
Oliver Stone: Blunt Truth On US Foreign Policy

“WE’RE NOT UNDER THREAT. WE ARE THE THREAT” || By FITSNEWS || Legendary film direcYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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dwb619 September 23, 2015 at 10:41 am

Ike warned us!

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:04 am

As “the Colonel posted “Ike” actually had a hand in this (sadly so)
The US was concerned that the Germans might just win in North Africa and Russia and make their way to the rich oil fields in Iran We started covert operations then not to mention using Iran to shuttle military supplies to Russia during WWII. If my memory serves me correct, Roosevelt & Churchill met in Tehran to discuss this strategy in ’42 or ’43 (I can’t remember if Stalin was there as well)
We’ve had our hands in that shitty sand since then. And it ain’t just the US government but corporate entities (Chaney’s old company Haliburton comes to mind) with a hard-on to maintain a presence there.
Not to mention the western powers created “nations” in the Middle East where there were none any after WWI. It was part of “The Great Game” of which the effects are still felt today
I’ll bet 5 bucks the French still have street maps of Damascus from back in 1918 – 1920’s. The French ought to put them to good use as far as I’m concerned.
Since the end of WWI western powers have always kept an eye to that region just because of the oil.
Until we totally break our dependence on oil (for general use) more blood will be spilled. You can count on about another 100 years of killing (you ain’t seen nothing yet) – if we make it that far without destroying ourselves that is….
As far as I’m concerned, all bets are off…………..

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 11:08 am

You can’t lay it all on US. You might recall it’s a Western tendancy. It was the French and British who invaded Egypt with Israel in 1956 to sieze the Suez Canal. The region has historically been strategic to the West because of the oil – this is true. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. I bet your local gas station is pretty strategic to your household. But that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice our blood there. It’s a regional issue, the countries that want to be grown ups need to act. Unfortunately it takes a long time to do that. Look how long it to Europe to actually do something in Bosnia.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 12:11 pm

As I posted I’m NOT blaming it all on the US whatsoever…just saying that since WWI the “west” hiccups every time somebody in the Middle East farts
As a veteran of 3 wars involving the Middle east, I have a vested interest on what goes on there. I know I refer to the Yom Kippur War a whole damn bunch but the first energy “crisis’ was a direct result of that war and things in the US ain’t really been the same since. If we had not become so dependent on oil from the Middle East I can guarantee you Gulf #1 would have been a small affair.
If Kuwait was growing grapefruit instead of pissing oil we wouldn’t be nowhere concerned with Saddam invading Kuwait.
I’ve flown over the entire region from Egypt to Uzbeckistan since 1991 and I never did see a Ford plant or any major manufacturing facility of any kind – that should tell you something.
if it wasn’t for oil most of the Middle East would be the major supplier of date palms and if they embargoed date palms I don’t think we would send in the 82nd Airborne to make sure the would supply of date palms would not be interrupted.
Bosnia??? Been there, done that (3 rotations). I know this much about Bosnia…the Germans were REALLY concerned that that shit might spill over to their neck of the woods. They couldn’t do much because of what happened in WWII so they left it for the rest of NATO to do something and a lot of that ‘something’ was Uncle Sugar doing “something”
Why do you think they built the BMW plant in GSP??Same time that shit was going down – that’s why – a little “you help me out with this shit and I’ll make it up to you” that’s what
When I was in Germany, the “7-11’s” had small Turkish flags and other stuff for sale just like our “7-11’s” sell Mexican stuff today. They used the Turks and other “semi-brown” people from the Middle East to do their manual labor just like we do the Hispanics here.
Now the shit has hit the fan and they’re gonna have to face the consequences – kinda hate it for them though.
But that’s history for you…………….

vicupstate September 23, 2015 at 11:58 am

Until we totally break our dependence on oil (for general use) more blood will be spilled.

Exactly. If we had spent a fraction of the money that all he wars have cost us, we could have paid for the research and infrastructure to do just that. But we can’t be bothered to downsize our SUVs or devalue our own rich oil men.

The Colonel September 23, 2015 at 12:15 pm

we get most of our oil from Canada, Venezuela and Mexico and could be self sufficient for at least 150 years using our own sources.

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 12:56 pm

That is true.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:22 pm

Not while the Saudi’s can sell it for under $30/barrel (if they feel it’s necessary to do so to keep their kingdom intact)
We could be “insulated” in no time but that would take some adjusting and I think most Americans (not to mention Exxon/Mobil, Royal Dutch Shell & BP having a say in the matter) care to make the effort.

MashPotato September 23, 2015 at 5:52 pm

Our dependence is not oil but the petrodollar.

dwb619 September 23, 2015 at 12:14 pm

Well said.
My comment was in reference to Ike’s thoughts on the “military-industrial” complex. I feel it pretty much runs our government now.
If you have the time and inclination, get a copy of “Friends in High Places”, good read on the Bechtel family and its tentacles world wide.

The Colonel September 23, 2015 at 10:42 am

What an ass munch – “…According to Stone, the nefariousness began shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union when America – the world’s lone superpower – liberated Kuwait from an invasion by Iraqi forces under Saddam Hussein….”

How did this genius “…Legendary film director…” miss the fact that we put the Shah in place in 1953 or that we halped put the house of Saud in place in

How did he miss the fact that Ol’Saddam was propped up by the US during their war with Iran.

No ass munch, as usual you’re clueless. We’ve been committing “nefariousness” against Iran not the Middle East. ISIL’s rise – (ISIL has existed since at least 1999) is a result of Assad’s inability to crush a civil war and the Iraqi intransigence in establishing an effective government despite our help, not because of it.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 11:14 am

You can actually make the argument the only reason we stayed in Germany and Japan was mission change. Had the Soviet Union returned to it’s 1939 borders, I wonder if in fact we might have withdrawn by mid 1950s and the end of the Marshall Plan. And our role might have been more large scale construction contractors.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 10:53 am

All this retrospection. Here’s a simple reality, Iraq is borderline failed state. Would have happened anyway. Assume we didn’t go in there, and Saddam died from a heart attack two years ago. The Baathist party would have proabably killed his two sons, the Shi’a would have revolted, and we’d be right about where we are now. Lybia and Syria are failed states outright. And not by anything we did. They are failed states because their failed regimes died or are dying a slow death. (You think Russia is going to keep Assad propped up? At some point even they’ll realize it won’t work and leave). The current issue is a Sunni uprising in eastern Syria and Western Iraq. It’s created because civil authority in those regions has broken down, and been replaced with a radical group that gets its organizational capabilities from former Baathist military officers from Iraq and Syria. It’s greatest threat is to regional neighbors Jordan, Turkey and Iran. It’s second greatest impact is to Europe with a refugee crisis (that by the way has already hit Turkey, Jordan and Iran). It doesn’t require US boots. Bombs maybe. It requires a re-establishment of civil order in that region, and ony those in the region can do it.

Martha Green September 23, 2015 at 11:09 am

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Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 11:11 am

Man, was looking for a stimulating conversation and I got this shit.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:29 am

Here’s one thing though…..
The Russians/”old” Soviet Union have had a presence in Syria since the 1950’s and became the #1 suppliers of military equipment to Syria since then. They gave the Syrians the most up to date anti-aircraft systems in the world (AND the technicians to train and possibly even “man” those systems). During the onset of the Yom Kippur war they kicked the shit out of the Israeli Air Force while attempting to take the Golan (just like the Egyptians did in the Sinai ). We took ACTUAL NATO stock out of inventory and rushed to the Israelis in addition to direct flights from the US to reequip the Israelis – and stocks from South Korea to boot!!!. Not just munitions but the most up to date electronic counter measure stuff (‘jammers”, etc.).
I flew with a guy who told me that back in October 1973 he had to drive a tractor trailer through the narrow streets of some Korean town to deliver equipment/munitions to an airfield where the stuff was flown directly to Israel. That’s how bad the “invincible” Israeli’s needed our support during the Yom Kippur War………..
I post that to post this: The “Russians” have always coveted a warm water port and since the 1950’s they have been figuring a way to have one and Syria has always been the most logical location.
Looks like now’s their best chance……………………..

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 11:41 am

Well they’ve always felt the need to have a Med port to operate from. But they’re Navy is a joke, so is their port. It’s just part of Putin’s Trumpesque living in the past. As for the 1973 War, that’s long history, that prompted a willingness with Israel to come to terms with Sadat. (Israeli’s got a good ass kicking in 1973 – Sharon’s cross-canal venture was tactical and for show). But nevertheless, the ISIS deal has to be solved by the regional powers, not the US. We can assist, but we can’t win it.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 12:40 pm

The 1973 war AIN’T long history partner…
If we had gotten serious about not relying on Middle East Oil after the embargo ended in early 1974 we would not be near in the situation we are now…
It’s been tight rope/slack rope as far as an energy policy since then. Most Americans are so damn short-sighted (not to mention being spoiled as hell) all they care about is keeping their car full so they can go to the mall or next week’s ball game.
Looked what happened in just the last year, we were on the cusp of being energy independent then OPEC dropped their prices and now most of the oil fracking has evaporated and shitloads of folks have been laid off (not that I’m crazy about “fracking” or strip mining – BTW). The Saudi’s weren’t going to let that shit stand for long – they need the revenue to keep their citizens satisfied and not revolting.
Without a doubt oil prices fluctuate depending on supply and demand but oil is such an opiate that just like a junkie we are just looking for another ‘fix” to get us through the day and not looking at down the road…………..
If we aren’t careful we are going to pay for that one day………..
Fuck it might be too late…………….
Do you REALLY think that “regional powers’ will act if the shit hits the fan if ISIL gets control of Saudi Arabia?????
There are NO regional powers except Israel and I don’t think they are in a position to save Saudi Arabia unless Saudi gives them all the oil they can sell to save their treacherous ass and that would be a stretch that makes the distance from Earth to Pluto look short.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Sparkle – lovin’ the posts man. But remember, the Middle East of the 1970s and 1980s is long gone. Of the five primary “soviet” client states of that day – Egypt, Syria, Lybia and Iraq, realistically, only one of those nations is around now, and they are a western client state. Isreal’s security threat today is three fold. 1 – continued festering of the Palastinian issue that leads to 2 – ability of some states to leverage Palastinian angst to attack Israel and 3 – a long-term western reproachment with Iran. Let’s face it, Tehran is the big dog now. They have the largest population, most diverse economy, lots of oil and gas, and an expanding educated middle class. (Oh, and Egypt is a dump)

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:23 pm

I know where you are coming from and mostly agree
But like I have no-shit posted, I’ve been in 3 wars where someone tried to kill me and I have never been as scared as I was in October 1973. I wasn’t scared for myself (I had written myself off) I was scared for everything I loved and held dear being vaporized (or worse – living like shit for a few weeks before dying).
it was a life changing situation for me. All I’m saying that that region for whatever reason has an undue influence on this country and we have NOT learned the lessons we SHOULD have learned in 1973. The fundamental reasons for conflict are still there and we could have avoided or at least LESSENED their influence but sadly most Americans are so short-sighted.
Plain and simple; Do you play cards with a known cheater??
if you do you ought to know that going in. I wouldn’t even sit down at the table with a known cheater and this country ought to do the same. you can’t trust none of those motherfuckers.
I’m not talking isolationism whatsoever. maybe we should be more like Sweden or our good friends to the north – Canada.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 2:41 pm

I’m too young. All I remember from 1973 October – Dad didn’t come home for three days from the old bomb plant.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:48 pm

if so that adds another puzzle piece.
I do hope to write a story about the Yom Kippur war from the American perspective if I can.
“”The Two O’clock War” was by an American focusing on the airlift to Israel but there’s not been much on how it affected individual troops or underlying stuff like you refer to.
Thanks for the exchanges- I’ve enjoyed them as well.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 5:15 pm

No, not Savannah. Up north. Conventioanl bombs. I think our biggest impact of that war was having to stop every 45 minutes on the CT Turnpike to buy another $5 of gas.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:35 pm

Yep, that was the case all across the fruited plain from sea to shining sea…………..
Sadly how soon that was forgotten….
I NEVER did though………………and won’t till the day I die………..
I check the mileage stats on EVERY vehicle before I buy and monitor it’s gas mileage routinely, make sure the tires are properly inflated, personally change the air filter, fuel filter, plugs, oil & filter, ride my motorcycle (around 50 mpg) every time I have the opportunity (I’ll make ANY excuse to ride my “motorsykle”), don’t make unnecessary trips and plan accordingly and use mass transportation whenever the opportunity presents itself (Charlotte CATS is one hell of a deal at $3 round trip and you can bar hop a shitload without worrying about a DUI!!!)
I practice what I preach…October 1973 was a life changing event for me – that’s no BS…..

CNSYD September 23, 2015 at 4:05 pm

The bomb plant that never built a bomb?

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 5:14 pm

Different type of bombs. I see where you’re going with that.

CNSYD September 23, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Canada has no fears as we provide them protection and it doesn’t cost them a cent.

The Colonel September 23, 2015 at 12:39 pm

Syria and Egypt as well – in fact, the whole of the Middle East were Soviet client states when they got their asses handed to them by Israel (a US client state).

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:37 pm

Yp, but the Israeli’s were pissing their pants the first few days in October 1973 and would have nuked Cairo and Damascus if the Syrians had rolled down from the Golan rolled over Tiberias and headed straight for Hafia.
We might not be here if we had not bailed out Israel the first few weeks of the war.
You do know that “Benji” including his Chief of Staff for the Israeli Military went to Moscow with their “hats in their hands” to meet with Putin don’t you?
And what was it about you might ask???
Concern over Syria and the Golan that’s what………..

The Colonel September 23, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Israel can handle Syria in a stand up fight. However the days of their being able to handle Syria, Jordan, Egypt…are over. Fortunately, Jordan has a ruler with vision these days and Egypt is still struggling with their own internal security issues. The only thing that could tip the balance to Syria would be serious intervention by the Soviet Union Russia.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 1:57 pm

Honestly Colonel – as of this second – two retards and a corpse could handle Syria right now:)

The Colonel September 23, 2015 at 3:43 pm

Yeah well they’ve got two retards, a corpse and the Russian Bear to draw from.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 5:17 pm

Four retards then. Hey, didn’t you just love the way that Russian airborne battalion was destroyed last year with pre-directed artillery fire coordinated by cell phones. Or how about the time it took them a week to beat up Georgia, who was armed with crappy old T-72 tanks. Russians even managed to shoot down a few of their own planes and bomb a few of their own tanks. Fantastic fighters – just the best.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:58 pm

And that just might be evolving as we speak……………….
I’ll be looking over my shoulder from now through October.
As I posted, this time of the year has a lot of importance (as far as shit happening internationally) to me since I was 9 years old and saw Kennedy on TV
Fuck though, ain’t nothing I can do about it but say “I told you so” right after the sirens go off. A lot of satisfaction that’ll give me……….
I’ve never worried about myself but I’d sure hate to see the whole world go into the shitter……………….

Bibi September 25, 2015 at 3:00 pm

Iran provides the counter-balance in the Middle East to American & Israeli subterfuge. They could destroy most of the world with cobalt 60. This why they will never be attacked.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 1:57 pm

I’ve driven from Tiberias to Hafia – lovely country.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:03 pm

Been there myself.
Northern Israel and Elot are the only places in Israel I thought were nice. A lot of Israel is dumpy like most of the Middle East

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:10 pm

I have a short bucket list..
One is to go back to Israel and stay the entire time in the Golan. Visit the “Valley of Tears” and Mt. Hermon and other battlefields in the Golan. I was on military duty the last time I was there and didn’t get much of a chance to get out on my own
With all the shit going on there now, that might not be possible…..

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 2:42 pm

I’d like to go back to Jerusalem. After that my bucket list of countries is South Africa, Iran and New Zealand.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 3:00 pm

Golan, Wake Island, Attu (Aleutians- site of the largest Japanese Banzai of WWII) for me. I’ve been to the Aleutians but just to refuel on the way to Korea……
if I have time (and/or money) left = anywhere in Australia!!!

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 5:15 pm

Did Australia for work already. Nice – but the chicks are ugly as sin.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:38 pm

You are a lucky soul,,,,,,,,,,,

Backward and Ignorant September 23, 2015 at 11:17 am

Oliver Stone, Obama and FITSNews- 3 equally paired minds on foreign policy.

Stone suffers from BEING stoned. Obama is infected with ignorant liberalism..

What’s FITSNews excuse?

flip September 23, 2015 at 11:29 am

And Grandtango suffers from being born stupid!!!! LMAO!!!!

GrandTango September 23, 2015 at 11:43 am

Did you turn into a Liberal-Tarian too? What happened to our relationship?

FoneboneBesterTester September 23, 2015 at 4:37 pm

He gave up on his Tranny fixation? Even with a barrel of flour he couldn’t find the wet spot? You lit a fart and burned off his hairpiece? I give up. What did happen to your relationship?

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 11:50 am

Oliver Stone has created nauseating apologetics for Joseph Stalin and other historical villains including even Saddam Hussein, all of which are necessary to sustain his preposterous narrative of America as the great villain of a century in which America in fact defeated the two most monstrous regimes on human record – the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany – liberating more than a billion people in the process.

Obama thinks the same as Stone about America.Majority of contributors on FitsNews view America the same way as Stone. My guess is Fits is just feeding the American haters what they want.

Sticking Up For Saddam September 23, 2015 at 1:35 pm

If Stone stuck up for Saddam it doesn’t sound like he was much different than Bush or Rumsfeld.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 12:28 pm

Having a education, what’s yours ?

erneba September 23, 2015 at 11:26 am

I have mixed feelings about the situation in the Middle East. was it our fault, could the current mess have been avoided without our involvement?….yes…no…maybe. There is no way that can be determined.
But having an epiphany about the Middle East situation after Oliver Stone made his statements is like drawing inspiration from a turd.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:37 am

Somebody asked me what I thought about the “Middle East position” and I told them I liked it pretty good but it hurt my wife’s back………………………

RogueElephant September 23, 2015 at 9:31 pm

Damn. You finally said something that makes sense.

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 11:58 am

Shame FitsNews feeds the American hating sewer dwellers this bull shit about this great country.It really denigrates those that serve and gives aid and comfort to the enemy.

Stone has described the 9/11 attacks as merely an excuse America used to conduct criminal wars “against two Islamic nations” that caused “far more damage to the United States than Osama bin Laden ever could,” while “shredding the U.S. Constitution and the Geneva Convention” in the process.

Shame on FitsNews and Ron Paul can go to hell.

You Saving Their Seats? September 23, 2015 at 3:37 pm

I hope they don’t go to hell, who would want to spend eternity with you?

RogueElephant September 23, 2015 at 9:33 pm

Oliver Stone is a liar with a hatred for the USA and everything it stands for. Believeing him is STUPID.

flip September 23, 2015 at 11:28 am

Blunt? I thought this article was going to be about smoking the wacky weed! Disappointing FITS.

Manray9 September 23, 2015 at 11:45 am

“(T)he nefariousness began shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union…” I guess Stone hasn’t heard about the CIA overthrow of Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 to protect British and American oil interests. Or the incursions into Lebanon by Ike and later by St. Ronnie. Or Nixon’s anti-Soviet nuclear threats to protect Israel in 1973. Or…

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 12:15 pm

DEFCON 3 on 25/26 October 1973………..
Was there for the kick-off………………………….

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 12:16 pm

Actually, I was on the kick-off team……………..

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 12:55 pm

I have read some of your comments and find it disgraceful that you allegedly served this nation in the military and yet condemn,mock and ridicule your former commander(s) in chief while disrespecting this country and those that now serve in combat. Have you no dignity?

I grew up in a military area with many family members that have/do serve in the military and/or civil servants.NEVER have I seen or heard the disdain you express for your country and the military. I wore a POW bracelet of a friend of mine’s father who was shot down during the Vietnam War for years and still cherish that bracelet as a reminder of those that serve this country.

Thank you for your service however you need help my friend.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:14 pm

I served in uniform under 7 presidents…..(Nixon, Ford,Reagan, Bush #1, Clinton, Bush #2 and retired under “Obammer”)
My earliest recollection of a president was when “ike” had his heart attack and was 9 when Kennedy told us we would nuke Russia if they went forward with the missiles in Cuba. I’ve got recollections of every president from “Ike” to “Obammer”
The ONLY president I’ve EVER slammed on this blog or any other blog was that fool Reagan for getting the marines and other US military personnel killed in Beiruit back in 1983.
I have no fucking idea how you get the impression I don’t respect this country or the commander in chiefs I served for 25 years —let alone even a shred of evidence of disdain for the military or this great country.
You either need to get your meds changed or get off the ones you are on.
You’re nucking futs………….

guest September 23, 2015 at 1:20 pm

NicK Chucker is another alias account for flip/fc/sandi morals or whatever name the clown is going by today. Wouldn’t waste my time replying to a known liar.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:26 pm

I’ll keep that in mind next time……….

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 2:22 pm

That is my point also. Got out in 84 after my buddies died. They didn’t issue ammo so we were just targets. Hope Reagan burns hot !

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:37 pm

The “myth’ of Reagan as a tough guy is slowly coming out……..
Sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like to lose friends and I get a knot in my gut every time I think about those 8 airmen dying during the Iranian Rescue attempt and those ‘holy” men spitting on what was left of their charred remains.
I don’t blame Carter as much as some but he ought to have least nuked one damn Iranian city or maybe even the LZ just to let those pukes know how disgusting they were after they did that.

CNSYD September 23, 2015 at 3:23 pm

If you have seen the interviews of the former Soviet spy who refused to return when ordered toward the end of the Cold War, you will find out that of the only three things the former Soviet Union leaders feared, one was Ronald Reagan. They were convinced he would push the button. So he was not a tough guy?

tomstickler September 23, 2015 at 3:51 pm

“Tough guy”? No, they thought the “football” was within reach of a senile, two-bit actor!

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 4:48 pm

Reagan sent troops into Lebanon against the advice by high ranking military advisers not to do so.
In fact one high ranking admiral is quoted as saying something to the effect “that fool is going to get our people killed’ after we shelled terrorist ‘training camps’ from offshore.
After the Beirut Barracks bombing he swore retribution against the terrorists who did it, put what was left of the military force back on ships and promptly (and quietly I might add) sailed away………..
He did have that big obsolete battleship lob shells into the Baka Valley but that was for show right before the fleet sailed away
That old fool got hundreds of troops killed and sailed away. Some tough guy – yeah….
Also, it is documented that after Reagan saw a private showing of “The Day After” (the US miniseries depecting a nuclear war between the US & USSR) it shook him so that he started arms reduction talks because he finally realized what he was facing.
So much for having the balls to “push the button”

TontoBubbaGoldstein September 23, 2015 at 7:45 pm

…you will find out that of the only three things the former Soviet Union leaders feared, one was Ronald Reagan.

TBG assumes another was Keyser Soze.

What was the third?

CNSYD September 24, 2015 at 10:17 am

AIDS was one. That is how the subject spy convinced them he needed to stay in the US. He told them he had AIDS (he didn’t) and needed to stay here for treatment.

CNSYD September 24, 2015 at 12:11 pm

TBG you will like that the 3rd thing the Soviets feared were Jewish people.

You Are Disgusting September 23, 2015 at 1:39 pm

sparklecity has more patriotism in the cuticle of his pinky than you do in your entire body you sick little douche.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 1:55 pm

“I grew up in a military area with many family members that have/do serve in the military and/or civil servants.” – Your Mother must be proud. In any event, every soldier, active duty or inactive, has the right to question the motiviations and the outcomes of the politicians who have the power to send them into harms way. Aside from being soldiers who sacrifice, they are also citizens with every right bestowed therein, including the right to disagree, voice their opinions and share their views based on their experiences. if it doesn’t fit your “livin’ near real military heros” view, too bad.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 2:19 pm

Who cares what you think ?

Manray9 September 23, 2015 at 5:39 pm

I believe having served your country in uniform enhances your standing in criticizing, condemning, mocking and ridiculing any elements of the nation’s authorities. That’s the very attitude you served to protect. Service lends credence to your criticism.

I retired from the U.S. Navy in 1995 and boast a hearty and healthy skepticism of those holding high positions. I’ve seen them up close. Take it from me — they ain’t that great.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 11:16 pm

Well posted —–I concur 100%.
The question needs to be asked:
What would “Stormin’ Norman” do if he were alive today???? He knew events were unfolding and would not sell out – that’s why he did not run for prez…….
Sadly he has passed and Powell kinda/sorta sold out…..
Too bad for all of us……………..

Crooner September 23, 2015 at 12:02 pm

The mantra is “we fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.” Which really means we offer up our volunteer forces as sacrificial lambs so that the bad guys that want to kill Americans don’t have to make it to our mainland to do so.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 12:30 pm

Good comment and correct.

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 12:46 pm


Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 1:25 pm

When I figured out we were just targets it was time to get out, I’m not a fool.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 1:46 pm

Like ‘guest” posted, ignore shit like that..
Used to be I knew not to respond to “GT’ but looks like he/she/it has taken numerous handles so we gotta be selective to what we answer to so as not to fall into the rabbit hole of some dip who gets a perverted pleasure of posting shit like that.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 2:30 pm

Thanks, it’s hard to keep up with the changing names at times.

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 12:59 pm

That’s why I think there should be an American Foreign Legion patterned after the French Foreign Legion – just for dirty shit like we’ve had to face since 1991…..
Then bring back the draft for home defense and a small professional military service augmented with reserves for strategic warfare (nuclear weapon branch,blue water navy, strategic air, developing weapony, etc.)
I’m serious as hell about that………….

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 2:16 pm

Agreed, how many, 10,000 ?

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:27 pm

Warheads/big honking lasers or active duty personnel?

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 2:29 pm

Personnel for the legion

sparklecity September 23, 2015 at 2:42 pm

Got ya’…..Just kidding around some!
I really don’t know what the number would be but if I had to guess it might be 25-50k. it would have to be “beefier’ than the French Legion – I would think……….
Just because of what we might have to do……
I still think big honking lasers would have their place!!!!!!!

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 2:44 pm

We have that. They train in San Diego initially.

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 12:46 pm

Volunteer.Look it up.

Lulz September 23, 2015 at 1:34 pm

Chickenhawk. Look it up.

Speak D Truth September 23, 2015 at 12:13 pm

If Bill Clinton had taken out Bin Laden in the mid nineties after the first WTC attempt then the 9/11 attacks wouldn’t have happened. Even when they made it here we didn’t respond, we kept lax border security under Clinton and let them enter our country again. 9/11 was executed under Bush’s watched but it was planned and put in place under Clinton’s. When 9/11 happened we took to them in their backyard. I would much rather fight our enemies in their backyards and not ours.

Nick Chucker September 23, 2015 at 12:45 pm

When Bush decided to take on the terrorist-supporting, UN-defying regime of Saddam Hussein, Democrats went into full war mode against him, against the “war on terror” and against America’s mission to defeat the al-Qaeda armies that had assembled in Iraq. Their sabotage of the war went on for five years, making it impossible for Bush to take on the terror-supporting regimes in Syria, Iran and elsewhere.

Democrats are to blame for the crisis in the middle east.

TontoBubbaGoldstein September 23, 2015 at 7:51 pm

When Bush decided to take on the terrorist-supporting, UN-defying regime of Saddam Hussein, Democrats went into full war mode against him, against the “war on terror” and against America’s mission to defeat the al-Qaeda armies that had assembled in Iraq. Their sabotage of the war went on for five years, making it impossible for Bush to take on the terror-supporting regimes in Syria, Iran and elsewhere.

Democrats are to blame for the crisis in the middle east.

Well done, Sir.
TBG hasn’t seen this much misinformation packed into a fairly brief comment since the glory days of BigT/GrandTango. Should have thrown in a “Dumb@$$” or two, though.

RogueElephant September 23, 2015 at 9:36 pm

These America / Bush haters know who they are. Burn in Hell all of them.

Rocky Verdad September 23, 2015 at 1:39 pm

As opposed to getting a briefing about potential airline hijackings and refusing to do anything like, oh I dunno, deploy more air marshals?

Speak D Truth September 23, 2015 at 2:45 pm

If Clinton had allowed more communication between our foreign intelligence services and our domestic security services then the second attack could have most likely been stopped. If immigration laws had been enforced then the terrorists would have been deported for overstaying their visas. If we had kicked the ever living shit out of them after the first WTC attack then they wouldn’t have been able to carry out the 2nd attack. If Clinton had given the word to take out Bin Laden when they had him in their sights then this wouldn’t have happened.

Bibi September 25, 2015 at 2:51 pm

911 was an Israeli false flag attack to lure America into Middle Eastern wars.

Speak D Truth September 26, 2015 at 9:08 am

Put your tin foil hat back on.

Bible Thumper September 23, 2015 at 12:16 pm

It all starts with America. British and French colonialism has no part in Middle-east problems. The Treaty of Versailles has nothing to do with Middle-east problems. The Ottoman Empire has nothing to do with Arab instability. The Balfour declaration was America’s doing.

It was all peaceful bliss before America got involved. Right?

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 23, 2015 at 12:29 pm

Smart man !

9" September 23, 2015 at 12:37 pm

Oliver Stone did his country a great disservice w/the movie,JFK.Most Americans believe there was a conspiracy behind the assassination,when there wasn’t .I don’t trust anything he has to say…

CNSYD September 23, 2015 at 3:14 pm

The Mafia took both Kennedys out. In the words of the Sicilian proverb, revenge is a dish best served cold. Joe Kennedy set up both his sons when he made a deal with the Chicago mob for votes and then double crossed them. He thought the Kennedys were Teflon.

9' September 24, 2015 at 3:09 pm

That isn’t true.You’ve made the case

Bibi September 25, 2015 at 2:48 pm

The Mossad took out JFK because he demanded accountability for it’s nuclear weapons program. Every president since will not mention it, though it is common knowledge that the fascist so-called State of Israel harbors hundreds of nuclear weapons.

9" September 26, 2015 at 5:21 pm


Dan ruck September 23, 2015 at 1:13 pm

I remember when the mainstream press asked Dick Cheney during the U.S. buildup in Iraq what America’s exit strategy was. Cheney answered straight-up “There is no exit strategy.”
The U.S. built its string of bases across the Middle East extra strong because there was no plan in the neocon era to ever leave the Middle East. The oil there was too important.
Today the neocons are gone from some top jobs and America has enjoyed seven years of peace as a result, but our objective remains little changed: Impose peace on the Middle East (by non-violent means when possible).

RogueElephant September 23, 2015 at 9:38 pm

“seven years od peace in the middle east” Remember that statement as the rag heads cut off your head.

intlet9949 September 24, 2015 at 10:55 am

The war in Afghanistan was nothing more than a blank check for the armament industry who kicked back political donations to our elected leaders. On the rare occasion the networks covered the war the viewer was shown rugged mountains and goat farms, which brought to mind….what threat does this third world, drug infested, child raping country pose to the US.

If you have an hour watch Is This What Winning Looks Like. This is a documentary showing how your $8 billion a month was spent in Afghanistan. I recommend a strong drink afterwards.

Bibi September 25, 2015 at 2:39 pm

Oliver Stone is right on regarding American imperialism. The USA & Israel are the leading terrorist nations on this planet.


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