|| By FITSNEWS || As if former Florida governor Jeb Bush wasn’t already struggling mightily with “First in the South” GOP primary voters …
Yeah …
That’s Bush hamming it up with University of Georgia fans on Saturday during the Bulldogs’ 52-20 bulldozing of the University of South Carolina.
How many votes you think that pic will win him?
LMAO!!! Great pic Fits!!! Bush is a joke.I would vote for Bernie Sanders before I would Gomer Bush Pyle!!!
The Republican Party is for old white men. I’m voting for Bernie. LOL LOL LOL
Agreed, vote democrat cause republicans aren’t republicans.
Some Republicans are still REAL Republicans. You have to pick and choose. Issues still matter.
Yep, but we can probably hold out until they all die off. It can’t be much longer.
Ben Carson is an old white guy?
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How is that Lee “not very” Bright vote going?
I love Bernie, LMAO!!!
I see someone with very low energy in the middle of a group of very high energy people.
That pic is not the Wharton School of Business?
Jeb could’ve at least taken a shirtless picture with Spurrier.
Looks like a coming put party.
Considering that his state’s football teams own those in Georgia and the Carolinas, he can do this and if would only be taken as being tongue-in-cheek.