Rescue attempt really makes my gut knot up.
Sorry for ya, I had many a friend from boot camp that were pretty much vaporized.
I hear ya Bro…………..
If there was some of a working “death ray” on a walking tripod (like in the latest version of “War of the Worlds” flick) I know I’d be taking it on a little romp throughout the Middle East for some serious payback…………..On so many levels!!!
One of my neighbors was in some sort of special forces with no unit or group in Columbia. He would just disappear for about three weeks every now and then. He told me that he was always sent to Afghanistan.. He told me what it was really like over there for his guys and how things could go down and how ugly and scary it could be. They would be on specific missions which he didn’t explain.He was a cool dude, a black guy from Mississippi. He was the kind of soldier that had his head together – confident, calm, and cool….
Fuck the death Ray. Launch the nukes. I was a little crazy then and the same now. If we keep getting into the middle east it will be the only choice. THERE AIN’T NO FRIENDS THERE !!!
No doubt there are no true friends in the Middle East(maybe not even Israel……)
Only thing is every time there are a bunch of rabid ragheads shouting “Death To America!!!!” a few blocks from the demonstration there’s some poor schlub baking flat bread in a damn mud oven………(I’ve seen the miserable bastards doing just that…..)
As much as I occasionally want to lay waste to the entire region, many innocent would get vaporized as well.
Would I really “push the button” to vaporize the entire region? – probably not. But IF I had a death ray I’d be first in line to drive the tripod and zap every fucker that remotely deserved to be “zapped”….starting with those “holy men” who spit on the charred remains of the airmen killed in the Iranian rescue attempt. Those fuckers would be the first to go……..
True Story: A Marine sergeant
assigned to our embassy told me, when I mentioned that he seemed too old for
not having more stripes, his interesting story.
When he was stationed at Camp Lejeune he was complaining to some buddies
that he was so tired and uncomfortable when they had (I don’t remember the
exact term) to gear up and fly around for about two hours before landing. Some kind of combat ready drill. A guy told him to buy another back pack and a pillow and use that – so he did. Their next drill when he awoke he found that two hours had passed and they were still in the air. Questions with no answers, and the guys began to grumble. Hours pass and they’re still in the air. Finally they got the word they were landing. They landed all right — in Beirut!
He was busted down to nothing. But he later gave it some thought and decided he wanted to make the Marine Corps his career. He changed his attitude and
wanted to be the best, sharpest Marine he could be. So he finally got into becoming an Embassy Marine (?). He was a good friend and had the respect of all of us. We were glad he made it.
It’s been going downhill since the government TOOK GOD OUT OF THE SCHOOLS!!!!
…or maybe when they put “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Maybe even since The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.….
A good uplifting point you made. Check YouTube for a song, by Rebel Son. Bury me on southern ground. Gives me me goosebumps. I know the time is long ago – but when I die, I’ll be in a cemetery that has 20 Confederate soilders.
Why stop questioning at “Under God” when discussing the Pledge?
The history of the Pledge itself is dubious.
We should replace the pledge to a government becoming increasingly hostile to us with a pledge to fellow citizens.
Then Manning should have no problem with every creator someone believes in.
“…America, the greatest…in the history of the world…” What blind, nationalistic bullshit!
“a devastatingly shrinking Navy”
“a rising Russia, China’s challenge”
What the fuck Rick? The 80’s called and wants their cold war back, along with the VHS tapes of “Top Gun” and “Red Dawn” you never returned either you prick.
As libertarian as these guys try to be, they can’t help but salivate at the thought of defense spending and warmongering. There are a few other topics these goons have let their mask slip over regarding “limited government” and every time it just shows how little they stand apart from the rest of the Republicans.
“This is not hyperbole …”
lol…yes it is
Hyperbole tinged with narcissism. America is the greatest country in the history of the earth because I live here. The end times are nigh because surely Jesus wants to return during MY lifetime. Me, me, me…
I read that the Holy Roman Empire was pretty awesome.
lol, does anyone think the US of A is lasting 950+ years?
Jefferson’s words were taken from John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government.
Obama is not the problem, only a symptom. The real problem is a country so sick it would elect an Obama in the first place. Our once great country has been going down the broad path to hell since 1964. The country turned from what it’s founders gave US to “free lunch” socialism. I fear it will never turn back as there is now a voting majority that think the hand out is the right form of govt. The herd mentality has taken over.
I blame The Beatles.
Or Rock and Roll in general. It made white kids act black, the Baptist preachers of the time told America.
Yep, I’ve seen the old newsreels of the preachers bitching about that……..
Sure put the “kibosh” on Rock & Roll didn’t it????
“The herd mentality has taken over”
Shit, elephants (the symbol of the GOP and the moniker of the poster you are replying to) exist in a herd to survive!!!!!!
So much for symbols of the right wingers!!!!!
8 years of Bush, the Republicans choose McCain, the guy that originally lost to Bush, to run after him, and McCain picks Sarah Palin as his veep.
Clown car primary in 2012 yields Romney, the guy that originally lost to McCain, to run after him, and Romney says some pretty stupid shit about 47% of the population.
Clown car primary in 2016 shows a 4x bankrupt businessman and a neurosurgeon who says some incredibly stupid shit as their front runners over a bunch of the same old shit politicians and other nobodies. Rest assured their veep will be a bad pick and they will also say incredibly dumb crap to alienate voters.
At this point the Republican party is good as dead but they keep the two party system going, guaranteeing Democrat victories where it matters most. The country would not be sick if the GOP infection would finally die off so a new, better party could arise and all you sick little wingnuts could get flushed out with the rest of the pus and putrid blood.
Will we be a nation of laws where the consent of the governed reins, or a nation of men who dole out bite sized freedoms so long as they are allowed to rule?
TBG is chomping at the bit to see the answer.
Ha! Nicely done. Would you like an apple or a carrot?