Revenge Of The Corporate Cronies
“REPUBLICAN” HOUSE POISED TO RESTORE CORPORATE WELFARE PROGRAM Earlier this year the You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
Earlier this year the
more bullshit, shutting down the export import bank would be the biggest job killer in US history, all industrialized nations have them to promote trade, google export import bank china, european union, russia, shutting the bank down was crazy.
Has Rationality come to the posting on this web site? Beware Sic
There is no point in electing republicans (unless you’re a bigot), so vote for Trump.
Trump’s too mean, I prefer Bernie Sanders.
but you have to admit, Trump is giving PT Barnum a run for his money.
Flip you’re OK! I hope!
Right Mind!
You mean someone on here has a right mind ??? Say it ain’t so. LOL
That comming from a bigot makes no sense.
That’s one fat cat.
Republicans have never seen a corporate welfare scheme they didn’t love. The only thing they love more is a tax break for the rich.
I’d say you often oppose things on ideological grounds, almost never on practical grounds.
For the intellectually impaired, following the Libertarian Party line takes less effort than actual independent thinking.
Especially if you don’t have to actually govern.
No one “has” to govern, people that are doing it all have one thing is common:
They WANTED to govern.
The Athenians of 2500 years ago were collectively smarter when it came to government than us, at least they knew why they used sortition.
Rice, Sanford and Wilson could choose to lead and educate their dimwitted, Fox “News” watching voters with examples of what the Export Import does for small business across the country to keep their workers working…but, they are too FUCKING stupid to lead.
ALL they can do is pander, pander, pander to the lowest, most common denominator in the nation.
“Republicans” are Republicans and fucking gutless Libertarians should get the guts to run as Libertarians and stop their hostile takeover of the Republican Party…but, stealing a name and brand is easier for the Libertarian thugs.
You are an angry negro.
Getting the Import-Export Bank reauthorized is one of the key things Boehner hopes to accomplish before he leaves.
Still waiting on Folks to identify the US competitor to Boeing. More crickets I presume.
David Stockman is a fool. He has never been right about any of his doomsday predictions. “Sundown in America” April fools Weekend 2013:
Stockman failed as a politician, as an administration appointee, as a businessman, but he is a great success as a blogger. That tells you something about the advantageous traits that are beneficial to being a blogger doesn’t it FITS?
And he is still making those doomsday predictions. It’s good for his business.
The Implosion Is Near:
“Stocks are a ‘disaster waiting to happen’: Stockman”