
Consumer Comfort Ticks Up

BUT WILL IT BE ENOUGH? After approaching 2015 lows last month, Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) has shown signs of life for two straight weeks. The metric (.pdf here) – which measures consumer comfort on a scale of zero to 100 – currently stands at 43.  That’s it’s second straight weekly…


After approaching 2015 lows last month, Bloomberg’s Consumer Comfort Index (CCI) has shown signs of life for two straight weeks.

The metric (.pdf here) – which measures consumer comfort on a scale of zero to 100 – currently stands at 43.  That’s it’s second straight weekly increase.  Unfortunately, the upticks haven’t made up the ground it’s lost this year.

“These results reflect a mixed year to date,” the analysts who compile the data noted.  “A late-September to late-January run-up made Q1 the highest post-recession quarter, reaching a nearly eight-year high in the first week of Q2. But the index slipped through the rest of Q2 and struggled further in this quarter, until managing its latest gains.”

Here’s a look at the index’s recent weekly history …

consumer comfort

And here’s a look at its recent quarterly history …

consumer comfort quarterly

Produced by Langer Research Associates, CCI data is based on 1,000 national random-sample landline and cellular telephone interviews, 250 per week (in a four-week rolling average). It’s been compiled weekly since December 1985.


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Nölff October 1, 2015 at 2:43 pm

Incoherent ramblings about Obama in 3… 2…1…

The Usual Suspect October 1, 2015 at 3:01 pm

He will probably mention something poop related.

Victorious Secret October 1, 2015 at 3:10 pm

…and utilize entirely too many capital letters.

Not To Mention October 1, 2015 at 3:21 pm

Plus mention a certain blog that is completely superior to FITS but is still dead.

Rocky Verdad October 1, 2015 at 3:41 pm

If not poop, you know what!!!

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Sic Semper Tyrannis October 1, 2015 at 4:13 pm

Don’t forget president Putin !


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