
Big Labor Bails On Hillary Clinton

WHAT TOOK SO LONG? One of the enduring truisms of American politics has been that Big Labor loves receiving the warm embrace of the Democratic establishment.  Of course U.S. president Barack Obama‘s ill-conceived crony capitalist trade push (a.k.a. “Obamatrade“) has thrown that relationship into disarray. Unions don’t like crony capitalism.  Nor do they…


One of the enduring truisms of American politics has been that Big Labor loves receiving the warm embrace of the Democratic establishment.  Of course U.S. president Barack Obama‘s ill-conceived crony capitalist trade push (a.k.a. “Obamatrade“) has thrown that relationship into disarray.

Unions don’t like crony capitalism.  Nor do they like the politicians who embrace it.

So it wasn’t surprising to learn that Teamsters leaders voted unanimously in Charleston, S.C. this week not to endorse the presidential candidacy of weakened Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.

Also of interest?  The snub of Clinton was accompanied by a request to meet with current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

What gives?

There’s a fundamental recalibration of political allegiances taking place in this country … with potent populist strains emanating from the encroaching poles of both ideological “extremes.”

Trump is riding that wave.  Clinton?  She’s getting washed away by it …

Don’t get us wrong.  We loathe unions: Always have, always will.  Like Big Government (and “Too Big To Fail” bailout recipients), Big Labor is a cancer on the free market – one that must be cut out if prosperity is to be achieved.

And while the Teamsters are flirting with Trump, we suspect the organization will ultimately wind up getting behind establishment Democrat Joe Biden in the event he jumps into the race.

Which is looking more likely …

Still, there is a growing acknowledgement at all points along the ideological spectrum that establishment candidates do not have the best interests of their core constituencies at heart.


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Soft Sigh from Hell September 30, 2015 at 7:30 pm

Didn’t the crooked Teamsters back Nixon?

Do you blame them? September 30, 2015 at 8:18 pm

This was on Drudge 2 days ago…

Only a Fucking idiot would support her.

Scooter September 30, 2015 at 9:39 pm

She is toast.

flip October 1, 2015 at 9:45 am

So THAT is why you put a Hillary 2016 sign out in our front yard!

idcydm September 30, 2015 at 9:21 pm

Watched Hoffa Jr, on TV…he better watch out for the Clinton mafia, he’ll end up like his daddy!!!

stumpknocker September 30, 2015 at 9:36 pm

ah mc carthy just pulled a huge boner, your new speaker, you idiots deserve him.

RogueElephant September 30, 2015 at 11:25 pm

From what I can ascertain McCarthy is more of the same. Just another mushy middle moderate that will continue to jump when Obummer says jump. Why can’t we ever get around these establishment RINOS ? There are more of them than the law allows. Sad.

erneba October 1, 2015 at 8:03 am

Yes, I don’t like him either. It will be a big disappointment if he evolves into another Boehner-type character.

flip October 1, 2015 at 9:39 am

“The House Freedom Caucus has not yet decided who we will support for the office of Speaker of the House, nor for any positions that could subsequently become vacant,” the House Freedom Caucus said in a joint statement.

House Freedom Caucus can stop him.They should.They only need 29 votes to eliminate him.

erneba September 30, 2015 at 10:17 pm

The Democrats have reached the point where they really need for Hillary to give it up.
She is the Donald Trump of the left, absorbing all the press, attention, and consuming the political oxygen which is beginning to run out for Democrats.
If the Democrats can’t field another candidate, ie Biden, this race is over. Biden’s poll numbers presently look great, he beats just about every Republican candidate in the race as an unannounced candidate. His poll numbers will start dropping the minute he enters the race, so it is essential that the Democrats get him out there and on the campaign trail to keep those numbers as high as possible.
Biden needs the time to try to repair the damage Obama has done to the Democrat party. ObamaCare, the economy, foreign affairs, and Obama himself are all underwater in the polls. He will, to a certain extent, have to run against Obama’s presidency. Just think about what Hillary is doing, she is keep an arm’s distance from Obama, with good cause.
Who else is out there for the Democrats, O’malley, Warren, Sanders? I don’t think so, that’s a weak bench after Biden.

Bible Thumper September 30, 2015 at 11:38 pm

“Biden needs the time to try to repair the damage Obama has done”

That is an impossible stategy. Once Biden enters the race, the question on the voters mind will be, do I want a third term of Obama. Biden will be forced into defending Obama. Gore couldn’t separate himself from Bill Clinton and neither can Biden from Obama. Even if he wanted too.

Jeb Bush can try as he might to be a man of his own, he may have sincere differences with his brother, but the press and public won’t allow it. Jeb will have to defend his brother.

erneba October 1, 2015 at 2:09 am

You are right. A better choice of words would have been “defend” instead of “repair.” Biden can not repair anything Obama has done while out on the “stump,” only “defend.”

Angela Parker October 1, 2015 at 5:01 am

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dwb619 October 1, 2015 at 12:05 am

Well jeez, YOU “loathe” the unions, but your mentor ,TRUMP has yet to do any UNION BASHING.
Whats up with that?
You can’t really be a serious Republican contender if you don’t bash the unions!

vicupstate October 1, 2015 at 8:30 am

Actually Trump is supportive of unions.

dwb619 October 1, 2015 at 9:32 am

Then, how can he be a Republican?

Rakkasan October 1, 2015 at 10:01 am

Cause he is more loyal to his own interests than the party or the people. But then again, how is that different than any other Republican?

Man of steel October 1, 2015 at 6:50 am

Hey was the failed union boss James E Sanderson Jr at the Charleston gathering? He keeps switching parties so fast no one knows if he is a socialist, a democrat or a rhino! Oh and he managed to cost Georgetown its largest private employer by shutting down the steel mill for good this time. Way to go Georgetown democrat, I mean James or whatEver name you are hiding behind these days!

Manray9 October 1, 2015 at 11:48 am

The Clintons are not the friends of working people or unions. They spout the necessary platitudes of Democrats, take money from labor organizations, and then act to protect moneyed interests in the best GOP tradition. Bill was in on NAFTA (which started with G.H.W. Bush) and then the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 that cut long-term capital gains from 28% to 20% and reduced the 15% bracket to 10% accelerating the shift of the federal tax burden from the so-called “investor class” and onto the backs of wage and salary earners. Also don’t forget the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act which allowed Wall Street and Big Bank fat cats to precipitate the financial meltdown of 2008-2009.


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